Boston Marathon Bombing

"Sibel Deniz Edmonds (born 1970)[1] is an Iranian-American[2] former FBI translator and founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC).

"Edmonds gained public attention following her firing from her position as a language specialist at the FBI's Washington Field Office in March 2002, after she accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving foreign nationals, alleging serious acts of security breaches, cover-ups, and intentional blocking of intelligence which, she contended, presented a danger to the United States' security.

"Her later claims have gained her awards and fame as a whistleblower.[3]

In March 2012, she published a memoir, titled Classified Woman – The Sibel Edmonds Story.[4]

Edmonds testified before the 9/11 Commission, but her testimony was excluded from the official 567 page 9/11 Commission Report.[5]"

Sibel Edmonds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Speculation...... As things currently stand.....
What if her quid-pro-quo of Chechnya and Syria comes to pass?

Then her expertise in the FBI when dealing with the CIA is bona fide and her analysis is spot on. One must remember, the Department of Homeland security was not formed to streamline intelligence and pool resources, it was meant to take the national power and covert intelligence out of the hands of Americans and put it firmly in the hands of global power brokers. They didn't want the FBI mucking things up in their operations.

Cut them off at the knees and rip their spine out. The biggest threat to the official 911 fantasy story WAS the FBI. The man that they put in charge of security at the Twin Towers was the man in the FBI who knew the most about Islamic Terrorism in the United States. He was our "Fox Mulder." He's gone now. "They've" gutted our FBI. She knows this.
Speculation...... As things currently stand.....
What if her quid-pro-quo of Chechnya and Syria comes to pass?

Then her expertise in the FBI when dealing with the CIA is bona fide and her analysis is spot on. One must remember, the Department of Homeland security was not formed to streamline intelligence and pool resources, it was meant to take the national power and covert intelligence out of the hands of Americans and put it firmly in the hands of global power brokers. They didn't want the FBI mucking things up in their operations.

Cut them off at the knees and rip their spine out. The biggest threat to the official 911 fantasy story WAS the FBI. The man that they put in charge of security at the Twin Towers was the man in the FBI who knew the most about Islamic Terrorism in the United States. He was our "Fox Mulder." He's gone now. "They've" gutted our FBI. She knows this.
She might know that and a hell of a lot more.
"John Patrick O'Neill (February 6, 1952 – September 11, 2001) was an American counter-terrorism expert, who worked as a special agent and eventually a Special Agent in Charge in the Federal Bureau of Investigation until late 2001. In 1995, O'Neill began to intensely study the roots of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing after he assisted in the capture of Ramzi Yousef, who was the leader of that plot."

John P. O'Neill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PUBLISHED: 22:46 EST, 30 April 2013 | UPDATED: 08:02 EST, 1 May 2013

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sent a written warning about accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2012, long before pressure-cooker blasts killed three and injured hundreds, according to a senior Saudi government official with direct knowledge of the document.
The Saudi warning, the official told MailOnline, was separate from the multiple red flags raised by Russian intelligence in 2011, and was based on human intelligence developed independently in Yemen.
Citing security concerns, the Saudi government also denied an entry visa to the elder Tsarnaev brother in December 2011, when he hoped to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, the source said. Tsarnaev's plans to visit Saudi Arabia have not been previously disclosed.

Read more: Saudi official: Kingdom 'warned the United States IN WRITING about Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2012 and rejected his application for an entry visa to visit Mecca in 2011' | Mail Online

Even the Saudi's were concerned enough about Tsarnaev, to deny him entry, yet Homeland Security had no concerns about him. Wonder how many warnings it takes to make them sit up and take notice.
PUBLISHED: 22:46 EST, 30 April 2013 | UPDATED: 08:02 EST, 1 May 2013

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sent a written warning about accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2012, long before pressure-cooker blasts killed three and injured hundreds, according to a senior Saudi government official with direct knowledge of the document.
The Saudi warning, the official told MailOnline, was separate from the multiple red flags raised by Russian intelligence in 2011, and was based on human intelligence developed independently in Yemen.
Citing security concerns, the Saudi government also denied an entry visa to the elder Tsarnaev brother in December 2011, when he hoped to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, the source said. Tsarnaev's plans to visit Saudi Arabia have not been previously disclosed.

