Boston Marathon Bombing

If the ignorant and conditioned in this nation do not wake up, it sure seems that the Boston Bombing WILL lead to the nation getting involved in a war in Syria. This will surely involve far more deaths than just a stinking three.

No, there is no connection between the Boston bombing and going to war in Syria. Your thinking is florid paranoid psychosis and you need to see somebody about meds.
If we see a Russian "house cleaning" in Chechnya along with a US-led invasion of Syria within the next few weeks, will you consider expanding your reading list?
If we see a Russian "house cleaning" in Chechnya along with a US-led invasion of Syria within the next few weeks, will you consider expanding your reading list?

If we don't, will you consider going back on your anti-psychotics?
"The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives is one of the major works of Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski graduated with a PhD from Harvard University in 1953 and became Professor of American Foreign Policy at Johns Hopkins University before becoming the United States National Security Advisor from 1977 - 1981 under the administration of President Jimmy Carter.
Regarding the landmass of Eurasia as the center of...

When you get Ziggy back on his.

The Grand Chessboard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If we see a Russian "house cleaning" in Chechnya along with a US-led invasion of Syria within the next few weeks, will you consider expanding your reading list?

If we don't, will you consider going back on your anti-psychotics?

We may not see the invasion within the next few weeks, but give it a month or so, we'll see it. As far as the Russians cleaning house? No need to wait, they have started their end of the bargain.

FSB: 140 detained in Moscow for connection to ‘Islamist extremist groups’
Russia’s Federal Security Service announced that 140 people have been detained in the Russian capital for suspected membership in extremist Islamist organizations.

More than 30 of those detained are reportedly foreign nationals, the FSB said in a statement.
I wonder if any of them have links to the CIA? hmmmmm. . . . . :eusa_think:
. . . .
Another Russian southern republic, Dagestan has seen a low-level Islamist insurgency for over a decade, with the majority of the terrorist attacks targeting officials and security forces.

The North Caucasus, including the Russian republics of Chechnya and Dagestan, has been in the headlines since authorities in Boston confirmed that the two Tsarvaev brothers, who carried out the Boston Marathon bombing, were ethnic Chechens. The elder brother, Tamerlan, is said to be a follower of radical Islamism. It has since been revealed the Russian authorities repeatedly warned the FBI about the potential threat Tamerlan Tsarnaev posed, “at least once since October 2011.”

I love in the comments section this was posted. . .
Anonymous user April 27, 2013 18:33

This is the plan, the U.S. lets Russia go into the Caucasus and Russia lets the U.S. go into Syria.
lol :clap2:
You'll hear no objection from Washington on this action. These are no longer "freedom fighters" in the view of the political elites in the beltway anymore. What do you think? :cool:

It certainly isn't portrayed that way anymore around the web or in the mainstream media. Where once these were CIA and western assets, well, now they are just run of the mill, filthy, monstrous, good for nothing, lawless terrorists. Once these were "rebels" according to the point of view of western mainstream media. My how that has changed over night, eh? :disbelief:

Russia Is Cracking Down on Its Own Militants in the Wake of Boston

Early this morning, Russian forces killed two suspected terrorists in the region of Dagestan, in what looks to be part of a post-Boston crackdown on their own homegrown militants. At least five other rebels have been killed in the last week and more than a hundred others rounded up around the country for having suspected ties to Islamic militant groups.

One of the two men killed this morning even had a "tangential" connection to Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the two suspects in the Boston attack. Russian authorities raided the home of Shakhrudin Askhabov, killing him and one other person after they reportedly opened fire on the police. The Federal Security Service (FSB) even released video of the raid, including images of the dead bodies and some of their weapons.

Actually, to be fair, no where in the acticle does this news organization actually call the persons in Dagestan and Chechnya "terrorists." lol I love this line, the journalist goes out of his way to call them everything but. I guess old habits die hard, eh?

Moscow has been battling Islamic militants, nationalist rebels, and organized crime in Dagestan off and on ever since the Soviet Union broke up.

However, the end of the article just about spells the trade off for us out folks. Anyone that doesn't see the grand game and the big picture is clearly being obtuse. I will bold it for you if you have low reading comprehension skills.

But during public comments on the Boston bombings last week, President Vladimir Putin made it clear that he hopes Americans might start to see things his way, now that source of both countries' terror problems have had the same root. At the very least, it seems it have may temporarily given him cover for a crackdown that Moscow wanted to carried out anyway.
I'm sorry but when were the terrorists that killed all those kids in Russia ever called freedom fighters.

I just don't remember hearing this......

You got me, they were referred to as separatists or rebels. But never in a negative light, that is the point.
No, you are indeed wrong Ollie. If you need a refresher as to how the pols in D.C. viewed the situation (circa Wednesday 8 September 2004) in the Caucuses, read up.

