Boston Marathon Bombing

CaféAuLait;7135516 said:

But this was related to the Boston Marathon bombing? That doesn't make any sense given that the terrorists didn't use guns to commit that horror. I do fully expect to see somebody in government or other talking heads propose regulation of pressure cooker sales any time now though.

Dear FF and CAL:
I guess how these two side topics relate to the Boston bombing
1. RE: pot
the older suspect was tied to a gruesome murder scene, where pot was present.
whether all these people were dealing, or he killed them for being a bad influence on the young brother and suspect; perhaps this shows that when you do things against the law or against authority, you attract this kind of company who doesn't respect law or authority.
2. RE: gun laws and background checks
Since neither gun restrictions nor background checks alone were enough to stop these attacks, the message should be clear that we need to do better and to agree what that is.

I posted a msg under the Call to Believers for Prayer about all citizens committing to enforce the same laws as our military and police officers, in order to fulfill the promise of equal protection, justice and representation under law where "we the people" ARE the government, and thus accepting to share equal responsibility for democratic principles.

If we all did this, in honor of fallen officers such as Sean Collier, and even the little girl I still admire and cannot forget, Christina Green who was shot to death while waiting to greet Congresswoman Gifford, we could encourage more young people to take the law seriously.
If adults don't even respect the laws by working out conflicts civilly to enforce contracts by mutual agreement, but resort to "political bullying" back and forth instead of resolving the objections, what kind of example do we set for others to respect consent of the governed.

These issues are not directly related, but if we address them, we'd also address the issues that allowed criminal abuse to go unchecked until after the bombings and killings brought this to public attention, and how to reduce or prevent crime and violence in the future.
But this was related to the Boston Marathon bombing? That doesn't make any sense given that the terrorists didn't use guns to commit that horror. I do fully expect to see somebody in government or other talking heads propose regulation of pressure cooker sales any time now though.

Here in the Police State of the Peoples Republic of California, the ruling Communists have hatched a plan to disarm the peasants by stopping ammunition sales. This hasn't been entirely effective since many people simply switched to reloading. Outlawing gun powder sales, will stop people from reloading and will achieve the goal of a disarmed peasantry.

I don't buy into conspiracies, but this one is pretty odd.
Ah, okay. Well who was it, Raum Immanuel?, who said never let a good crisis go to waste. Just once, though, I wish our government would focus on the bad guys instead of taking more and more rights away from law abiding citizens on the pretext that this will somehow make them safer.

Dear Foxfyre: There's a sign at my workplace at my nightjob, that responsibility is not given, it is taken. The best way to enforce rights and freedoms is to exercise them, to defend them ourselves. Not to depend on govt or party to do this for us. Just like the Bible, when the Lutheran movement protested the church authorities for corrupting the laws, enforcing them in ways that were for church financial interests, this led to independence -- where people were taught to read and interpret and live by the laws themselves and not rely on church authority to be the middle man. That's not the path to salvation, but to receive Christ directly as the spirit of the laws. Well the same is happening today with our government and laws; instead of relying on corrupt officials and parties who abuse it for their own agenda and power, "we the people" are taking back the laws and enforcing it ourselves. The Tea Party does this using the Constitution and trying to enforce that. The Occupy and Greens try to get back to basics and go with natural laws that we have also forgotten, and have allowed corporations to buy out campaign finances, judges and courts, and government. The grassroots activist movements work out a system of assemblies to compile diverse input and moderate to get a consensus resolution passed that answers all issues and objections so it carries the authority of the group represented. We can borrow from that model and bring the different parties together to assimilate all the solutions that each one offers to the whole.

So all groups, in some way, are objecting to political oppression by opponents and are trying to go back to the consent of the governed which is the spirit of the law that was lost. Similar to how Jesus rebuked the pharisees because the spirit of the law had been lost to greed for power. The spirit of the law is based on love of truth and justice, and peace for all humanity. Where that is enforced, then we can restore order. Many are called, few are chosen to accept the responsibility and lead the way by serving others.

If we share the responsibility, it is not so overwhelming, we can help each other with checks and balances, so there won't be excessive power centralized in a few hands while a huge bureaucracy obstructs the democratic process. We can organize by party and take this back!
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But this was related to the Boston Marathon bombing? That doesn't make any sense given that the terrorists didn't use guns to commit that horror. I do fully expect to see somebody in government or other talking heads propose regulation of pressure cooker sales any time now though.

