Both parties are pretty much the same shit

Does anyone still deny this? They have minor differences, but your life is not going to change much no matter which of these shitters is in power. People who get all worked up over partisan politics crack me up.
IMHO, I just cannot agree with that when manipulative, well-planned lies become the preferred tactic for winning an election on one side, and the other side bends over backward to do good deeds and who employ the good vibes of encouragement of the best in other people that makes the kind of leadership America has enjoyed from the time General George Washington bended his knee in prayer to God for helping him remove the pain of his fellow Americans being taxed tand ignored without any kind of representation or power to be heard, whatsoever.

What we say and do matters.
That’s what Republicans went for America. That’s why they practice voter suppression. Billionaires and millionaires use the GOP base to stay in power. And the way they do it is to scare them. Make them think brown people are coming to take their jobs and rape their daughters. People with no education believe that nonsense. And there you have it, Republicans.
You did not address what I said, deanrd. Nothing about the lies told when Justice Kavanaugh was being fried-on-an-open-pit by female Democrat Diane Feinstein orchestrated the biggest fibbiefest ever presented to a large audience of Americans. The trouble with speaking lies for so long, is the later checkup that determines very little of her presentation aimed at assassinating the character of a man who spent a lifetime working on doing a good job on the bench of the law, which he learned and practiced like no one else, with an aim to be the best jurist in America. President Trump was well advised to back him, although nobody on this planet except in the dark, hazy rooms of the dirty tricks girls and boys of the Democrat demolition committee dreamt up this huge prank with the goal of having parties after they successfully made most of the people in the world think badly of everyone concerned with Justice in America. Only they went a little too far into theatrics that just couldn't overcome the speaker's body language that was all too consistent with the body language of someone not telling the truth. And certainly sure enough, Dr. Ford's harsh and untrue allegations were exposed word for word in less than 24 hours after the Democrats tried to destroy the Supreme Court's reputation with idle and falsified mumblings about an innocent man being hammered for things too shameful to think about. You're ignoring the fact that American citizens do not agree that lying isn't important. It is important, and it does matter to Americans that leadership bears the truth to the public. When they don't tell the truth, politicians are shooting themselves in the foot, and just how little Americans appreciated being blantly fooled with will become a lot clearer to you in just about three weeks from now on election day. I think the DNC will go down in flames, and I hope this country is not exposed to lies for the duration.
How can you believe Kavanaugh was telling the truth?
If he were telling the truth he would’ve done anything to prove it. Even lie detector test.

"How can you believe Kavanaugh was telling the truth?"​

Because a man is innocent until he is proven guilty. Nothing said proved him guilty.

"If he were telling the truth he would’ve done anything to prove it. Even lie detector test."

First, you forget, he is innocent until his accuser proves him guilty. She brought nothing to the table that would convict that innocent man.
Refusing to be transparent? Sounds like guilt to me.
This wasn't a court of law.
This was public opinion and Kavanaugh looked guilty.
Does anyone still deny this? They have minor differences, but your life is not going to change much no matter which of these shitters is in power. People who get all worked up over partisan politics crack me up.

That’s why this new Party is kicking the worlds ass.
Get on board or get run over.
Vote TrumpServative!

The parties ARE the tyranny the Founders worried about. And you don't NEED more parties to replace them. What you need right now is about a DOZEN INDEPENDENT voices on Capitol Hill to speak freely and vote freely and CALL OUT the horseshit when they see it. Start dismantling the "rules" that the PARTY BOSSES created to make Congress their own.

Demand professionalism and independent thought. Vote for REAL winners. Don't vote to just win. That just never gets things better.
Democrats are a coalition party. Because they are the party of "everyone else".

Republicans are the white party. Why they practice voter suppression if obvious.
Does anyone still deny this? They have minor differences, but your life is not going to change much no matter which of these shitters is in power. People who get all worked up over partisan politics crack me up.

That’s why this new Party is kicking the worlds ass.
Get on board or get run over.
Vote TrumpServative!

The parties ARE the tyranny the Founders worried about. And you don't NEED more parties to replace them. What you need right now is about a DOZEN INDEPENDENT voices on Capitol Hill to speak freely and vote freely and CALL OUT the horseshit when they see it. Start dismantling the "rules" that the PARTY BOSSES created to make Congress their own.

Demand professionalism and independent thought. Vote for REAL winners. Don't vote to just win. That just never gets things better.

The parties are the opposite of tyranny. Think about it.
Democrats are a coalition party. Because they are the party of "everyone else".

Republicans are the white party. Why they practice voter suppression if obvious.

Democrats are the party of illegal aliens and dead people. Democrats think 'voter suppression' is not allowing illegal aliens and dead people to vote.
Does anyone still deny this? They have minor differences, but your life is not going to change much no matter which of these shitters is in power. People who get all worked up over partisan politics crack me up.

The only way things will change in any meaningful way is if the people start running from the ground up. An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any government or any army. Do big things and big things will follow.
Does anyone still deny this? They have minor differences, but your life is not going to change much no matter which of these shitters is in power. People who get all worked up over partisan politics crack me up.

