Bottom line question...

Question to gun nuts...

If someone violated your right to free speech, would you come out shooting?
Rights are illusionary. If public opinion turns against the gun whacks, and it's starting to, the gun whacks are going to lose their guns. Period.

I personally don't have a problem with this

You are partially right. The "right" of government to seize my property without cause and due process is in fact illusionary. And a Constitutional right cannot be ignored simply because it becomes unpopular
Try to take someone's guns without a Constitutional amendment and you should expect to be treated like any other thief. In some states it would be legal to shoot you dead. And that is exactly why I asked this question that nobody has answered.
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9th, tell us how, in simple and plain and clear words, how your rights are jeopardized.

The right to keep and bear arms has been infringed in several states and Obama has made it plain he would like to do so on a Federal level and has made no amendment to the Constitution. Where have you been?
If someone violated your right to free speech, would you come out shooting?

I would speak anyway. What would you do? Whimper?
9th, tell us how, in simple and plain and clear words, how your rights are jeopardized.

The right to keep and bear arms has been infringed in several states and Obama has made it plain he would like to do so on a Federal level and has made no amendment to the Constitution. Where have you been?

That is your mere opinion, nothing more.
9th, tell us how, in simple and plain and clear words, how your rights are jeopardized.

The right to keep and bear arms has been infringed in several states and Obama has made it plain he would like to do so on a Federal level and has made no amendment to the Constitution. Where have you been?

That is your mere opinion, nothing more.

So? And your opinion is nothing more than your opinion. Looks like you have a firm grasp on the obvious. Congrats.
You still have not shown how your rights have been infringed. Hint: they have not.
You still have not shown how your rights have been infringed. Hint: they have not.

Who said otherwise? I don't intend to allow my rights to be infringed. And if they actually had been the time for talking (writing) would be over.
I don't get let's shoot up those who disagree with us attitude from the freakies and fringies on the far right.

Many of us have owned firearms all of our lives, many of us used firearms and explosives and other weapon systems extensively in the military, many of us could be dropped into a gator pen with only a bowie knife and exit with a new traveling suitcase ensemble accessorized with beautiful new boots, and many of us can out survival the wildest Jeremiah Johnson on the board here.

What is with you wingos?

From where comes from your primeval blood lust?
oooOOOOOooo Stark Jakey thinks he's Tarzan!! I'm so impressed!!
I find it strange when people who are not friends of democracy are zealots for the "democratic impulse" :eusa_eh:
There are many Americans willing to kill and/or die to keep our Constitutional rights and pass them on to new generations.

Are you willing to kill and/or die to take them?

Why are you so obsessed with killing people?

Or you think that would ever do any good.

Our constitutional rights are what people think they are in the collective.

There are no "rights". A right implies that it can't be taken away, when in fact they can.

We don't have rights, we have privilages the rest of society allows us to have.

Any fool who thinks he has rights should look up "Japanese Americans- 1942." Guess what, they took away every right these folks had, and everyone cheered it at the time.

and somehow, I don't think the Japanese-Americans would have made anything better for themselves if they took up arms against the government at that point.

You don't understand what a right is. Rights can never be taken away. People can be oppressed. People can be killed. That doesn't take their rights away, Our constitution was put into place to stop the government from doing such things. The fact that it has become too big for its proverbial britches is not a question of rights. It's a question of government oppression.

No, the US government is not all-powerful. Certainly no one ever explained that to the Viet Cong or the Afghan rebels.

Your argument seems to be that there is no point in standing up to an oppressive government because government forces are better armed.

If that was true, the US would not exist.

Do you want a cowed nation of slaves?

You don't understand what a right is. Rights can never be taken away. People can be oppressed. People can be killed. That doesn't take their rights away, Our constitution was put into place to stop the government from doing such things. The fact that it has become too big for its proverbial britches is not a question of rights. It's a question of government oppression.

I understands exactly what a "right" is. It's a fanciful notion for a privilage that people think they are owed.

ALL things you are allowed to do are because everyone else allows you to do them. You don't have a right to run buck naked in the street. Everyone else would object to that. Not that all of them don't know what a naked person looks like, because we've all seen them.

No, the US government is not all-powerful. Certainly no one ever explained that to the Viet Cong or the Afghan rebels.

Actually, that had a lot more to do with the fact the American people TIRED of those wars, not that these people who were a lot more oppressive than we ever were suddenly "won" their rights. Do you think South Vietnam was better off when the Vietcong finally won? (Actually, they didn't. The North Vietnamese Army had to win the war for them.)

Your argument seems to be that there is no point in standing up to an oppressive government because government forces are better armed.

If that was true, the US would not exist.

Do you want a cowed nation of slaves?

Actually, we'd have ended slavery a lot sooner had Washington and Jefferson and the rest of the Founding Slave Rapists ended up at the end of a British Rope.

The British Empire ended slavery in 1835 with an act of Parliment. We had to fight a civil war follwed by 100 years of Jim Crow.

And people claimed that these things were "States Rights". Until someone pointed out they were just wrong.

Again- not a matter of rights, it's a matter of what society will and won't put up with.

The problem you gun nutters are having is that people are tired of putting up with your bullshit.

I don't worry about the government "Oppressing me". I can vote it out if I don't like it. (Provided the oppossition doesn't nominate a weird Mormon robot I can't vote for.) I do worry about the next Adam Lanza shooting up a place I or someone I care about might be because you nutters interpret him having a "right" to own a military grade weapons despite beign batshit crazy.
There are many Americans willing to kill and/or die to keep our Constitutional rights and pass them on to new generations.

Are you willing to kill and/or die to take them?

How many? Are there enough to beat the US Army? How about my local SWAT?
Are you all "planning" your insurrection at this moment? You do know that planning to overthrow our elected government is called "treason". You know what the penalty is for treason? You are just not real smart. Or are you a fantasy warrior? I mean, what the fuk is wrong with you?

You seem to forget that members of the Army are sworn to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Elected or not the government is required to abide by the Constitution and failure to do so is criminal and a fine example of treason in itself.


The domestic threat that servicemen swear to protect this nation from is PEOPLE LIKE YOU.

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