Both Latino Chicago Mayoral Candidates Want To Party at Taxpayer's Expense


Jan 11, 2011
Chico: Build arenas for large high school crowds

Chicago Public Schools should build two or three premier “competition centers” around the city where high school athletes could showcase their talents, mayoral challenger Gery Chico said Friday.

A former school board president, Chico has already vowed to insulate sports programs from budget cuts.

If elected mayor, Chico said he would also examine the need to renovate and expand high school football stadiums, arguing that those facilities “need attention.”

That's right folks. Let's waste more of your money on under achieving students so this idiot will get THEIR vote.

Why not at least try and educate these students first before bribing them into being good, Chico.

Candidate Miguel del Valle also appeared at the forum and talked about the need for Chicago Public Schools to restore recess and lengthen the 20-minute period set aside for lunch.

“It is inhumane that we give children 20 minutes for lunch in our schools. That is wrong. How can we talk to children about nutrition and what they eat, then say to them, ‘You’ve got to gobble it down in ten minutes,’” said del Valle, who recalled getting an hour for lunch when he was in school.

Asked what classes he would cut to lengthen lunch periods and restore recess, del Valle said none. Instead, he would lengthen the school day and try to get the federal government to pay for it.

This idiot wants to give students a 60 minute fiesta, 5 days a week, at YOUR expense. Federal funds means all taxpayers will be paying for his party!

And when HE was in school, our country wasn't filled with millions and millions of Latin American children who are here illegally but feeding off of the American system that is already broke!

If you need one hour to feed those Latinos, you'll need 8 hours of exercise to remove the fat they just put on.:lol:

Read the rest of this lunacy at:

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Chico: Build arenas for large high school crowds

Chicago Public Schools should build two or three premier “competition centers” around the city where high school athletes could showcase their talents, mayoral challenger Gery Chico said Friday.

A former school board president, Chico has already vowed to insulate sports programs from budget cuts.

If elected mayor, Chico said he would also examine the need to renovate and expand high school football stadiums, arguing that those facilities “need attention.”

That's right folks. Let's waste more of your money on under achieving students so this idiot will get THEIR vote.

Why not at least try and educate these students first before bribing them into being good, Chico.

Candidate Miguel del Valle also appeared at the forum and talked about the need for Chicago Public Schools to restore recess and lengthen the 20-minute period set aside for lunch.

“It is inhumane that we give children 20 minutes for lunch in our schools. That is wrong. How can we talk to children about nutrition and what they eat, then say to them, ‘You’ve got to gobble it down in ten minutes,’” said del Valle, who recalled getting an hour for lunch when he was in school.

Asked what classes he would cut to lengthen lunch periods and restore recess, del Valle said none. Instead, he would lengthen the school day and try to get the federal government to pay for it.

This idiot wants to give students a 60 minute fiesta, 5 days a week, at YOUR expense. Federal funds means all taxpayers will be paying for his party!

And when HE was in school, our country wasn't filled with millions and millions of Latin American children who are here illegally but feeding off of the American system that is already broke!

If you need one hour to feed those Latinos, you'll need 8 hours of exercise to remove the fat they just put on.:lol:

Read the rest of this lunacy at:
Chico: Build arenas for large high school crowds - Chicago Sun-Times

I'm having a hard time seeing what's bad about this, aside from the fact that you're a racist asshole.
Chico: Build arenas for large high school crowds

Chicago Public Schools should build two or three premier “competition centers” around the city where high school athletes could showcase their talents, mayoral challenger Gery Chico said Friday.

A former school board president, Chico has already vowed to insulate sports programs from budget cuts.

If elected mayor, Chico said he would also examine the need to renovate and expand high school football stadiums, arguing that those facilities “need attention.”

That's right folks. Let's waste more of your money on under achieving students so this idiot will get THEIR vote.

Why not at least try and educate these students first before bribing them into being good, Chico.

