Both liberals and conservatives support censorship!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
State Attorneys General and Violent Video Games - Phyllis Schlafly - Page full

A Right to Sell Violent Video Games to Your Kids? - Maggie Gallagher - Page full

Rape Games? - Brent Bozell - Page 1

Video game violence and our sons - Rebecca Hagelin - Page 1

'Dialogue' Required for Violent Video Games - Brent Bozell - Page 1

Culture Challenge of the Week: Misogynist Video Games - Rebecca Hagelin - Page 1

'Mortal Combat' and the First Amendment - Cal Thomas - Page full

There is this conservative commentary website called Townhall. The conservative commentators like Brent Bozell and Rebecca Hagelin are critical of violent entertainment. What do you think? Do they have an agenda? Do conservatives hate the idea of adults playing video games? If so I think that they are bullies!

Here is an anti video game liberal. He is nothing but an arrogant bully! He does not care about freedom!

Leland Yee: Gamers Have 'No Credibility' in Violent Video Game Debate, Should 'Just Quiet Down' | GamePolitics
Rarely do you meet someone who does not want to censor something. Very few humans will let the chips fall where they may. My kind is rare, unfortunately.
Rarely do you meet someone who does not want to censor something. Very few humans will let the chips fall where they may. My kind is rare, unfortunately.


I'm pretty pleased that your kind are rare. You seem like a turd.
We need to fight against censorship! We will not let them reduce video games to G rated kiddie crap!
The first article is an op-ed written by a tapeworm named Phyllis Schlafly. She's about as bright as a black hole.
Rarely do you meet someone who does not want to censor something. Very few humans will let the chips fall where they may. My kind is rare, unfortunately.

Your kind is, unfortunately, all too common - as you've expressed eagerness to bully others in nearly every context discussed on these boards. So drop the pretense.
Rarely do you meet someone who does not want to censor something. Very few humans will let the chips fall where they may. My kind is rare, unfortunately.

Your kind is, unfortunately, all too common - as you've expressed eagerness to bully others in nearly every context discussed on these boards. So drop the pretense.

Not at all, they can think whatever stupid things they damn-well please, I'm just not making those "thoughts" law because they think their God, or their party, approves of such things.

And I don't need to bully anyone. Being six times smarter than they are takes care of that without me even bothering...
Rarely do you meet someone who does not want to censor something. Very few humans will let the chips fall where they may. My kind is rare, unfortunately.

Your kind is, unfortunately, all too common - as you've expressed eagerness to bully others in nearly every context discussed on these boards. So drop the pretense.

Not at all, they can think whatever stupid things they damn-well please, I'm just not making those "thoughts" law because they think their God, or their party, approves of such things.

And I don't need to bully anyone. Being six times smarter than they are takes care of that without me even bothering...

Yet you support state policies that belie your claim.
State Attorneys General and Violent Video Games - Phyllis Schlafly - Page full

A Right to Sell Violent Video Games to Your Kids? - Maggie Gallagher - Page full

Rape Games? - Brent Bozell - Page 1

Video game violence and our sons - Rebecca Hagelin - Page 1

'Dialogue' Required for Violent Video Games - Brent Bozell - Page 1

Culture Challenge of the Week: Misogynist Video Games - Rebecca Hagelin - Page 1

'Mortal Combat' and the First Amendment - Cal Thomas - Page full

There is this conservative commentary website called Townhall. The conservative commentators like Brent Bozell and Rebecca Hagelin are critical of violent entertainment. What do you think? Do they have an agenda? Do conservatives hate the idea of adults playing video games? If so I think that they are bullies!

Here is an anti video game liberal. He is nothing but an arrogant bully! He does not care about freedom!

Leland Yee: Gamers Have 'No Credibility' in Violent Video Game Debate, Should 'Just Quiet Down' | GamePolitics

Do you understand the difference between the (free) media and the potential and real tyranny inherent in the federal government? Bozell, Hagelin, and Cal Thomas are private citizens. It doesn't matter what they say. The elected officials are the ones that control society and issues of life and death and so far it seems that the Hussein administration is big on censorship of conservative speech and evesdropping of private conversation. If lefties and stupid pop-culture educated kids spent more time on Constitutional issues than playing violent video games they might understand their Country a little better.
Your kind is, unfortunately, all too common - as you've expressed eagerness to bully others in nearly every context discussed on these boards. So drop the pretense.

Not at all, they can think whatever stupid things they damn-well please, I'm just not making those "thoughts" law because they think their God, or their party, approves of such things.

And I don't need to bully anyone. Being six times smarter than they are takes care of that without me even bothering...

Yet you support state policies that belie your claim.

Love to see them, roll them out for us...
not at all, they can think whatever stupid things they damn-well please, i'm just not making those "thoughts" law because they think their god, or their party, approves of such things.

And i don't need to bully anyone. Being six times smarter than they are takes care of that without me even bothering...

yet you support state policies that belie your claim.

love to see them, roll them out for us...


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