Bottom line question...


Gold Member
Aug 8, 2011
There are many Americans willing to kill and/or die to keep our Constitutional rights and pass them on to new generations.

Are you willing to kill and/or die to take them?
There are many Americans willing to kill and/or die to keep our Constitutional rights and pass them on to new generations.

Are you willing to kill and/or die to take them?

Why are you so obsessed with killing people?

Or you think that would ever do any good.

Our constitutional rights are what people think they are in the collective.

There are no "rights". A right implies that it can't be taken away, when in fact they can.

We don't have rights, we have privilages the rest of society allows us to have.

Any fool who thinks he has rights should look up "Japanese Americans- 1942." Guess what, they took away every right these folks had, and everyone cheered it at the time.

and somehow, I don't think the Japanese-Americans would have made anything better for themselves if they took up arms against the government at that point.
There are many Americans willing to kill and/or die to keep our Constitutional rights and pass them on to new generations.

Are you willing to kill and/or die to take them?

How many? Are there enough to beat the US Army? How about my local SWAT?
Are you all "planning" your insurrection at this moment? You do know that planning to overthrow our elected government is called "treason". You know what the penalty is for treason? You are just not real smart. Or are you a fantasy warrior? I mean, what the fuk is wrong with you?
There are many Americans willing to kill and/or die to keep our Constitutional rights and pass them on to new generations.

Are you willing to kill and/or die to take them?

Why are you so obsessed with killing people?

Or you think that would ever do any good.

Our constitutional rights are what people think they are in the collective.

There are no "rights". A right implies that it can't be taken away, when in fact they can.

We don't have rights, we have privilages the rest of society allows us to have.

Any fool who thinks he has rights should look up "Japanese Americans- 1942." Guess what, they took away every right these folks had, and everyone cheered it at the time.

and somehow, I don't think the Japanese-Americans would have made anything better for themselves if they took up arms against the government at that point.

Well there are "rights". But "rights" are not absolute and can be subject to the sort of government that is in place.

These folks think that "small" government, governs best.

Well look around the world..and through out history.

Small weak governments tend to be tyrannical because they have to be alot nastier than a big, well run government, to maintain power.

Somalia has almost no government.

How's that working out?
Ah yes...another thread devised so that its author can imply how brave he is.

We're all very impressed with our internet saviors, I am sure.
There are many Americans willing to kill and/or die to keep our Constitutional rights and pass them on to new generations.

Are you willing to kill and/or die to take them?

How many? Are there enough to beat the US Army? How about my local SWAT?
Are you all "planning" your insurrection at this moment? You do know that planning to overthrow our elected government is called "treason". You know what the penalty is for treason? You are just not real smart. Or are you a fantasy warrior? I mean, what the fuk is wrong with you?


ACC Studios: News
There are many Americans willing to kill and/or die to keep our Constitutional rights and pass them on to new generations.

Are you willing to kill and/or die to take them?

If you are talking about the US Military, what the fuck are you talking about? :confused:

If you are talking about the various armed militias scattered about the hill country, :lmao:
There are many Americans willing to kill and/or die to keep our Constitutional rights and pass them on to new generations.

Are you willing to kill and/or die to take them?

How many? Are there enough to beat the US Army? How about my local SWAT?
Are you all "planning" your insurrection at this moment? You do know that planning to overthrow our elected government is called "treason". You know what the penalty is for treason? You are just not real smart. Or are you a fantasy warrior? I mean, what the fuk is wrong with you?


ACC Studios: News

Damn. He (9thID) is a comic book character? I am trying to communicate with a right wing comic book character? Good God, how low has the republican party stooped? First they worshipped radio entertainers. Now they have gone to comic books.

What's next; Mitch McConnel with lips?
There are many Americans willing to kill and/or die to keep our Constitutional rights and pass them on to new generations.

Are you willing to kill and/or die to take them?

What? You're wondering how many of us are willing to kill and or die to take AWAY our rights?

What kind of stupid question is that? Are you trying to raise an army to overthrow the government and install yourself as dictator for life, or what?
There are many Americans willing to kill and/or die to keep our Constitutional rights and pass them on to new generations.

Are you willing to kill and/or die to take them?

So you are looking for an excuse to kill other Americans. How Patriotic!

I get so sick of seeing this insanity posted over and over by you psycho fruitloops.
There are many Americans willing to kill and/or die to keep our Constitutional rights and pass them on to new generations.

Are you willing to kill and/or die to take them?

So you are looking for an excuse to kill other Americans. How Patriotic!

I get so sick of seeing this insanity posted over and over by you psycho fruitloops.

The best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut.
There are many Americans willing to kill and/or die to keep our Constitutional rights and pass them on to new generations.

Are you willing to kill and/or die to take them?

Ted, is that you?

Can we get a little Cat Scratch Fever at least?
I see lots of silly BS but no attempt to answer the question.

Just how many different ways do you need to be called "crazy"?

And how come there are no right winger wack jobs on here saying how they are ready to die for me to own any gun I want. Where are your buddies?
There are many Americans willing to kill and/or die to keep our Constitutional rights and pass them on to new generations.

Are you willing to kill and/or die to take them?

How many? Are there enough to beat the US Army? How about my local SWAT?
Are you all "planning" your insurrection at this moment? You do know that planning to overthrow our elected government is called "treason". You know what the penalty is for treason? You are just not real smart. Or are you a fantasy warrior? I mean, what the fuk is wrong with you?

You seem to forget that members of the Army are sworn to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Elected or not the government is required to abide by the Constitution and failure to do so is criminal and a fine example of treason in itself.

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