Candidate Miguel del Valle also appeared at the forum and talked about the need for Chicago Public Schools to restore recess and lengthen the 20-minute period set aside for lunch.

“It is inhumane that we give children 20 minutes for lunch in our schools. That is wrong. How can we talk to children about nutrition and what they eat, then say to them, ‘You’ve got to gobble it down in ten minutes,’” said del Valle, who recalled getting an hour for lunch when he was in school.

Asked what classes he would cut to lengthen lunch periods and restore recess, del Valle said none. Instead, he would lengthen the school day and try to get the federal government to pay for it.

This idiot wants to give students a 60 minute fiesta, 5 days a week, at YOUR expense. Federal funds means all taxpayers will be paying for his party!

And when HE was in school, our country wasn't filled with millions and millions of Latin American children who are here illegally but feeding off of the American system that is already broke!

If you need one hour to feed those Latinos, you'll need 8 hours of exercise to remove the fat they just put on.:lol:

Read the rest of this lunacy at:
Chico: Build arenas for large high school crowds - Chicago Sun-Times

I'm having a hard time seeing what's bad about this, aside from the fact that you're a racist asshole.

Aside from dropping the race card on the table, can you tell us if Chicago, Illinois and or We the People can afford this?
I'm having a hard time seeing what's bad about this, aside from the fact that you're a racist asshole.

It's "racist" to point out that minority politicians love to spend white-earned money?

You could work for the Obama '12 campaign!
wow, caring what happens to school children is racist. :cuckoo:
wow, caring what happens to school children is racist. :cuckoo:

We, U.S. AMERICANS, care that Latino children are being used as pawns by Latin American goverments to flood the American school system to drag it down to their level of idiocy.
Chico: Build arenas for large high school crowds

Chicago Public Schools should build two or three premier “competition centers” around the city where high school athletes could showcase their talents, mayoral challenger Gery Chico said Friday.

A former school board president, Chico has already vowed to insulate sports programs from budget cuts.

If elected mayor, Chico said he would also examine the need to renovate and expand high school football stadiums, arguing that those facilities “need attention.”

That's right folks. Let's waste more of your money on under achieving students so this idiot will get THEIR vote.

Why not at least try and educate these students first before bribing them into being good, Chico.

Candidate Miguel del Valle also appeared at the forum and talked about the need for Chicago Public Schools to restore recess and lengthen the 20-minute period set aside for lunch.

“It is inhumane that we give children 20 minutes for lunch in our schools. That is wrong. How can we talk to children about nutrition and what they eat, then say to them, ‘You’ve got to gobble it down in ten minutes,’” said del Valle, who recalled getting an hour for lunch when he was in school.

Asked what classes he would cut to lengthen lunch periods and restore recess, del Valle said none. Instead, he would lengthen the school day and try to get the federal government to pay for it.

This idiot wants to give students a 60 minute fiesta, 5 days a week, at YOUR expense. Federal funds means all taxpayers will be paying for his party!

And when HE was in school, our country wasn't filled with millions and millions of Latin American children who are here illegally but feeding off of the American system that is already broke!

If you need one hour to feed those Latinos, you'll need 8 hours of exercise to remove the fat they just put on.:lol:

Read the rest of this lunacy at:
Chico: Build arenas for large high school crowds - Chicago Sun-Times

I'm having a hard time seeing what's bad about this, aside from the fact that you're a racist asshole.

A "racist asshole" that doesn't want American children to be exposed to the sewer level of the Latin American educational systems. We all can't be lettuce pickers or burrito cookers.
Chico: Build arenas for large high school crowds

Chicago Public Schools should build two or three premier “competition centers” around the city where high school athletes could showcase their talents, mayoral challenger Gery Chico said Friday.

A former school board president, Chico has already vowed to insulate sports programs from budget cuts.

If elected mayor, Chico said he would also examine the need to renovate and expand high school football stadiums, arguing that those facilities “need attention.”

That's right folks. Let's waste more of your money on under achieving students so this idiot will get THEIR vote.

