Boston Marathon Bombing

Putting you on "ignore", Sarge.

I hope you enjoy PoIt's company. Before long, each of you will have most of the board on ignore.

Toodles! can sure tell who are the fragile posters and who aren't.
Poet and numan certainly are fragile and should be handled with kid gloves.
true! they might just do fatal injury to themselves and that would be greatest act of selflessness they could ever do for mankind. (sarcasm optional)
CaféAuLait;7158410 said:
Official: Russia heard Boston suspects' mother 'discussing jihad'

(CNN) -- Russia intercepted a communication between the mother of the accused Boston Marathon bombers and someone who may have been one of her sons "discussing jihad" in 2011, according to a U.S. official with knowledge of the investigation.

Official: Russia heard Boston suspects' mother 'discussing jihad' -

It's time to send in a drone to blow that loudmouth bitch mother up.
Just what are you planning ahead for?
Putting you on "ignore", Sarge.

I hope you enjoy PoIt's company. Before long, each of you will have most of the board on ignore.


I think a lot of us would really appreciate being put on ignore by several members who don't seem to be able to articulate a rationale for their point of view but who attack the stated opinions/perceptions/beliefs of the rest of us with predictable regularity. Mostly with pure nonsense unsupportable by anything of substance mind you. :)

But the idiots, numbnuts, trolls, paid operatives, and other exercises in futility have been pretty successful in derailing this thread. :)
Yep. I'm pretty good with a scroll button, but its difficult to ignore the deliberate detractors and idiots when they go on for page after page after page. I've seem some spam threads with 20 or more posts in a row, all garbage. I'm afraid such does not impress me in the least but does make me shake my head at how empty of rational thought some people are.

But I keep coming back to this thread with hope that we eventually will get back on topic because this event was important enough to merit some rational observations and thought.
I'm surprised there haven't been any comments on the mother and wife..... Of course this thread has been off track for days and there are probably new threads out there......
I'm surprised there haven't been any comments on the mother and wife..... Of course this thread has been off track for days and there are probably new threads out there......

Wife? I missed that one. We have seen the mother's media interview over and over and over and over. . . .okay a LOT. . . .but my cynical self objects to that as the focal point of the investigation right now. Note it yes. Be aware of it yes. Keep looking for links to radicalization as that may be really important when this comes to trial, yes.

But when that begins to shift the cause/blame away from the bomber himself, I resist that. He made the choice. He chose his path. He did it. And we should not evoke any sympathy or excuse or diversion from responsibility/accountablity for that whatsoever.
I'm more like wondering why there aren't any more stories about the wife. I heard her mentioned for a day or so then nothing..... I also wonder how much she knew.......
Yep. I'm pretty good with a scroll button, but its difficult to ignore the deliberate detractors and idiots when they go on for page after page after page. I've seem some spam threads with 20 or more posts in a row, all garbage. I'm afraid such does not impress me in the least but does make me shake my head at how empty of rational thought some people are.

But I keep coming back to this thread with hope that we eventually will get back on topic because this event was important enough to merit some rational observations and thought.

Well, you could always put Jake on ignore and not see it....
Putting you on "ignore", Sarge.

I hope you enjoy PoIt's company. Before long, each of you will have most of the board on ignore.

Toodles! can sure tell who are the fragile posters and who aren't.
Poet and numan certainly are fragile and should be handled with kid gloves.

How about a standard disclaimer?

: Extreme amounts of sarcasm can possibly result in inflammatory situations. Not responsible for keyboard violence, spittle on the monitor, irrational responses mistaken for momentary brilliance, one-sided rages against hypocrisy or individual members or unintended consequences such as poor personal hygiene and bad spelling. Please fasten your seatbelts and put your trays in an upright position.
Yep. I'm pretty good with a scroll button, but its difficult to ignore the deliberate detractors and idiots when they go on for page after page after page. I've seem some spam threads with 20 or more posts in a row, all garbage. I'm afraid such does not impress me in the least but does make me shake my head at how empty of rational thought some people are.

But I keep coming back to this thread with hope that we eventually will get back on topic because this event was important enough to merit some rational observations and thought.

Well, you could always put Jake on ignore and not see it....

LOL. On this particular thread, Jake has not been the problem. :)
Boston probe eyes slain Canadian jihadist, source says

(CNN) -- Federal agents are looking into possible links between dead Boston Marathon bomb suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev and a Canadian boxer-turned-jihadist killed by Russian troops in 2012, a source being briefed on the investigation said Monday.

William Plotnikov and six others died in a firefight with Russian forces in the southwestern republic of Dagestan in July 2012, while Tsarnaev was visiting the region, the source said. The 23-year-old Plotnikov had been born in Russia, but his family moved to Canada when he was a teenager.

The source said Plotnikov's body was prepared for burial by a local imam on July 14. Tamerlan Tsarnaev flew out of Dagestan two days later, arriving in New York on July 17. Investigators are looking into the possibility he left because of Plotnikov's death, the source said.

Additionally, the source says investigators are looking into whether Tsarnaev had any contact with another militant named Mahmoud Mansur Nidal, 18, who was killed by Russian forces in May 2012 during a gun battle in Makhachkala, Dagestan's capital.

Boston probe eyes slain Canadian jihadist, source says -

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