That’s why this new Party is kicking the worlds ass.
Get on board or get run over.
Vote TrumpServative!

The parties ARE the tyranny the Founders worried about. And you don't NEED more parties to replace them. What you need right now is about a DOZEN INDEPENDENT voices on Capitol Hill to speak freely and vote freely and CALL OUT the horseshit when they see it. Start dismantling the "rules" that the PARTY BOSSES created to make Congress their own.

Demand professionalism and independent thought. Vote for REAL winners. Don't vote to just win. That just never gets things better.
Democrats are a coalition party. Because they are the party of "everyone else".

Republicans are the white party. Why they practice voter suppression if obvious.

Bullshit.. We're now having a SECOND election in the ONE PARTY state of California where they have literally OUTLAWED any other names on the general election ballots that weren't in their top 2 totalitarian primary. So for the SECOND time, there are NO Repubs allowed, NO 3rd parties allowed, NO Independents ALLOWED to be on the ballot. Only 2 Democrats. That's voter disfranchisement and totalitarian representation.

But the Dem party policy of voter disenfranchisement doesn't stop there. Their national policy of superdelegates makes any ONE of the party hierarchy votes equivalent to roughly 120,000 NORMAL voters. Giving their national presidential candidate an allowance of about a 7MILLION vote cushion to carry thru the campaign.

The idea that they represent "every else" is cruel, uninformed and ludicrous. IN FACT, they are attacking some of their own "dependable" constituencies recently. Like the Jews, Blacks, even American Indians. And they are LOSING historically large portions of that "cash cow" that they milk for votes with unfulfilled promises.

Your guys are blowing it BIG TIME. It's panic city. And the politics of "group" division and political correctness and focus on winning power are biting them in the ass.
Does anyone still deny this? They have minor differences, but your life is not going to change much no matter which of these shitters is in power. People who get all worked up over partisan politics crack me up.

That’s why this new Party is kicking the worlds ass.
Get on board or get run over.
Vote TrumpServative!

The parties ARE the tyranny the Founders worried about. And you don't NEED more parties to replace them. What you need right now is about a DOZEN INDEPENDENT voices on Capitol Hill to speak freely and vote freely and CALL OUT the horseshit when they see it. Start dismantling the "rules" that the PARTY BOSSES created to make Congress their own.

Demand professionalism and independent thought. Vote for REAL winners. Don't vote to just win. That just never gets things better.

The parties are the opposite of tyranny. Think about it.

They ARE the tyranny the Founders predicted. You ever seen these quotes?

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.
JOHN ADAMS, letter to Jonathan Jackson, October 2, 1789

However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.
GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, September 19, 1796

You have a Congress now run LITERALLY by 4 Party bosses. The other members are leashed and muzzled and FORCED to parrot the party lines and dutifully vote for their bosses. There are no independent voices. NOTHING HAPPENS on the floor that is not totally orchestrated by those 4 party bosses. For the Sunday political shows, you could choose ANYONE from their party and get the same analysis and message.

And the parties have "remodeled" the concept of Congress to fit the Two Party mold. All of the rules and protocols are FABRICATED to preserve the dominance of the Brand Name parties and discourage independent critical thinking and analysis. And to boot -- they are totally dysfunctional. They don't write law anymore. They write "blank check" legislation for their massive "minions of morons" in the Bureaucracy to implement and determine. Then they critically fail at oversight while maintaining seats in that people's house for their entire lifetimes.

What part of that is the "opposite" of tyranny???
Does anyone still deny this? They have minor differences, but your life is not going to change much no matter which of these shitters is in power. People who get all worked up over partisan politics crack me up.

That’s why this new Party is kicking the worlds ass.
Get on board or get run over.
Vote TrumpServative!

I might vote for Trump at this point. Why the fuck not? Everyone else is trash anyway.

Well...remember, the majority is trash, they won the popular vote...right?

Do you consider yourself a part of the majority?
Does anyone still deny this? They have minor differences, but your life is not going to change much no matter which of these shitters is in power. People who get all worked up over partisan politics crack me up.

The only way things will change in any meaningful way is if the people start running from the ground up. An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any government or any army. Do big things and big things will follow.

Now there's an introduced concept that went <<<<woosh>>> w/o response.

So here's my "pissin' in the ascii wind' $.02"

Term Limits, have thge SCOTUS overturn Citizens V FEC, Outlaw lobbyists, increase the population to represetation ratio X10 (actually keeping up) , institutute a draft for election purposes of every able bodied naturalized American Man/Woman to 'serve' in Congress, renumeration and acolades via the 28th Amd

Does anyone still deny this? They have minor differences, but your life is not going to change much no matter which of these shitters is in power. People who get all worked up over partisan politics crack me up.

That’s why this new Party is kicking the worlds ass.
Get on board or get run over.
Vote TrumpServative!

I might vote for Trump at this point. Why the fuck not? Everyone else is trash anyway.

Well...remember, the majority is trash, they won the popular vote...right?

Do you consider yourself a part of the majority?