Why not at least try and educate these students first before bribing them into being good, Chico.

Candidate Miguel del Valle also appeared at the forum and talked about the need for Chicago Public Schools to restore recess and lengthen the 20-minute period set aside for lunch.

“It is inhumane that we give children 20 minutes for lunch in our schools. That is wrong. How can we talk to children about nutrition and what they eat, then say to them, ‘You’ve got to gobble it down in ten minutes,’” said del Valle, who recalled getting an hour for lunch when he was in school.

Asked what classes he would cut to lengthen lunch periods and restore recess, del Valle said none. Instead, he would lengthen the school day and try to get the federal government to pay for it.

This idiot wants to give students a 60 minute fiesta, 5 days a week, at YOUR expense. Federal funds means all taxpayers will be paying for his party!

And when HE was in school, our country wasn't filled with millions and millions of Latin American children who are here illegally but feeding off of the American system that is already broke!

If you need one hour to feed those Latinos, you'll need 8 hours of exercise to remove the fat they just put on.:lol:

Read the rest of this lunacy at:
Chico: Build arenas for large high school crowds - Chicago Sun-Times are doubting that delapidated schools do not impact the quality of the education received?
[ are doubting that delapidated schools do not impact the quality of the education received?

The Latino kids around here have brand new schools with all the latest crap for learning and they still fail. When stuff is handed to them on a silver plater, they don't appreciate it. But force them to eat their lunch in 20 minutes and........!!!
That's right folks. Let's waste more of your money on under achieving students so this idiot will get THEIR vote.

Why not at least try and educate these students first before bribing them into being good, Chico.

This idiot wants to give students a 60 minute fiesta, 5 days a week, at YOUR expense. Federal funds means all taxpayers will be paying for his party!

And when HE was in school, our country wasn't filled with millions and millions of Latin American children who are here illegally but feeding off of the American system that is already broke!

If you need one hour to feed those Latinos, you'll need 8 hours of exercise to remove the fat they just put on.:lol:

Read the rest of this lunacy at:
Chico: Build arenas for large high school crowds - Chicago Sun-Times

I'm having a hard time seeing what's bad about this, aside from the fact that you're a racist asshole.

A "racist asshole" that doesn't want American children to be exposed to the sewer level of the Latin American educational systems. We all can't be lettuce pickers or burrito cookers.

So, because it's a Latin American candidate, he must be advocating "Latin American" education, right? What does the fact that the candidates are "Latin American" have to do with this at all?

You're a racist asshole.
I'm having a hard time seeing what's bad about this, aside from the fact that you're a racist asshole.

A "racist asshole" that doesn't want American children to be exposed to the sewer level of the Latin American educational systems. We all can't be lettuce pickers or burrito cookers.

So, because it's a Latin American candidate, he must be advocating "Latin American" education, right? What does the fact that the candidates are "Latin American" have to do with this at all?

You're a racist asshole.

Have you ever heard even one LATINO candidate go against the LA RAZA (the master race)? You're the American hater if you side with third world.
[ are doubting that delapidated schools do not impact the quality of the education received?

What about those mud hut schools in the "feed the poor" commercials that educate children that actually want to learn? Isn't 2 + 2 = 4 the same in a hut or a billion dollar building?

The dropout rate among the third world invaders that just stole a quarter of a million dollar education from US taxpayers is higher than any other race. Why is that?
I was kind of hoping for a rational discussion about the benefits of sports facilities vs academic needs, because it seems to me that that would be quite an important debate to have. Color me surprised pink when I find that, yet again, it's a bitchfest thread about race.
I was kind of hoping for a rational discussion about the benefits of sports facilities vs academic needs, because it seems to me that that would be quite an important debate to have. Color me surprised pink when I find that, yet again, it's a bitchfest thread about race.

It should interest you to know that in Europe, sports is not part of the educational curriculum. It shouldn't be. It is an entertainment!

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