Both parents die leaving 4 Texas orphans.

When you go fishing, if you don't get a bite after the first cast or two, do you pack your shit up an go home, or do you realize that things don't always work out perfectly, and make adjustments?
Yeah ...

Whatever the fuck that psycho Leftist shit means ...

Your DELUSIONS cannot compete in real time what is happening.

There is a reason Leftism is considered a Mental Disorder....

There is a reason normal thinking Americans DO NOT take you psycho Leftist seriously!!
Another thread with lefties celebrating people dying and children losing their parents. Disgusting. Karma will meet you in the end.

Unvaxxed of course. Those kids will grow up knowing that their parents didnt love them enough to get a jab. Saddest story of the day.
Or Biden and Democrats should have done something about the flood of unvaccinated migrants they are letting into southern states like Texas. By some records, up a million (that we've counted) have crossed the border. You Lefties always want it both ways.

Unvaxxed of course. Those kids will grow up knowing that their parents didnt love them enough to get a jab. Saddest story of the day.

No. The southern lifestyle is unhealthy and again mostly blacks are fat and they mostly vote Democrat.

Don't leave out all the fat Mexicans and other latinos. Look at all the morbidly obese allegedly 'starving refugees' coming across the border very day as well; even the a lot of the children are already obese.

African American women have the highest rates of obesity or being overweight compared to other groups in the United States. About 4 out of 5 African American women are overweight or obese.

  • Among Hispanic American women, 78.8 percent are overweight or obese, as compared to 64 percent of non-Hispanic white women.
  • In 2018, Hispanic Americans were 1.2 times more likely to be obese than non-Hispanic whites.
  • From 2013-2016, Hispanic children were 1.8 times more likely to be obese as compared to non-Hispanic white children.
  • In 2018, Hispanic women were 20 percent more likely to be overweight as compared to non-Hispanic white women.
  • People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, high levels of blood fats, diabetes and LDL cholesterol – all risk factors for heart disease and stroke.1
  • In 2017, Hispanic high school students were 50 percent more likely to be obese as compared to non-Hispanic white youth.
I thought they were all 'hard working n only doing jobs Americans won't n stuff', so how is it they're mostly fat asses?

No wonder most of the planet is racing to get here; all this evil white racism n stuff is obviously pretty grand stuff compared to their own 'cultures' of Diversity n Wokeness'. I thought Whitey genocided everybody; it says so right there in the left wing 'history' books, you know.
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Nope. That is YOUR spin. A corrupt and untrustworthy source is not trustworthy. That is on the source that choose to be untrustworthy.
Trust in information is assessed by the individual. If a person chooses to believe that vaccines don’t work and later dies of a covid infection, that’s on them. Their judgements on the available information led them to a poor choice and regrettable outcome.
You’re only making the case against such beliefs.
Why is the CDC recommending boosters after 8 months in?


Your Government is LYING to you and you are too stupid to see it.

The vaccine ... the booster or the mask will not protect you from Fauci's man made virus.

Wake the fuck up ....
You're the one in a mindless stupor. Die if you want to. That's your call.

I can post memes too. Mine makes more sense though.

Trust in information is assessed by the individual. If a person chooses to believe that vaccines don’t work and later dies of a covid infection, that’s on them. Their judgements on the available information led them to a poor choice and regrettable outcome.
You’re only making the case against such beliefs.

Trust in an information source is based on the sources record. If it has a record of spewing propaganda and lies, then no reasonable person would trust it as a source of information.

I can understand why you won't address my point. Because it reveals that this whole thread is just you libs being assholes.

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