Boston Marathon Bombing

Fox News reported this morning that they noticed a police tweet that three more people had been taken into custody. They checked it out and say police confirmed that they had arrested three more individuals. No details available yet on who or why, but it is related to the Boston Marathon bombing.

Maybe film at 11?

Hmmmmmmm.......very interesting. It would sure make more SENSE if it were some kind of conspiracy ---- at this point it all seems so pointless.

Three college students were taken into custody and sent to court. This was reported to the city police department in the microblog Twitter. While law enforcement officers did not provide any further information, noting that "the details of the investigation will follow."

Two of them - students from Kazakhstan, who are accused of making false statements about the terrorist attack in Boston and conspiracy to obstruct justice, according to the channel CNN, citing a source in the Ministry of National Security. Another suspect - a U.S. citizen, what he could be charged - is still unknown.
According to Fox News, could throw a triple pack and electronic devices out of the room Johar.
Boston media reported that the original Kazakh students were caught for having toured on the black BMW car with the words Terrorista # 1 on the license plate. During the police inspection found that young people - friends Tsarnaeva-ml., And that one of the students had violated U.S. immigration law. The names of the detainees - Azmat Tazhayakov and Diaz Kadyrbaev. After checking both were released - as it turned out, only for a while.
Diaz's lawyer Kadyrbaeva has confirmed the arrest of his client the Boston authorities.
Explosions in the marathon in Boston took place April 15, 2013 near the finish line of the race. Three people were killed and more than 200 injured. As it became known during the investigation, a bomb was placed in a pressure cooker.
In the organization of the brothers accused of bombing Tsarnaevy. Senior Tamerlane was killed during his arrest five days after the attack. The younger of the brothers - Johar - was shot in the throat and is being treated under police surveillance.
The tragedy in Boston was the first major terrorist attack on U.S. soil after a planned "Al-Qaeda" attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the White House in 2001. Then killed nearly three thousand people.
Then again, maybe this wasn't so reassuring after all. . . .

BOSTON (AP) — Three more suspects were taken into custody in the Boston Marathon bombing case, including two college friends of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev who came to the U.S. from Kazakhstan, officials said Wednesday.

The allegations against them were not immediately disclosed. Gov. Deval Patrick, who said he was briefed on the investigation, told reporters it's his understanding that the suspects had nothing to do with the bombings but helped the suspect after the fact.

Three people were killed and more than 260 injured on April 15 when two bombs exploded near the finish line. Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev died after a gunfight with police several days later. His brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was captured and lies in a hospital prison.

Linda Cristello, a Boston attorney who represented Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev in immigration court Wednesday morning, said her clients now face separate federal charges and have an afternoon court appearance related to the bombing case.

The two have been held in jail for more than a week on allegations that they violated their student visas while attending the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Christina DiIorio-Sterling, a spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, told reporters gathered outside federal court that the charges are expected to be unsealed Wednesday afternoon when they make their initial appearance before a magistrate judge.

The identity of the third new suspect wasn't immediately released. A law enforcement official briefed on the investigation but not authorized to talk about it told The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity that it was a man.
More here:
Police: 3 more in custody in Boston bombings | General Headlines | Comcast

They so need to be deported, at the very least.
Unless the brothers were set up and aren't guilty. In which case their friends were just helping out innocent men.
Kadyrbaeva and Tazhayakova accused that they had destroyed a backpack with fireworks and a laptop belonging Johar Tsarnaevu
Fox News reported this morning that they noticed a police tweet that three more people had been taken into custody. They checked it out and say police confirmed that they had arrested three more individuals. No details available yet on who or why, but it is related to the Boston Marathon bombing.

Maybe film at 11?

Rumor has it that one of these people had a "terrista" or some variation of terrorist in it's feminine form, as a license plate.

Yes, I saw a photo of that, and I can't remember where, yesterday, I think.
According to the testimony of friends Tsarnaeva, they got rid of his backpack on his own initiative, and took a laptop, so as not to arouse suspicion
It gets worse...

"Here's something to think about when you hear politicians talk about the federal budget deficit: every single Hellfire missile fired in Afghanistan costs $58,000.00."

