Boston Marathon Bombing

Don't see many of those losers engaging in terrorism.

Your allies OTH......
since they support the same style of tyranny you do, that makes you a loser too.
the "your allies" comment is another prime example of your need to spew false assumptions..
btw.... their whole philosophy and yours is based on terrorism and bigotry.
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Maybe because they declared a holy War against us?
When did Yemen declare war on us?

Come on George, stop being disingenuous. You're not clever enough to pull it off.

Islam declare war on us, and has prosecuted that war with vigor. This latest attack in Boston is just another battle - which is viewed as a major victory by the Islamic world. Maybe they will build a Mosque on the site of the bombings - in fact it is almost a certainty.
Why don't you stop shilling for Wall Street and compare the number of children murdered and maimed by Muslims behind the "Orange Curtain" with those murdered and maimed by capitalism's hired killers in Fallujah? Or would that threaten your New World Order?
I read something today that said the family of the bombers had collected more than $100,000 in welfare. Something is seriously wrong with this country.
It gets worse...

"Here's something to think about when you hear politicians talk about the federal budget deficit: every single Hellfire missile fired in Afghanistan costs $58,000.00."

NOT WORTH IT: Every Hellfire missile fired in Afghanistan costs USD58,000 « RAWA News
So far this year, coalition aircraft have used 4,615 bombs and Hellfire missiles, already exceeding the 4,184 dropped in all of last year.
WHOOPIE !! At least the War Profiteers are not suffering in the current Economic Depression ! · ·

Think of it as the 7% Recovery:

"From the end of the recession in 2009 through 2011 (the last year for which Census Bureau wealth data are available), the 8 million households in the U.S. with a net worth above $836,033 saw their aggregate wealth rise by an estimated $5.6 trillion, while the 111 million households with a net worth at or below that level saw their aggregate wealth decline by an estimated $600 billion.” Pew Research, An Uneven Recovery, by Richard Fry & Paul Taylor."

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
I doubt you even pay taxes what's your bitch?
Killing civilians is a war crime, that's my bitch; why isn't it yours?

"Powerful Americans are beginning to listen to Farea al-Muslimi, a 23-year-old, California-educated Yemeni who wants to stop the drone strikes in his country. Including some in the White House.

"Danger Room has confirmed that before he leaves Washington D.C. on Friday, al-Muslimi will meet with White House officials to tell them what he told a Senate subcommittee yesterday: CIA and military drone strikes are strengthening al-Qaida’s Yemeni affiliate and making average Yemenis hate America."

Why do you suppose powerful, star-spangled bitches are deliberately killing innocent Muslims across the Middle East?

Drones Watch | A coalition campaign to monitor and regulate drone use
civilians are always killed in every war ever fought.
get over it.
It's getting old.

"'[H]ad the Confederates somehow won, had their victory put them in position to bring their chief opponents before some sort of tribunal, they would have found themselves justified . . . in stringing up President Lincoln and the entire Union high command for violation of the laws of war, specifically for waging war against noncombatants.'"

~ Lee Kennett, Marching through Georgia: A Life of William Tecumseh Sherman, p. 286"

Malice Toward All, Charity Toward None: The Foundations of the American State by Thomas DiLorenzo

Don't see many of those losers engaging in terrorism.

Your allies OTH......
since they support the same style of tyranny you do, that makes you a loser too.
the "your allies" comment is another prime example of your need to spew false assumptions..
btw.... their whole philosophy and yours is based on terrorism and bigotry.

Dumb ass what tyranny would that be?
Are you saying the Constitution is tyranny?
Killing civilians is a war crime, that's my bitch; why isn't it yours?

"Powerful Americans are beginning to listen to Farea al-Muslimi, a 23-year-old, California-educated Yemeni who wants to stop the drone strikes in his country. Including some in the White House.

"Danger Room has confirmed that before he leaves Washington D.C. on Friday, al-Muslimi will meet with White House officials to tell them what he told a Senate subcommittee yesterday: CIA and military drone strikes are strengthening al-Qaida’s Yemeni affiliate and making average Yemenis hate America."

Why do you suppose powerful, star-spangled bitches are deliberately killing innocent Muslims across the Middle East?

Drones Watch | A coalition campaign to monitor and regulate drone use
civilians are always killed in every war ever fought.
get over it.
It's getting old.