Read more: Saudi official: Kingdom 'warned the United States IN WRITING about Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2012 and rejected his application for an entry visa to visit Mecca in 2011' | Mail Online

Even the Saudi's were concerned enough about Tsarnaev, to deny him entry, yet Homeland Security had no concerns about him. Wonder how many warnings it takes to make them sit up and take notice.

We really are not well-served by our security agencies. They formed Homeland Security after 9/11 specifically BECAUSE it was obvious both the FBI and CIA had missed a whole lot. And not just bin Laden: the anthrax and embassy attacks and so on.

Both Russia and Saudi Arabia warned us about this guy and Saudi Arabia wouldn't let him in to do Hadj? And our guys pay NO, zero, attention to it?????

Your taxpayer dollar at work. [:-0
There's also the possibility of the CIA stopping FBI investigations into certain forms of terrorism.
For example: was it possible the bombings in Boston have any relation to the Great Game in Syria?

"During my April 22 interview for Boiling Frogs Post EyeOpener Report (See here) I provided three possible US objectives associated with the Boston Terror incident.

"I emphasized the first possible scenario as the most likely: Removing Russia as the obstacle in invading Syria. I pointed out that to achieve this objective a back-door deal could have been struck with Russia. What sort of a deal? Here is what I hypothesized..."

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
PUBLISHED: 22:46 EST, 30 April 2013 | UPDATED: 08:02 EST, 1 May 2013


We really are not well-served by our security agencies. They formed Homeland Security after 9/11 specifically BECAUSE it was obvious both the FBI and CIA had missed a whole lot. And not just bin Laden: the anthrax and embassy attacks and so on.

Both Russia and Saudi Arabia warned us about this guy and Saudi Arabia wouldn't let him in to do Hadj? And our guys pay NO, zero, attention to it?????

Your taxpayer dollar at work. [:-0

(My bold)

Read Enemies, a history of the FBI, Tim Weiner, & The Haunted Wood - Soviet espionage in America - the Stalin era - Allen Weinstein & A. Vassiliev. The FBI was completely overwhelmed with leads, data, calls - when Prexy W authorized NSA to copy FBI on e-mail, telex, telegram, fax, phone, Internet, mail post-09/11. They spent valuable time chasing hundreds of leads - especially the Extraordinary Rendition "confessions" - which were useless. FBI did hold the line & refused to take part in torture.

CIA caved - as OSS was also useless. CIA has become used to spreading bags of cash around, as if loyalty could be rented or bought.

FBI has struggled & struggled - they lost good people, burned out or to drink or other personal problems. Marriages broke up & so on. They are getting better @ it - but it takes time to go from 0 to 120mph. CIA is now merely another office for some recently-retired military panjundrum to park his backside, on the way to remunerative consulting work in the MIC.
Maybe because they declared a holy War against us?
When did Yemen declare war on us?

Come on George, stop being disingenuous. You're not clever enough to pull it off.

Islam declare war on us, and has prosecuted that war with vigor. This latest attack in Boston is just another battle - which is viewed as a major victory by the Islamic world. Maybe they will build a Mosque on the site of the bombings - in fact it is almost a certainty.
FBI has struggled & struggled - they lost good people, burned out or to drink or other personal problems. Marriages broke up & so on. They are getting better @ it - but it takes time to go from 0 to 120mph. CIA is now merely another office for some recently-retired military panjundrum to park his backside, on the way to remunerative consulting work in the MIC.

Golly, I'm really sorry that the FBI has marriage problems and agents get burned out or drink too much, that's so very sad....................................

I guess I'm asking too much to think the richest country by FAR in the whole entire world have decent security agencies that do a decent job!!!

Plainly I am asking too much, because they do a PUKEY job.
Fox News reported this morning that they noticed a police tweet that three more people had been taken into custody. They checked it out and say police confirmed that they had arrested three more individuals. No details available yet on who or why, but it is related to the Boston Marathon bombing.

Maybe film at 11?
Fox News reported this morning that they noticed a police tweet that three more people had been taken into custody. They checked it out and say police confirmed that they had arrested three more individuals. No details available yet on who or why, but it is related to the Boston Marathon bombing.

Maybe film at 11?