NOT WORTH IT: Every Hellfire missile fired in Afghanistan costs USD58,000 « RAWA News
I doubt you even pay taxes what's your bitch?
Killing civilians is a war crime, that's my bitch; why isn't it yours?

"Powerful Americans are beginning to listen to Farea al-Muslimi, a 23-year-old, California-educated Yemeni who wants to stop the drone strikes in his country. Including some in the White House.

"Danger Room has confirmed that before he leaves Washington D.C. on Friday, al-Muslimi will meet with White House officials to tell them what he told a Senate subcommittee yesterday: CIA and military drone strikes are strengthening al-Qaida’s Yemeni affiliate and making average Yemenis hate America."

Why do you suppose powerful, star-spangled bitches are deliberately killing innocent Muslims across the Middle East?

Drones Watch | A coalition campaign to monitor and regulate drone use
civilians are always killed in every war ever fought.
get over it.
WHOOPIE !! At least the War Profiteers are not suffering in the current Economic Depression ! · ·
Comrade, have we fired MORE or fewer hellfires since we transitioned to an Obamunist nation?

I can assure you that you are no comrade of mine, nor I of you.

For one thing, I would demand a minimal level of courtesy and truthfulness from anyone with whom I would have friendly, or even businesslike, relations.

I think your question cannot be reasonably answered, since we do not know how many would have been fired under a Mormon cult follower or McCain McPresidency.
Rumor has it that one of these people had a "terrista" or some variation of terrorist in it's feminine form, as a license plate.
This thread, in its entirety, seems to consist of little more than rumor.

It is too bad that there are so few people capable of mental chastity or speculative self-control, as to wait for clear facts to be established, before jumping to conclusions.
I can assure you that you are no comrade of mine, nor I of you.

Now comrade, Dear Leader instructs that we all address each other as such.

For one thing, I would demand a minimal level of courtesy and truthfulness from anyone with whom I would have friendly, or even businesslike, relations.

Since you don't offer the same in exchange, this explains your life on the welfare roles....

I think your question cannot be reasonably answered, since we do not know how many would have been fired under a Mormon cult follower or McCain McPresidency.

But the fact is, your little tin god has fired more than Bush did. Even though you dance around it.

And ONLY Obama has engaged in cold blooded, first degree murder of an American Citizen who was a child...

Be proud - no one murders as wantonly as you fuckwad Obamunists do.
Rumor has it that one of these people had a "terrista" or some variation of terrorist in it's feminine form, as a license plate.
This thread, in its entirety, seems to consist of little more than rumor.

It is too bad that there are so few people capable of mental chastity or speculative self-control, as to wait for clear facts to be established, before jumping to conclusions.

There is a photo of the black BMW with the terrorista#1 plate, if you would care to inform yourself.

Is it just me, or do others find this guy's avatar ironic?
This is what happens when you don't pick your room mates wisely.

When I was in college, we didn't get to pick our roommates, they were assigned to us. Yes, eventually if you got both people to agree, you could switch roommates, but it was difficult. Of course that was in the dorms, not in off campus apartments and it was a big reason why college students moved off campus.
Rumor has it that one of these people had a "terrista" or some variation of terrorist in it's feminine form, as a license plate.
This thread, in its entirety, seems to consist of little more than rumor.

It is too bad that there are so few people capable of mental chastity or speculative self-control, as to wait for clear facts to be established, before jumping to conclusions.

There is a photo of the black BMW with the terrorista#1 plate, if you would care to inform yourself.

Is it just me, or do others find this guy's avatar ironic?

Indeed. The police confirmed as well as the kids father that he did indeed have the vanity plate terrorista#1.

-- Murat Kadyrbayev, father Dias Kadyrbayev, said last week that his son and Tazhayakov own a BMW that garnered attention in the investigation. The car had a decorative license plate reading "Terrorista #1." The plate was a joke from friends in Spain, Murat Kadyrbayev told the Kazakh news website Tengri News and STV channel in an interview, reported.

Here's the latest on the Boston Marathon bombings -

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