"'[H]ad the Confederates somehow won, had their victory put them in position to bring their chief opponents before some sort of tribunal, they would have found themselves justified . . . in stringing up President Lincoln and the entire Union high command for violation of the laws of war, specifically for waging war against noncombatants.'"

~ Lee Kennett, Marching through Georgia: A Life of William Tecumseh Sherman, p. 286"

Malice Toward All, Charity Toward None: The Foundations of the American State by Thomas DiLorenzo
Don't see many of those losers engaging in terrorism.

Your allies OTH......
since they support the same style of tyranny you do, that makes you a loser too.
the "your allies" comment is another prime example of your need to spew false assumptions..
btw.... their whole philosophy and yours is based on terrorism and bigotry.

Dumb ass what tyranny would that be?
Are you saying the Constitution is tyranny?
wow! I was right! you are as ignorant as you seem...
the dumb ass is all you ..a neo Nazi are we?

they say the "terrorista" plate

was a joke

They had assaultive slogans all over their car, if you read the article. They also stole the BMW, of course. And they had no obvious means of support: Russian Mafia drug trade, I bet. They were already in trouble with immigration, being here illegally. Why, oh why, do we let these types in at all and then let them stay when we KNOW they are here illegally being criminals????

This country is going down like the Titanic because we let in the worst of the world to take over the place.
they say the "terrorista" plate

was a joke

They had assaultive slogans all over their car, if you read the article. They also stole the BMW, of course. And they had no obvious means of support: Russian Mafia drug trade, I bet. They were already in trouble with immigration, being here illegally. Why, oh why, do we let these types in at all and then let them stay when we KNOW they are here illegally being criminals????

This country is going down like the Titanic because we let in the worst of the world to take over the place.

yes i know

i am just repeating what their lawyers are saying
There's also the possibility of the CIA stopping FBI investigations into certain forms of terrorism.
For example: was it possible the bombings in Boston have any relation to the Great Game in Syria?

"During my April 22 interview for Boiling Frogs Post EyeOpener Report (See here) I provided three possible US objectives associated with the Boston Terror incident.

"I emphasized the first possible scenario as the most likely: Removing Russia as the obstacle in invading Syria. I pointed out that to achieve this objective a back-door deal could have been struck with Russia. What sort of a deal? Here is what I hypothesized..."

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

As per post #1822 things do seem to be heading in that direction. Just recently at her site she posted. . .
Russia urges Syria to abide by Geneva Protocol on chemical weapons
Russia urges Syria to abide by Geneva Protocol on chemical weapons

MOSCOW, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Russia has told Syria that any use of chemical weapons would be unacceptable, the Russian Foreign Ministry said here on Wednesday.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov discussed the current situation in Syria with Syrian Ambassador to Russia Riyad Haddad, the ministry said in a statement on its website.

According to the statement, Bogdanov reminded the Syrian envoy that Damascus had joined the 1925 Geneva Protocol, which prohibited the use of chemical or biological weapons at war.

"Russia made its position absolutely clear that it is unacceptable to threaten the use of chemical weapons and that Damascus must obey the Geneva Protocol," the statement said.

Earlier on Wednesday, the Syrian authorities have assured Russia that the security of the country's chemical arsenal was firmly protected.

A spokesman of the Syrian Foreign Ministry said on Monday that Syria may consider using chemical or biological weapons when it is "exposed to external aggression."

The spokesman added that such weapons, monitored and guarded by the Syrian army, will never be used against the Syrian people no matter how the current crisis evolves in the Middle East country. Enditem

Likewise it led to this. . .
Kerry to make ‘overdue’ first visit to Russia
The United States is calling on Assad to allow a United Nations team into the country to assess reports that chemical weapons have been used. Obama warned today against a rush to judgment on Syria’s use of chemical arms, but said proof of their use would trigger a “rethink” of his reluctance to use military force to aid the opposition in Syria.

A quick search of the internet revealed that indeed, the public is being conditioned to believe the rumors that reports are beginning to be spread. I mean, what the hell, why not. If you can fool them once, why not try it again? Who would think that terrorist bombings in Boston have anything to do with rumors of chemical weapons being used in Syria and a war that was planned months ago, right?

President Barack Obama said Tuesday the United States will wait until it has more details on the evidence of chemical weapons use before altering its strategy on the strife in Syria.

Obama previously called the use of chemical weapons a "red line," but the United States has not radically changed its approach to Syria in the days since an administration official announced the finding.