The Chechens' American friends

The ACPC heavily promotes the idea that the Chechen rebellion shows the undemocratic nature of Putin's Russia, and cultivates support for the Chechen cause by emphasising the seriousness of human rights violations in the tiny Caucasian republic. It compares the Chechen crisis to those other fashionable "Muslim" causes, Bosnia and Kosovo - implying that only international intervention in the Caucasus can stabilise the situation there. In August, the ACPC welcomed the award of political asylum in the US, and a US-government funded grant, to Ilyas Akhmadov, foreign minister in the opposition Chechen government, and a man Moscow describes as a terrorist. Coming from both political parties, the ACPC members represent the backbone of the US foreign policy establishment, and their views are indeed those of the US administration.

Although the White House issued a condemnation of the Beslan hostage-takers, its official view remains that the Chechen conflict must be solved politically. According to ACPC member Charles Fairbanks of Johns Hopkins University, US pressure will now increase on Moscow to achieve a political, rather than military, solution - in other words to negotiate with terrorists, a policy the US resolutely rejects elsewhere.

Allegations are even being made in Russia that the west itself is somehow behind the Chechen rebellion, and that the purpose of such support is to weaken Russia, and to drive her out of the Caucasus. The fact that the Chechens are believed to use as a base the Pankisi gorge in neighbouring Georgia - a country which aspires to join Nato, has an extremely pro-American government, and where the US already has a significant military presence - only encourages such speculation. Putin himself even seemed to lend credence to the idea in his interview with foreign journalists on Monday.
"As Asia Times Online has repeatedly warned, Obama in Syria is fast becoming a remix of Reagan in 1980s Afghanistan. We all know what came out of those "freedom fighters" afterwards.

"In this context, Robert Ford, Obama's alleged Syria expert, telling the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that it's important for Washington to 'weigh in' to affect 'the internal balance of power in Syria' qualifies as a joke line, not a red line.

"There's wild speculation that after the Boston bombing Obama and Russia's Vladimir Putin made a deal; Washington lets Moscow do whatever it wants in Chechnya like, forever, but gets a nod to install a 'no-fly zone' and further mayhem in Syria.

"There's no evidence to that.

"What a geopolitically savvy Putin wants to know is what does he get out of Syria in practical terms (and Obama does not have a clue). Crumbs from a NATO banquet don't apply."

Asia Times Online :: The Syria-Iran red line show

Even if Russia pounds Chechnya and Assad falls in Syria it won't be enough to convince those skeptical of the "wild speculation" unless it can be proven that some of the most violent hardline Islamic militants in the North Caucasus are being supplied with weapons and training by the CIA, Saudi, and Turkish intelligence and this support began before the Gipper moved into the White House.

That seems to depend upon how many skeptics are willing to investigate Operation Gladio:

"The role of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in sponsoring Gladio and the extent of its activities during the Cold War era, and its relationship to right-wing terrorist attacks perpetrated in Italy during the 'Years of Lead' (late 1960s to early 1980s) and other similar clandestine operations, is the subject of ongoing debate and investigation but has never been proven.

"Switzerland and Belgium have had parliamentary inquiries into the matter."

Operation Gladio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, you are indeed wrong Ollie. If you need a refresher as to how the pols in D.C. viewed the situation (circa Wednesday 8 September 2004) in the Caucuses, read up.

The Chechens' American friends

The ACPC heavily promotes the idea that the Chechen rebellion shows the undemocratic nature of Putin's Russia, and cultivates support for the Chechen cause by emphasising the seriousness of human rights violations in the tiny Caucasian republic. It compares the Chechen crisis to those other fashionable "Muslim" causes, Bosnia and Kosovo - implying that only international intervention in the Caucasus can stabilise the situation there. In August, the ACPC welcomed the award of political asylum in the US, and a US-government funded grant, to Ilyas Akhmadov, foreign minister in the opposition Chechen government, and a man Moscow describes as a terrorist. Coming from both political parties, the ACPC members represent the backbone of the US foreign policy establishment, and their views are indeed those of the US administration.

Although the White House issued a condemnation of the Beslan hostage-takers, its official view remains that the Chechen conflict must be solved politically. According to ACPC member Charles Fairbanks of Johns Hopkins University, US pressure will now increase on Moscow to achieve a political, rather than military, solution - in other words to negotiate with terrorists, a policy the US resolutely rejects elsewhere.

Allegations are even being made in Russia that the west itself is somehow behind the Chechen rebellion, and that the purpose of such support is to weaken Russia, and to drive her out of the Caucasus. The fact that the Chechens are believed to use as a base the Pankisi gorge in neighbouring Georgia - a country which aspires to join Nato, has an extremely pro-American government, and where the US already has a significant military presence - only encourages such speculation. Putin himself even seemed to lend credence to the idea in his interview with foreign journalists on Monday.
Who is the ACPC?

"This harshness towards Putin is perhaps explained by the fact that, in the US, the leading group which pleads the Chechen cause is the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya (ACPC). The list of the self-styled 'distinguished Americans' who are its members is a rollcall of the most prominent neoconservatives who so enthusastically support the 'war on terror'.