Here in the Police State of the Peoples Republic of California, the ruling Communists have hatched a plan to disarm the peasants by stopping ammunition sales. This hasn't been entirely effective since many people simply switched to reloading. Outlawing gun powder sales, will stop people from reloading and will achieve the goal of a disarmed peasantry.

I don't buy into conspiracies, but this one is pretty odd.

Here, I like this approach better. Grad student set up nonprofit outreach as part of his study on the impact of guns on crime rates, in order to propose gun policy reform for his masters':
Welcome to The Armed Citizen Project | Armed Citizen Project

[For people who believe in arms for defense but personally aren't so comfortable with guns, I promote a related concept of having every citizen and corporation uphold the same Constitutional principles as govt, in order to enforce equal democratic due process to correct abuses before they escalate into physical conflict:]
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Here in the Police State of the Peoples Republic of California, the ruling Communists have hatched a plan to disarm the peasants by stopping ammunition sales. This hasn't been entirely effective since many people simply switched to reloading. Outlawing gun powder sales, will stop people from reloading and will achieve the goal of a disarmed peasantry.
Hooray!! As a native Californian, I am proud that my native state is, yet again, leading the way in the Herculean labor of turning the USA into a normal, sensible member of the forward-moving nations of the world!

For many years I have argued that the best way to deal with the uncivilized, hysterical, ignorant gun-nuts is to put strict control on their ammunition supply, not on their toy penis-substitute guns. Let them try to make their own ammunition! They are so stupid that they will probably blow themselves up, and thus remove a roadblock to a future civilized America.

The peasants, no longer deceived by the siren-lure of violent fantasies, can then begin to work for ways of resisting their political oppressors in a sensible, effective manner.

The first thing, of course, is to unplug themselves from the brain-drip of television brainwashing.

When, after a while, they can escape from their narcosis and achieve normal brain functioning again, they can start to educate themselves, so that they are no longer ignorant American proles who don't have a clue about how the world actually operates.

Eventually, when they have gained some control over the levers of the media and politics, they can begin to establish co-operative, small-scale capitalist enterprises which can begin to replace the totalitarian power of monolithic, trans-national, crony-capitalist monopolies.

This march toward an America that is worth respecting, though, begins by reducing the gun-nuts to weepy, whiney infants who despair because they can no longer play with their murder-toys. · ·
· ·

Hooray!! As a native Californian, I am proud that my native state is, yet again, leading the way in the Herculean labor of turning the USA into a normal, sensible member of the forward-moving nations of the world!

Of course you are. And you can't wait until forced labor camps house those who dare support the ideas of dead white guys.

For many years I have argued that the best way to deal with the uncivilized, hysterical, ignorant gun-nuts is to put strict control on their ammunition supply, not on their toy penis-substitute guns. Let them try to make their own ammunition! They are so stupid that they will probably blow themselves up, and thus remove a roadblock to a future civilized America.

Why not kill us? Isn't that your eventual goal any way? Leftism is simply a manifestation of the hatred you have for your fellow man, so why not simply start murdering those who fail to subordinate themselves to our glorious rulers?

The peasants, no longer deceived by the siren-lure of violent fantasies, can then begin to work for ways of resisting their political oppressors in a sensible, effective manner.

And if they work too slowly, they will be whipped, to create an incentive.

The first thing, of course, is to unplug themselves from the brain-drip of television brainwashing.

Absolutely. Outlaw everything except MSNBC, which will repeat the orders of your party and our rulers.

When, after a while, they can escape from their narcosis and achieve normal brain functioning again, they can start to educate themselves, so that they are no longer ignorant American proles who don't have a clue about how the world actually operates.

Using reeducation camps, of course.

Eventually, when they have gained some control over the levers of the media and politics, they can begin to establish co-operative, small-scale capitalist enterprises which can begin to replace the totalitarian power of monolithic, trans-national, crony-capitalist monopolies.

You mean when the state fades and all is owned communally by all? Of course, you'll need to kill 90% of us first, and those that are left will serve the ruling elite of your party - without question.

This march toward an America that is worth respecting, though, begins by reducing the gun-nuts to weepy, whiney infants who despair because they can no longer play with their murder-toys. · ·

You're a man of vision - this generation's Pol Pot.