The United States doesn't yet know "how they were used, when they were used, who used them," Obama said. "When I am making decisions about American national security and the potential for taking additional action in response to chemical weapons use, I have to make sure I have the facts."

On Tuesday, a spokesman for the Free Syrian Army said that the rebels had secured what they believe is an unexploded chemical weapon deployed by the regime in Idlib. The FSA will try to get the unexploded canister out of the country for testing, he said.

"If the Syrian regime doesn't want to allow the U.N. investigation team in, we will do all we can in order to present the evidence to the international community because we have the moral and national obligations to our people and our nation," Louay Almokdad said.

If the ignorant and conditioned in this nation do not wake up, it sure seems that the Boston Bombing WILL lead to the nation getting involved in a war in Syria. This will surely involve far more deaths than just a stinking three.
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If the ignorant and conditioned in this nation do not wake up, it sure seems that the Boston Bombing WILL lead to the nation getting involved in a war in Syria. This will surely involve far more deaths than just a stinking three.

No, there is no connection between the Boston bombing and going to war in Syria. Your thinking is florid paranoid psychosis and you need to see somebody about meds.
Are you saying the Constitution is tyranny?
It certainly has become an adjunct to tyranny.

Once Truman made the USA a National Security State, based on endless war and militarism, the Constitution lost any value that it might previously have had, and became simply a tool manipulated for the benefit of the rich and powerful, and to the detriment of everybody else.
Are you saying the Constitution is tyranny?
It certainly has become an adjunct to tyranny.

Once Truman made the USA a National Security State, based on endless war and militarism, the Constitution lost any value that it might previously have had, and became simply a tool manipulated for the benefit of the rich and powerful, and to the detriment of everybody else.

(My bold)

I don't know that you can blame Prexy Truman for the NSS - yah, he signed the legislation that created the CIA & etc. But he also told the Brits to go fish when they wanted US participation in deposing PM Mossadegh in Iran - Iran was getting uppity about the Brits siphoning off all that oil, with hardly even token payments. The Brits had better luck when they retooled the subject as anti-Communism - them Russkies were banging on the door of Iran - even though the Brits had held the southern part of the country illegally for some time.

Prexy Eisenhower was the one who OKed overthrowing Iran, Guatemala, installed the Dulles brothers @ Dept. State & CIA, & let/encouraged CIA turn into field ops instead of an analytical alternative to the captive military intel agencies. That's all gone now, thanks to Ike's bad example, culminating in Bill Casey, Bob Gates, Tenet, & all the former military flag officers who have warmed the chair temporarily, before heading off to cushy jobs in Valhalla's anteroom in the MIC ...
If the ignorant and conditioned in this nation do not wake up, it sure seems that the Boston Bombing WILL lead to the nation getting involved in a war in Syria. This will surely involve far more deaths than just a stinking three.

No, there is no connection between the Boston bombing and going to war in Syria. Your thinking is florid paranoid psychosis and you need to see somebody about meds.

Hey, it's not my thinking, it is the analysis from a trained intelligence expert from the FBI. If you want to lob Ad Hominem attacks, lob them her way. If this analysis make you uncomfortable, and you want to live in denial, that is fine. You obviously didn't take the time to read the articles, go to her web-site or view the interview. Tell me she needs to take her "meds." I guess you believe your opinion and point of view has more weight than an intelligence expert with expertise in the region, one who speaks the more than a handful of different languages of the area of operations that we are talking about? Eh? Go back to watching TV and reading your CFR Pratt house toilet rags. . .

Simply put, I don't believe the shit they shovel in the MSM. They tell me these brothers are upset about the US involvement in the middle east. So they go and do this? Yeah, what ever. Follow the money.

I have played chess before, quite often. I play at least once every six months or so, what about you? I'm guessing not. Your thinking is very linear. It is clear you can't see beyond the headlines and critical thinking is not something you are apt to engage in. . .
they say the "terrorista" plate

was a joke

They had assaultive slogans all over their car, if you read the article. They also stole the BMW, of course. And they had no obvious means of support: Russian Mafia drug trade, I bet. They were already in trouble with immigration, being here illegally. Why, oh why, do we let these types in at all and then let them stay when we KNOW they are here illegally being criminals????

This country is going down like the Titanic because we let in the worst of the world to take over the place.

They're here illegally? Good grief. Another reason to start enforcing our border laws. We really need to fire anyone who hires an illegal and we need to stop letting them attend our schools. They can go to school at home.

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