"They include Richard Perle, the notorious Pentagon adviser; Elliott Abrams of Iran-Contra fame; Kenneth Adelman, the former US ambassador to the UN who egged on the invasion of Iraq by predicting it would be 'a cakewalk'; Midge Decter, biographer of Donald Rumsfeld and a director of the rightwing Heritage Foundation; Frank Gaffney of the militarist Centre for Security Policy; Bruce Jackson, former US military intelligence officer and one-time vice-president of Lockheed Martin, now president of the US Committee on Nato; Michael Ledeen of the American Enterprise Institute, a former admirer of Italian fascism and now a leading proponent of regime change in Iran; and R James Woolsey, the former CIA director who is one of the leading cheerleaders behind George Bush's plans to re-model the Muslim world along pro-US lines."

John Laughland: The Chechens' American friends | World news | The Guardian

Recently the second "C" in ACPC was changed from Chechnya to Caucasus.
Predicting headlines in Boston and Baghdad last April 15?
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I'm sorry but when were the terrorists that killed all those kids in Russia ever called freedom fighters.

I just don't remember hearing this......

You got me, they were referred to as separatists or rebels. But never in a negative light, that is the point.

Not true, well at least they were not looked upon favorably by Bush or Cheney and co.

"The terrorists have chosen the weapon of fear," Bush said. "When they murder children at a school in Beslan or blow up commuters in London or behead a bound captive, the terrorists hope these horrors will break our will ... But they have miscalculated. We love our freedom, and we will fight to keep it."

Read more: Bush links Beslan with Iraq war on terror -

Kofi Annan further condemned the attack as a "brutal and senseless slaughter of children" and "terrorism, pure and simple".

Romano Prodi on behalf of the European Commission responded by calling the attack "Killing of these innocent people is an evil, despicable act of barbarism."

Dutch Foreign Minister Ben Bot stated on behalf of the European Union that "We have been confronted with a deep human tragedy [...] Beslan shows once again that we have to do everything in our power to confront terrorism.

France: Everyone must mobilize in the fight against terrorism.


International response to the Beslan hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But there were those who were upset with Bush calling them terrorists and lining the event to the war on terror and they called Bush's statements; "opportunistic scaremongering". We heard that a lot when he warned about terrorists.

Using Beslan to Defend War on Terror
I read the two guys planned on a 4th of July bombing...and discussed a suicide pact as well...but when the bombs were made early, they decided to bump up the date. Hence,Boston.

The remaining one needs to be put to death after he is done talking. The two who helped him..or three...and the wife where the bombs were made...all need to follow along behind him.

"On the third day of the standoff, Russian security forces entered the building with the use of tanks, incendiary rockets and other heavy weapons.[6] At least 334 hostages were killed as a result of the crisis, including 186 children,[7][8] with a significant number of people injured and reported missing.

"The event led to security and political repercussions in Russia, most notably it contributed to a series of federal government reforms consolidating power in the Kremlin and strengthening of the powers of the President of Russia.[9]

"As of 2011, aspects of the crisis in relation to the militants remain contentious: Questions remain regarding how many militants were involved, the nature of their preparations and whether a section of the group had escaped.

"Questions about the Russian government's management of the crisis have also persisted, including allegations of disinformation and censorship in news media, whether the journalists who were present at Beslan were allowed to freely report on the crisis,[10] the nature and content of negotiations with the militants, allocation of responsibility for the eventual outcome, and perceptions that excessive force was used."

Beslan school hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I read the two guys planned on a 4th of July bombing...and discussed a suicide pact as well...but when the bombs were made early, they decided to bump up the date. Hence,Boston.

The remaining one needs to be put to death after he is done talking. The two who helped him..or three...and the wife where the bombs were made...all need to follow along behind him.

Should the remaining one be tortured before his summary execution?
Should every syllable of his "confession" be posted online?
How many Chechens/Syrians should share his fate?

"Chechnya is an occupied, mostly Muslim nation, critical to the stability of the region, where as many as 200,000 people may have been killed or driven out, where cities have been reduced to rubble, and where oil flows, or would flow if the place hadn't been wrecked.

Of course, the situation in Chechnya is far worse than in Iraq. The ugly events of Abu Ghraib aside, it's not likely that U.S. troops will ever stoop to the atrocities perpetuated on Chechens, many of whom ended up gang-raped, hacked to pieces and in mass graves."

Using Beslan to Defend War on Terror
I read the two guys planned on a 4th of July bombing...and discussed a suicide pact as well...but when the bombs were made early, they decided to bump up the date. Hence,Boston.

The remaining one needs to be put to death after he is done talking. The two who helped him..or three...and the wife where the bombs were made...all need to follow along behind him.


She may not have known. God only knows what guys get up to in their workshops in the garage in the evenings, you know? Also, he had all day to work: I read she was working up to 80 hours a week as a home health aide and totally supporting him: he was an unemployed loser. Gals? NEVER NEVER NEVER get involved with a man without a job!!!!! It's like getting involved with a man with food issues, only much worse.

So he was presumably making bombs while she was gone. Until there is evidence involving her, I don't believe she knew about it. It would be easy to hide bombs made like that.

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