Standard Disclaimer: The above illustrates the fact that the left is evil. That the ultimate goal of the left is murder and enslavement.
Here in the Police State of the Peoples Republic of California, the ruling Communists have hatched a plan to disarm the peasants by stopping ammunition sales. This hasn't been entirely effective since many people simply switched to reloading. Outlawing gun powder sales, will stop people from reloading and will achieve the goal of a disarmed peasantry.
Hooray!! As a native Californian, I am proud that my native state is, yet again, leading the way in the Herculean labor of turning the USA into a normal, sensible member of the forward-moving nations of the world!

For many years I have argued that the best way to deal with the uncivilized, hysterical, ignorant gun-nuts is to put strict control on their ammunition supply, not on their toy penis-substitute guns. Let them try to make their own ammunition! They are so stupid that they will probably blow themselves up, and thus remove a roadblock to a future civilized America.

The peasants, no longer deceived by the siren-lure of violent fantasies, can then begin to work for ways of resisting their political oppressors in a sensible, effective manner.

The first thing, of course, is to unplug themselves from the brain-drip of television brainwashing.

When, after a while, they can escape from their narcosis and achieve normal brain functioning again, they can start to educate themselves, so that they are no longer ignorant American proles who don't have a clue about how the world actually operates.

Eventually, when they have gained some control over the levers of the media and politics, they can begin to establish co-operative, small-scale capitalist enterprises which can begin to replace the totalitarian power of monolithic, trans-national, crony-capitalist monopolies.

This march toward an America that is worth respecting, though, begins by reducing the gun-nuts to weepy, whiney infants who despair because they can no longer play with their murder-toys. · ·
· ·


The fact that you obviously don't understand America or Americans means that you are very likely to remain just another frustrated, irrelevant lefty. CA is a mess, but most Americans are not about to let the 2nd Amendment be taken away or legislated into meaninglessness. Sorry.
Be careful what you ask for, Numan.
The bombers in Boston made their own weapons
and look how much destruction and damage that caused.

If you are going to tie this in with the need for more meaningful jobs in production, why not beat swords into plowshares, and recycle weapons and other materials into useful supplies.

Our consumeristic culture throws out tons of cars, computers, and other junk in landfills.

Why not have engineering and architecture/design contests to recycle and create jobs, internships, educational and business opportunities to turn the economy around and rebuild?

As highly intelligent and educated as you are: what school(s) did you attend? would your alma mater and fellow alumni consider hosting contests to challenge young minds this way?

I went to Rice U, where students have won awards before for environmental solutions and inventions made from low cost items. Would you like to have a friendly duel between schools to see whose alumni or student teams have the greater impact on world peace and sustainable production? [first we form teams to prove that consensus on God challenge, then qualifiers from that round can compete to use their teamwork to push a peace project.]

Whaddya say, Numan? Do you envision a Nobel Prize or Templeton Prize in the works?

Here in the Police State of the Peoples Republic of California, the ruling Communists have hatched a plan to disarm the peasants by stopping ammunition sales. This hasn't been entirely effective since many people simply switched to reloading. Outlawing gun powder sales, will stop people from reloading and will achieve the goal of a disarmed peasantry.
Hooray!! As a native Californian, I am proud that my native state is, yet again, leading the way in the Herculean labor of turning the USA into a normal, sensible member of the forward-moving nations of the world!

For many years I have argued that the best way to deal with the uncivilized, hysterical, ignorant gun-nuts is to put strict control on their ammunition supply, not on their toy penis-substitute guns. Let them try to make their own ammunition! They are so stupid that they will probably blow themselves up, and thus remove a roadblock to a future civilized America.

The peasants, no longer deceived by the siren-lure of violent fantasies, can then begin to work for ways of resisting their political oppressors in a sensible, effective manner.

The first thing, of course, is to unplug themselves from the brain-drip of television brainwashing.

When, after a while, they can escape from their narcosis and achieve normal brain functioning again, they can start to educate themselves, so that they are no longer ignorant American proles who don't have a clue about how the world actually operates.

Eventually, when they have gained some control over the levers of the media and politics, they can begin to establish co-operative, small-scale capitalist enterprises which can begin to replace the totalitarian power of monolithic, trans-national, crony-capitalist monopolies.

This march toward an America that is worth respecting, though, begins by reducing the gun-nuts to weepy, whiney infants who despair because they can no longer play with their murder-toys. · ·
· ·

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Suspect: We copied bombs from al Qaeda

The surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon attacks has told investigators that he and his brother learned how to build bombs from an online magazine published by al Qaeda, officials tell NBC News.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev told investigators that the brothers read the instructions in Inspire, an online, English-language magazine that terror monitoring groups say al Qaeda began publishing in 2010.