Hmmmmmmm.......very interesting. It would sure make more SENSE if it were some kind of conspiracy ---- at this point it all seems so pointless.
Fox News reported this morning that they noticed a police tweet that three more people had been taken into custody. They checked it out and say police confirmed that they had arrested three more individuals. No details available yet on who or why, but it is related to the Boston Marathon bombing.

Maybe film at 11?

Hmmmmmmm.......very interesting. It would sure make more SENSE if it were some kind of conspiracy ---- at this point it all seems so pointless.

Depends on ones definition of conspiracy I suppose. :) But yes, for those of us who instinctively can't quite accept the concept that these two young men dreamed this up and committed such a horrendous act all on their own, it is almost reassuring to have confirmation of them beng part of a larger plot.

It isn't that we WANT more terrorists in the world. But we don't want to be stupid and complacent either, and it is reassuring to know that those entrusted with keeping our society safer have not been lulled into complacency either.
Then again, maybe this wasn't so reassuring after all. . . .

BOSTON (AP) — Three more suspects were taken into custody in the Boston Marathon bombing case, including two college friends of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev who came to the U.S. from Kazakhstan, officials said Wednesday.

The allegations against them were not immediately disclosed. Gov. Deval Patrick, who said he was briefed on the investigation, told reporters it's his understanding that the suspects had nothing to do with the bombings but helped the suspect after the fact.

Three people were killed and more than 260 injured on April 15 when two bombs exploded near the finish line. Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev died after a gunfight with police several days later. His brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was captured and lies in a hospital prison.

Linda Cristello, a Boston attorney who represented Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev in immigration court Wednesday morning, said her clients now face separate federal charges and have an afternoon court appearance related to the bombing case.

The two have been held in jail for more than a week on allegations that they violated their student visas while attending the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Christina DiIorio-Sterling, a spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, told reporters gathered outside federal court that the charges are expected to be unsealed Wednesday afternoon when they make their initial appearance before a magistrate judge.

The identity of the third new suspect wasn't immediately released. A law enforcement official briefed on the investigation but not authorized to talk about it told The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity that it was a man.
More here:
Police: 3 more in custody in Boston bombings | General Headlines | Comcast
Then again, maybe this wasn't so reassuring after all. . . .

BOSTON (AP) — Three more suspects were taken into custody in the Boston Marathon bombing case, including two college friends of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev who came to the U.S. from Kazakhstan, officials said Wednesday.

The allegations against them were not immediately disclosed. Gov. Deval Patrick, who said he was briefed on the investigation, told reporters it's his understanding that the suspects had nothing to do with the bombings but helped the suspect after the fact.

Three people were killed and more than 260 injured on April 15 when two bombs exploded near the finish line. Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev died after a gunfight with police several days later. His brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was captured and lies in a hospital prison.

Linda Cristello, a Boston attorney who represented Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev in immigration court Wednesday morning, said her clients now face separate federal charges and have an afternoon court appearance related to the bombing case.

The two have been held in jail for more than a week on allegations that they violated their student visas while attending the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Christina DiIorio-Sterling, a spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, told reporters gathered outside federal court that the charges are expected to be unsealed Wednesday afternoon when they make their initial appearance before a magistrate judge.

The identity of the third new suspect wasn't immediately released. A law enforcement official briefed on the investigation but not authorized to talk about it told The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity that it was a man.
More here:
Police: 3 more in custody in Boston bombings | General Headlines | Comcast

They so need to be deported, at the very least.
I read something today that said the family of the bombers had collected more than $100,000 in welfare. Something is seriously wrong with this country.
It gets worse...

"Here's something to think about when you hear politicians talk about the federal budget deficit: every single Hellfire missile fired in Afghanistan costs $58,000.00."

NOT WORTH IT: Every Hellfire missile fired in Afghanistan costs USD58,000 « RAWA News
So far this year, coalition aircraft have used 4,615 bombs and Hellfire missiles, already exceeding the 4,184 dropped in all of last year.
WHOOPIE !! At least the War Profiteers are not suffering in the current Economic Depression ! · ·

Fox News reported this morning that they noticed a police tweet that three more people had been taken into custody. They checked it out and say police confirmed that they had arrested three more individuals. No details available yet on who or why, but it is related to the Boston Marathon bombing.

Maybe film at 11?

Rumor has it that one of these people had a "terrista" or some variation of terrorist in it's feminine form, as a license plate.

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