Boston Marathon Bombing

Does anyone think it was just these two dweebs..or are more involved? Whatever happened to the college kids they took in for questioning?
Does anyone think it was just these two dweebs..or are more involved? Whatever happened to the college kids they took in for questioning?

All three were released then two were rearrested by ICE, they are still in custody.

Azamat Tazhayakov, Dias Kadyrbayev, Classmates Of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Deny Wrongdoing

The pair had lived at an off-campus apartment in New Bedford, about 60 miles south of Boston, and got around in a car registered to Kadyrbayev with a souvenir plate that says "Terrorista (hash)1." The car was pictured on Tsarnaev's Twitter feed in March.

Azamat Tazhayakov, Dias Kadyrbayev, Classmates Of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Deny Wrongdoing

BTW it is one of them who have this licence plate:

Female DNA Found on Bomb in Boston the Wall Street Journal is reporting

Female DNA Found on Bomb in Boston Attack -

I expect it was simply the older Chechen's wife. If he made his bombs in the garage or basement workshop or wherever, skin cells and so on from her could get on his materials.

On the other hand, if they conclude he made his bombs on the kitchen table, that would raise some questions. She does say she knew NOTHING about it, but she wears that awful head stuff, so she's one of the Islamists.
Female DNA Found on Bomb in Boston the Wall Street Journal is reporting

Female DNA Found on Bomb in Boston Attack -

I expect it was simply the older Chechen's wife. If he made his bombs in the garage or basement workshop or wherever, skin cells and so on from her could get on his materials.

On the other hand, if they conclude he made his bombs on the kitchen table, that would raise some questions. She does say she knew NOTHING about it, but she wears that awful head stuff, so she's one of the Islamists.

AND. . . .it could be something as innocuous as the store clerk who sold them the stuff. Best not to jump to conclusions in these cases, but just note the findings and file them away for future use as useful when more is known.
I have the feeling that we haven't even scratched the surface yet.........
Well, Sarge, finally you have said something which I think is true and meaningful -- but in a sense which I am sure you did not intend.
I intend exactly what I said. I don't automatically blame the Government. Though I do believe they missed a bunch in this instance.... I'm sure you have a theory about how the CIA planned it..... Go ahead we need a laugh.......
I read something today that said the family of the bombers had collected more than $100,000 in welfare. Something is seriously wrong with this country.
It gets worse...

"Here's something to think about when you hear politicians talk about the federal budget deficit: every single Hellfire missile fired in Afghanistan costs $58,000.00."

NOT WORTH IT: Every Hellfire missile fired in Afghanistan costs USD58,000 « RAWA News
I doubt you even pay taxes what's your bitch?
I read something today that said the family of the bombers had collected more than $100,000 in welfare. Something is seriously wrong with this country.

There is something deeply wrong with giving welfare to such people. If they cannot make it, they shouldn't be here: deport them back where they belong.

They couldn't make it here even WITH all that welfare: the mother and father went back to Russia, one son was killed by police and the other is in jail!!

I am very opposed to letting Muslims of any nationality into this country: letting Chechens in is just attempted suicide on our part, IMO. They are the fiercest people in the world and kill people in crowds continually. It's simply what they do. That and kidnapping. I read an article that said kidnapping is Chechnya's ONLY way of getting hard currency: it's their national industry.
I read something today that said the family of the bombers had collected more than $100,000 in welfare. Something is seriously wrong with this country.

There is something deeply wrong with giving welfare to such people. If they cannot make it, they shouldn't be here: deport them back where they belong.

They couldn't make it here even WITH all that welfare: the mother and father went back to Russia, one son was killed by police and the other is in jail!!

I am very opposed to letting Muslims of any nationality into this country: letting Chechens in is just attempted suicide on our part, IMO. They are the fiercest people in the world and kill people in crowds continually. It's simply what they do. That and kidnapping. I read an article that said kidnapping is Chechnya's ONLY way of getting hard currency: it's their national industry.
and they say American aren't stupid.......
I read something today that said the family of the bombers had collected more than $100,000 in welfare. Something is seriously wrong with this country.
It gets worse...

"Here's something to think about when you hear politicians talk about the federal budget deficit: every single Hellfire missile fired in Afghanistan costs $58,000.00."

NOT WORTH IT: Every Hellfire missile fired in Afghanistan costs USD58,000 « RAWA News
I doubt you even pay taxes what's your bitch?
Killing civilians is a war crime, that's my bitch; why isn't it yours?

"Powerful Americans are beginning to listen to Farea al-Muslimi, a 23-year-old, California-educated Yemeni who wants to stop the drone strikes in his country. Including some in the White House.

"Danger Room has confirmed that before he leaves Washington D.C. on Friday, al-Muslimi will meet with White House officials to tell them what he told a Senate subcommittee yesterday: CIA and military drone strikes are strengthening al-Qaida’s Yemeni affiliate and making average Yemenis hate America."

Why do you suppose powerful, star-spangled bitches are deliberately killing innocent Muslims across the Middle East?

Drones Watch | A coalition campaign to monitor and regulate drone use
Free your mind, see beyond the headlines. There is a much larger picture going on here.
I have no real taste for Mr. Jones, however, pay attention to his guest, she knows what she is talking about I believe. Generally her blog is spot on, I always follow Boiling Frogs. Time will tell on this one.
[ame=!]Sibel Edmonds: CIA Ran Tsarnaev Brothers - YouTube[/ame]

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