Search of Tsarnaevs' phones, computers finds no indication of accomplice, source says - U.S. News

That Inspire magazine is the one that ran the article with pictures called "How to make a bomb in the kitchen of your Mom".

The article goes onto say he has been appointed three attorney's and has been advised of his rights.
Here in the Police State of the Peoples Republic of California, the ruling Communists have hatched a plan to disarm the peasants by stopping ammunition sales. This hasn't been entirely effective since many people simply switched to reloading. Outlawing gun powder sales, will stop people from reloading and will achieve the goal of a disarmed peasantry.
Hooray!! As a native Californian, I am proud that my native state is, yet again, leading the way in the Herculean labor of turning the USA into a normal, sensible member of the forward-moving nations of the world!

For many years I have argued that the best way to deal with the uncivilized, hysterical, ignorant gun-nuts is to put strict control on their ammunition supply, not on their toy penis-substitute guns. Let them try to make their own ammunition! They are so stupid that they will probably blow themselves up, and thus remove a roadblock to a future civilized America.

The peasants, no longer deceived by the siren-lure of violent fantasies, can then begin to work for ways of resisting their political oppressors in a sensible, effective manner.

The first thing, of course, is to unplug themselves from the brain-drip of television brainwashing.

When, after a while, they can escape from their narcosis and achieve normal brain functioning again, they can start to educate themselves, so that they are no longer ignorant American proles who don't have a clue about how the world actually operates.

Eventually, when they have gained some control over the levers of the media and politics, they can begin to establish co-operative, small-scale capitalist enterprises which can begin to replace the totalitarian power of monolithic, trans-national, crony-capitalist monopolies.

This march toward an America that is worth respecting, though, begins by reducing the gun-nuts to weepy, whiney infants who despair because they can no longer play with their murder-toys. · ·
· ·

^^^These lil' Van Jones Jr's are funny.
The fact that you obviously don't understand America or Americans means that you are very likely to remain just another frustrated, irrelevant lefty. CA is a mess, but most Americans are not about to let the 2nd Amendment be taken away or legislated into meaninglessness. Sorry.

Let's keep the 2nd Amendment, but expand it to civil defense as in equal rights and access to legal defense and protections for all citizens, not just armed defense.

Once we have an equal political playing field, without partisan bullying or corporate influence skewing due process and biases in legislation and the media, we can better use the 1st Amendment to represent interests equally to defend our 10th and 14th rights.

We can petition each other to resolve our own grievances, and use our free exercise to implement our own solutions. This way, we the people tell govt what to do, not vice versa.

But if all the worker ants in the anthills waste time competing and fighting with each other,
the bigger fewer grasshoppers divide and conquer by turning us against each other.
When we organize, then all groups can protect and govern their own interests like the states under one union, by organizing networks of people by part under one Constitution.
Hooray!! As a native Californian, I am proud that my native state is, yet again, leading the way in the Herculean labor of turning the USA into a normal, sensible member of the forward-moving nations of the world!

Of course you are. And you can't wait until forced labor camps house those who dare support the ideas of dead white guys.

Eventually, when they have gained some control over the levers of the media and politics, they can begin to establish co-operative, small-scale capitalist enterprises which can begin to replace the totalitarian power of monolithic, trans-national, crony-capitalist monopolies.

You mean when the state fades and all is owned communally by all? Of course, you'll need to kill 90% of us first, and those that are left will serve the ruling elite of your party - without question.

This march toward an America that is worth respecting, though, begins by reducing the gun-nuts to weepy, whiney infants who despair because they can no longer play with their murder-toys. · ·

You're a man of vision - this generation's Pol Pot.

Standard Disclaimer: The above illustrates the fact that the left is evil. That the ultimate goal of the left is murder and enslavement.

Dear Uncensored2008 & Numan: The difference, of course, is the next revolution will NOT be "violent" but by intellectual freedom and respecting the free market/enterprise approach rewarding creativity and capital investment in education and sustainable business models.

The academic approach will not impose ideas by force, but will use this frightening concept of "inclusion" to actually INCLUDE diverse views, including political and religious. Imagine that! Universities actually being universally inclusive, and inclusion not leaving out dissenters!

By opening up to all ideas out there, of course, the realists and skeptics will edit down the idealistic visions of the nonconventional dreamers, and the end result will be practical goals.
We need to work together, just like the diverse views and minds here, to achieve this end.

