Boston Marathon Bombing

They have become more and more zombie robots, repeating pre-recorded messages which their Nazoid masters have inserted in their brains.

Where is it going to stop? I don't know, but you can be sure it will be one of the greatest, most horrific disasters of the 21st century.
....and you label them Nazoids.....
Ollie is quite prone to making category errors.
They have become more and more zombie robots, repeating pre-recorded messages which their Nazoid masters have inserted in their brains.

Where is it going to stop? I don't know, but you can be sure it will be one of the greatest, most horrific disasters of the 21st century.
....and you label them Nazoids.....
Ollie is quite prone to making category errors.

Well please excuse me, Then spell out just what you are attempting to say so that this poor retired Sergeant can understand you better.... Sounds like a label to me.......
CaféAuLait;7158410 said:
Official: Russia heard Boston suspects' mother 'discussing jihad'

(CNN) -- Russia intercepted a communication between the mother of the accused Boston Marathon bombers and someone who may have been one of her sons "discussing jihad" in 2011, according to a U.S. official with knowledge of the investigation.

Official: Russia heard Boston suspects' mother 'discussing jihad' -

just read that headline

Here is more from CBS of what was said:

The two discussed the possibility of Tamerlan going to the Palestinian territories, but he told his mother he didn't speak the language there, officials, who reviewed the information Russia shared with the U.S., told the AP.

In a second call, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva spoke with a man in the Caucasus region of Russia who was under FBI investigation, the AP reports. Jacqueline Maguire, a spokeswoman for the FBI's Washington Field Office, where that investigation was based, declined to comment.

Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev caught on Russia wiretap - CBS News
CaféAuLait;7158453 said:
CaféAuLait;7158410 said:
Official: Russia heard Boston suspects' mother 'discussing jihad'

Official: Russia heard Boston suspects' mother 'discussing jihad' -

just read that headline

Here is more from CBS of what was said:

The two discussed the possibility of Tamerlan going to the Palestinian territories, but he told his mother he didn't speak the language there, officials, who reviewed the information Russia shared with the U.S., told the AP.

In a second call, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva spoke with a man in the Caucasus region of Russia who was under FBI investigation, the AP reports. Jacqueline Maguire, a spokeswoman for the FBI's Washington Field Office, where that investigation was based, declined to comment.

Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev caught on Russia wiretap - CBS News

i am not sure what to make of this at this point

i wonder how much more is going to come out

on this
CaféAuLait;7158453 said:
just read that headline

Here is more from CBS of what was said:

The two discussed the possibility of Tamerlan going to the Palestinian territories, but he told his mother he didn't speak the language there, officials, who reviewed the information Russia shared with the U.S., told the AP.

In a second call, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva spoke with a man in the Caucasus region of Russia who was under FBI investigation, the AP reports. Jacqueline Maguire, a spokeswoman for the FBI's Washington Field Office, where that investigation was based, declined to comment.

Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev caught on Russia wiretap - CBS News

i am not sure what to make of this at this point

i wonder how much more is going to come out

on this
I think Russia has a good handle on terrorists, and that's why they have been sending us information about people planning jihads over here.

I recollect something about a school jihad two or three years ago, and it was pretty heart-rending for Russian parents who sent their children to school that day, to have them blasted with terroristic antics of murder. I think Russia is trying to be helpful to unite against the crazed frenzy that jihad is in a large public setting where civilians are just enjoying seeing people improve themselves through sports, or in the case of that school, learning to read, write, and learn mathematics required to operate civilly and logically in society.
CaféAuLait;7158453 said:

i am not sure what to make of this at this point

i wonder how much more is going to come out

on this
I think Russia has a good handle on terrorists, and that's why they have been sending us information about people planning jihads over here.

I recollect something about a school jihad two or three years ago, and it was pretty heart-rending for Russian parents who sent their children to school that day, to have them blasted with terroristic antics of murder. I think Russia is trying to be helpful to unite against the crazed frenzy that jihad is in a large public setting where civilians are just enjoying seeing people improve themselves through sports, or in the case of that school, learning to read, write, and learn mathematics required to operate civilly and logically in society.

yes maybe they do

they certainly had been up to speed on this family

the "news report" on this seems to be of an attempt

to soften the blow this give the admin

on being soft on terrorism


are you referring to the beslan hostage crisis

if so 1100 hostages

and 380 dead
BTW, your ideas are spawned from a 19th century German. Hardly "modern." You are a backwards fool, demanding that we repeat the failures of countless tyrants.
It is people like you who wish to keep repeating the countless failures of the American system of government.

As to my ideas, they have nothing to do with the bushy-bearded author you seem to imagine. They do not derive from the 19th century (nor from the 18th century, as yours do). They are ideas appropriate to the conditions of the 21st century, and beyond.

My ideas are far, far beyond your limited ability to comprehend. They require far more education than you can even dream of.

You seem to be a legend in your own mind!

Got promoted from bathroom cleaner to fry cook, did you? Good job!

I love it the way simple-minded Americans react when their phony-baloney "I'm just as good as you are!" religious taboos are violated.

Just like clockwork -- and so predictable.
If you are going to tie this in with the need for more meaningful jobs in production, why not beat swords into plowshares, and recycle weapons and other materials into useful supplies.

Our consumeristic culture throws out tons of cars, computers, and other junk in landfills.

Why not have engineering and architecture/design contests to recycle and create jobs, internships, educational and business opportunities to turn the economy around and rebuild?
I could scarcely agree with you more, Emily!

Unfortunately, the war profiteers, the war machine, the Military-Industrial Conspiracy, and the totalitarian, monolithic, trans-national, crony-capitalist monopolies will fight like hell to keep their power and profits.

Only after they have completed their complicated and unconscious ritual of self-destruction will there be real opportunities to build a better world.

However, there is no time like the present for planning ahead!

"We do not want good men and bad men any more than we want giants and dwarfs. What we do want is a high quality for our normal: that is, people who can be much better than we now call respectable, without self-sacrifice. Conscious goodness, like conscious muscular effort, may be of use in emergencies, but for everyday national use it is negligible; and its effects on the character of the individual may easily be disastrous."
---Bernard Shaw, "Getting Married," preface
Ignore me all you want. It simply tells everyone that you refuse to explain your positions. And I can talk shit about you and you won't be able to answer back.... So go on you won't be the first or the last.......

I love it the way simple-minded Americans react when their phony-baloney "I'm just as good as you are!" religious taboos are violated.

Just like clockwork -- and so predictable.

If you were one-tenth as smart as you think you are, you'd be ten times as smart as you are.

I have no religious taboos.

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