I’m certainly NOT part of the majority here in Mexifornia...THANK GOD.
You can’t throw a rock in any direction here without hitting an illegal wetback, a pole puffing homo, a man in a dress, a degenerate bottom feeder or a whacked out feminazi.
Does anyone still deny this? They have minor differences, but your life is not going to change much no matter which of these shitters is in power. People who get all worked up over partisan politics crack me up.

That’s why this new Party is kicking the worlds ass.
Get on board or get run over.
Vote TrumpServative!

I might vote for Trump at this point. Why the fuck not? Everyone else is trash anyway.

Well...remember, the majority is trash, they won the popular vote...right?

Do you consider yourself a part of the majority?

I’m certainly NOT part of the majority here in Mexifornia...THANK GOD.
You can’t throw a rock in any direction here without hitting an illegal wetback, a pole puffing homo, a man in a dress, a degenerate bottom feeder or a whacked out feminazi.

Why not move?
That’s why this new Party is kicking the worlds ass.
Get on board or get run over.
Vote TrumpServative!

I might vote for Trump at this point. Why the fuck not? Everyone else is trash anyway.

Well...remember, the majority is trash, they won the popular vote...right?

Do you consider yourself a part of the majority?

I’m certainly NOT part of the majority here in Mexifornia...THANK GOD.
You can’t throw a rock in any direction here without hitting an illegal wetback, a pole puffing homo, a man in a dress, a degenerate bottom feeder or a whacked out feminazi.

Why not move?

I am, just like all good people are. We can’t wait to escape...we’ll all watch this shithole burn to the ground.
Does anyone still deny this? They have minor differences, but your life is not going to change much no matter which of these shitters is in power. People who get all worked up over partisan politics crack me up.

If somebody really believes that both party's have minor differences then there way out there league when it comes to politics.

If someone really can't figure out how to use the correct form of there, their, or they're in 2018, then they're way out of their league when it comes to piloting a functioning human brain.
Doozies, Who Do Not See, Do See Nazi

The slur, "Grammar Nazi," ought to be considered another brain-dead Godwinism from those who have nothing worth posting. Why don't we attack the teaching profession for failing to do their duty to the public?
Does anyone still deny this? They have minor differences, but your life is not going to change much no matter which of these shitters is in power. People who get all worked up over partisan politics crack me up.

Yes, I deny it. People who say the parties are comparable are stupid and uninformed. As someone who used to vote more Republican than Democrat - I can attest to that. They were once comparable up until Reagan - but no more. Reagan was an asshole who really started fucking the unrich - but he was a saint compared to the current satanist Republicans.

Yeah but you're partisan, so no one cares about your opinion.

And you're only 28 and naive - otherwise you'd never have started such a thread. Educate yourself. Are you blind to everything going on around us politically since Trump was elected?

Same old shit. The hyenas are just louder than they used to be. You're older, so you think everything matters so much ... in reality, you're just becoming increasingly aware of your mortality and the end of your existence, which you rightly fear. You want to think that your experiences, your opinions, actually mean something. Unfortunately, they don't.
Does anyone still deny this? They have minor differences, but your life is not going to change much no matter which of these shitters is in power. People who get all worked up over partisan politics crack me up.

Yes, I deny it. People who say the parties are comparable are stupid and uninformed. As someone who used to vote more Republican than Democrat - I can attest to that. They were once comparable up until Reagan - but no more. Reagan was an asshole who really started fucking the unrich - but he was a saint compared to the current satanist Republicans.

Yeah but you're partisan, so no one cares about your opinion.

And you're only 28 and naive - otherwise you'd never have started such a thread. Educate yourself. Are you blind to everything going on around us politically since Trump was elected?

Same old shit. The hyenas are just louder than they used to be. You're older, so you think everything matters so much ... in reality, you're just becoming increasingly aware of your mortality and the end of your existence, which you rightly fear. You want to think that your experiences, your opinions, actually mean something. Unfortunately, they don't.

Thank you. That means a lot coming from a 28-year-old. BTW - history matters.
Does anyone still deny this? They have minor differences, but your life is not going to change much no matter which of these shitters is in power. People who get all worked up over partisan politics crack me up.

Yes, I deny it. People who say the parties are comparable are stupid and uninformed. As someone who used to vote more Republican than Democrat - I can attest to that. They were once comparable up until Reagan - but no more. Reagan was an asshole who really started fucking the unrich - but he was a saint compared to the current satanist Republicans.

Yeah but you're partisan, so no one cares about your opinion.

And you're only 28 and naive - otherwise you'd never have started such a thread. Educate yourself. Are you blind to everything going on around us politically since Trump was elected?

Same old shit. The hyenas are just louder than they used to be. You're older, so you think everything matters so much ... in reality, you're just becoming increasingly aware of your mortality and the end of your existence, which you rightly fear. You want to think that your experiences, your opinions, actually mean something. Unfortunately, they don't.

Thank you. That means a lot coming from a 28-year-old. BTW - history matters.

Neither of our opinions or lives actually matter. Only one of us seems to realize it. That's okay though. In 100 years, we'll both be gone and politicians from both parties will still be lying, stealing, and catering to rich people.

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