Bottom Line: He KNEW Back In 2014 - He CHOSE To Allow Putin To Continue

Material aid to a hostile foreign national.
Like giving Russia 20% of US uranium?

Like letting Russia continue to hack?

Like Hillary giving 6 foreign entities TOP SECRET+ classified data?

Like an Un-Constitutional Treaty that pays millions and furthers the nuclear program of the nation calling for our destruction during negotiations?

are you a drinking man easy?


Eevidence shows / proves Obama knew in 2014...and stayed out of Putin's way.

What's the matter, spunky? Hate / offended by reality so much you just make up your own?
Thanks for proving my point that Barry made it a habit of injecting himself into elections of our allies to help terrorists take over, a habit of aiding terrorists - to include terrorists who slaughtered 3,ooo Americans...

I guess you will try to defend Barry for trying to meddle in the 2016 election, too.

Haaaaannnng onnnn!!!!!
Just stop right there!!!

I thought there was no Russian interference.
The US Commander In Chief said so...and Donald J Trump agreed.
Thanks for proving my point that Barry made it a habit of injecting himself into elections of our allies to help terrorists take over, a habit of aiding terrorists - to include terrorists who slaughtered 3,ooo Americans...

I guess you will try to defend Barry for trying to meddle in the 2016 election, too.


Your 'point' is blinded by partisanship

America and Russia both have a long history of election meddlings , before Obama and Trump were in the womb

Much of it is overt as well

It is literally 'busniess as usual' , for CIA, KGB , Mossad , M16

To have any one entity cry foul and point fingers is making fools of those who think these are one time affairs

They are not

Thanks for proving my point that Barry made it a habit of injecting himself into elections of our allies to help terrorists take over, a habit of aiding terrorists - to include terrorists who slaughtered 3,ooo Americans...

I guess you will try to defend Barry for trying to meddle in the 2016 election, too.


Your 'point' is blinded by partisanship

America and Russia both have a long history of election meddlings , before Obama and Trump were in the womb

Much of it is overt as well

It is literally 'busniess as usual' , for CIA, KGB , Mossad , M16

To have any one entity cry foul and point fingers is making fools of those who think these are one time affairs

They are not

and which side started bitching about the russians minutes after losing an election? if we both agree the dems are full of shit, great.
That's due to those partisan ears that only hear what they want to Mr Berg


In 2014, the administration got a report of Russia’s intention to disrupt Western democracies, including the United States

The Obama administration received multiple warnings from national security officials between 2014 and 2016 that the Kremlin was ramping up its intelligence operations and building disinformation networks it could use to disrupt the U.S. political system, according to more than half a dozen current and former officials.

As early as 2014, the administration received a report that quoted a well-connected Russian source as saying that the Kremlin was building a disinformation arm that could be used to interfere in Western democracies. The report, according to an official familiar with it, included a quote from the Russian source telling U.S. officials in Moscow, "You have no idea how extensive these networks are in Europe ... and in the U.S., Russia has penetrated media organizations, lobbying firms, political parties, governments and militaries in all of these places."

That report was circulated among the National Security Council, intelligence agencies and the State Department via secure email and cable in the spring of 2014 as part of a larger assessment of Russian intentions

Former White House officials, requesting anonymity to discuss intelligence reporting, confirmed that the administration began receiving increased traffic in 2014 about Russian disinformation and covert influence in campaigns, but said they did not recall receiving that specific warning about Russian inroads in the United States.

others in the national security community say an overly cautious Obama White House could have done more both during the campaign and in the previous months and years to alert Russia that it was aware of its intentions to subvert the U.S. democracy — along with those of some other Western countries — and would retaliate forcefully at the first sign of Russian interference.

So since Barry did it does that mean it’s OK for Trump to do it? What position are you taking?

In 2014, the administration got a report of Russia’s intention to disrupt Western democracies, including the United States

The Obama administration received multiple warnings from national security officials between 2014 and 2016 that the Kremlin was ramping up its intelligence operations and building disinformation networks it could use to disrupt the U.S. political system, according to more than half a dozen current and former officials.

As early as 2014, the administration received a report that quoted a well-connected Russian source as saying that the Kremlin was building a disinformation arm that could be used to interfere in Western democracies. The report, according to an official familiar with it, included a quote from the Russian source telling U.S. officials in Moscow, "You have no idea how extensive these networks are in Europe ... and in the U.S., Russia has penetrated media organizations, lobbying firms, political parties, governments and militaries in all of these places."

That report was circulated among the National Security Council, intelligence agencies and the State Department via secure email and cable in the spring of 2014 as part of a larger assessment of Russian intentions

Former White House officials, requesting anonymity to discuss intelligence reporting, confirmed that the administration began receiving increased traffic in 2014 about Russian disinformation and covert influence in campaigns, but said they did not recall receiving that specific warning about Russian inroads in the United States.

others in the national security community say an overly cautious Obama White House could have done more both during the campaign and in the previous months and years to alert Russia that it was aware of its intentions to subvert the U.S. democracy — along with those of some other Western countries — and would retaliate forcefully at the first sign of Russian interference.

So since Barry did it does that mean it’s OK for Trump to do it? What position are you taking?
Trump DIDN'T do it...
Look at the Trumpsters on here, desperately trying to point the finger at Obama after their guy shits his pants in front of Putin. Lul.

In 2014, the administration got a report of Russia’s intention to disrupt Western democracies, including the United States

The Obama administration received multiple warnings from national security officials between 2014 and 2016 that the Kremlin was ramping up its intelligence operations and building disinformation networks it could use to disrupt the U.S. political system, according to more than half a dozen current and former officials.

As early as 2014, the administration received a report that quoted a well-connected Russian source as saying that the Kremlin was building a disinformation arm that could be used to interfere in Western democracies. The report, according to an official familiar with it, included a quote from the Russian source telling U.S. officials in Moscow, "You have no idea how extensive these networks are in Europe ... and in the U.S., Russia has penetrated media organizations, lobbying firms, political parties, governments and militaries in all of these places."

That report was circulated among the National Security Council, intelligence agencies and the State Department via secure email and cable in the spring of 2014 as part of a larger assessment of Russian intentions

Former White House officials, requesting anonymity to discuss intelligence reporting, confirmed that the administration began receiving increased traffic in 2014 about Russian disinformation and covert influence in campaigns, but said they did not recall receiving that specific warning about Russian inroads in the United States.

others in the national security community say an overly cautious Obama White House could have done more both during the campaign and in the previous months and years to alert Russia that it was aware of its intentions to subvert the U.S. democracy — along with those of some other Western countries — and would retaliate forcefully at the first sign of Russian interference.

So since Barry did it does that mean it’s OK for Trump to do it? What position are you taking?
Trump DIDN'T do it...
Trump didn’t do what?

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