Our greatest strengths will make up for and correct the weaknesses and faults among us.
So we get the best of all ideas and assimilate those into workable solutions. The academic system will allow study, research and development to test out reforms before adopting them.
We can get a lot more done this way, more cost-effectively without fighting, don't you think?

Hello? Did I lose you at the thought of INCLUSION actually including everyone? Wild, huh?
Dear Uncensored2008 & Numan: The difference, of course, is the next revolution will NOT be "violent" but by intellectual freedom and respecting the free market/enterprise approach rewarding creativity and capital investment in education and sustainable business models.

How long will that take after our current decline into totalitarianism?

The hell the numan yearns for is close to an inevitability. We probably will sink into the abyss in the short term. We rush to a command economy, with men like Barack Obama leading us toward more centralized structures, away from the market. Our civil and property rights are evaporating faster than a beaker of isopropal over a bunson burner.

Revolution, I can't speak to - but I hope the resistance is bloody. I hope that we go down fighting - though I don't believe that those who cling to guns, god, and the constitution can win.

The academic approach will not impose ideas by force, but will use this frightening concept of "inclusion" to actually INCLUDE diverse views, including political and religious. Imagine that! Universities actually being universally inclusive, and inclusion not leaving out dissenters!

The world of the left is one of strict conformity. Those who dissent will be moved to reeducation in the form of forced labor camps.

By opening up to all ideas out there, of course, the realists and skeptics will edit down the idealistic visions of the nonconventional dreamers, and the end result will be practical goals.
We need to work together, just like the diverse views and minds here, to achieve this end.

There is no move to what you dream of in any corner.

Currently, there are the 49% who cling to the United States Constitution, and 51% who desire the progressive dream of cradle to grave security offered by total government.

Our greatest strengths will make up for and correct the weaknesses and faults among us.
So we get the best of all ideas and assimilate those into workable solutions. The academic system will allow study, research and development to test out reforms before adopting them.
We can get a lot more done this way, more cost-effectively without fighting, don't you think?

What you state is not among the current options.

The most effective form of government was established in 1784 - it is what I support. Obama and those behind him seek the form that was established in September of 1917.

Hello? Did I lose you at the thought of INCLUSION actually including everyone? Wild, huh?

Inclusion of those who favor a free market with those who demand a command economy; of those who seek an authoritarian government with those who seek individual liberty, cannot succeed.
Why not kill us? Isn't that your eventual goal any way? Leftism is simply a manifestation of the hatred you have for your fellow man, so why not simply start murdering those who fail to subordinate themselves to our glorious rulers?
Good grief, you foolish, foolish man!!
Your ideas are so sclerotic and archaic that you might as well be living in the 20th century!!

No doubt the world would be much better if people with your quaint and out-moded ways of thinking were no longer here.

But if the horrid century which is your spiritual homeland proved anything, it is that purges, pogroms, genocides and, in general, just plain, old ungenerous nastiness create more problems than they solve.

No, it is much better that you crabbed, shrill, impotent old men, who insanely refuse to enter the Promised Land just over the hill, be left to stew in your own juices, hysterically beating the air with your canes.

That way, even such as you can still Serve Society, as shocking examples to the young of what idiocy 20th century thinking produced.
Good grief, you foolish, foolish man!!
Your ideas are so sclerotic and archaic that you might as well be living in the 20th century!!

Which ideas are those, Comrade Pot?

Be specific.

No doubt the world would be much better if people with your quaint and out-moded ways of thinking were no longer here.

Ah, but you seek to go a bit further, don't you? I mean, it is the human presence that causes grief to your god Gaea, right? If you could rid the world of most of your fellow humans, leaving just enough to serve the elite, then global warming and despeciezation would halt.

All you need to do is kill, isn't that right?

But if the horrid century which is your spiritual homeland proved anything, it is that purges, pogroms, genocides and, in general, just plain, old ungenerous nastiness create more problems than they solve.

So you condemn your fellow leftists?

No, it is much better that you crabbed, shrill, impotent old men, who insanely refuse to enter the Promised Land just over the hill, be left to stew in your own juices, hysterically beating the air with your canes.

That way, even such as you can still Serve Society, as shocking examples to the young of what idiocy 20th century thinking produced.

Promised land? ROFL

BTW, your ideas are spawned from a 19th century German. Hardly "modern." You are a backwards fool, demanding that we repeat the failures of countless tyrants.

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