Bottom Line: The Left Believe the Declaration of Independence Is A Lie

The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

I would largely agree with that, however, the "left" of those days has little in common with any of you.

How much do people of those times have in common with people of today?

A liberal is still a liberal
They look at the challenges of their time and try to improve them
Those liberals believed in limited government involvement in private lives
You leftists can't do that

They believed in a right sized government as determined by We the People

A Government of the People, by the People and for the People
They would have informed on the Revolutionaries to the Crown.
The "conservatives" of the day, sided with the King- the liberals wanted a separate Country- albeit, they were classical liberals- the conservatives won, eventually, leaving us with a centralized power in DC with the Bill of Rights as the only concession they were willing to give into- they were called Federalist- the anti-federalist feared what we're now living- so, in political speak that is *status quo* (central authority from a distant location) and the Empty Suit Brigades in the Districts of Criminals around the Country are more than happy with it- including clowns on BOTH sides of the aisle, which exists purely for their entertainment and our division-
Conservatives today are classical liberals.

No, conservatives today are conservatives. Not whatever new retarded box you wish to put them in. You know shit. Stop talking.
you leftist love to redefine what something is even in the middle of a discussion

Nah. I'm actually republican minded. Don't know what the fuck you believe you are.
I'm an observant person that has a very good memory and from what I remember about what you write is pure pro leftism

No, based on every contribution I've seen from a low IQ hayseed like you, you're a spectacularly dumb person. Not observant. A shit memory at best. A low down individual who is a follower of dumb conspiratorial shit that never did anything extraordinary in his miserable life.
Goodness, you leftists sure do like to project.
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

I would largely agree with that, however, the "left" of those days has little in common with any of you.

How much do people of those times have in common with people of today?

A liberal is still a liberal
They look at the challenges of their time and try to improve them
You want the United States to "progress" to the conditions of the Soviet Union circa 1964.

That's not progress, Comrade.
I see no political genius's addressed this- who does the below represent?
I've addressed it -- it represents the lies you leftists tell yourselves. Not my problem you don't like it; it's yours. I'm not obligated to assuage your butthurt.
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

I would largely agree with that, however, the "left" of those days has little in common with any of you.

How much do people of those times have in common with people of today?

A liberal is still a liberal
They look at the challenges of their time and try to improve them
Those liberals believed in limited government involvement in private lives
You leftists can't do that

They believed in a right sized government as determined by We the People

A Government of the People, by the People and for the People
That is the absolutely last thing you want.

Democrats loath democracy.
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence
If that were true we would have the Communist Manifesto instead. The left were the ones wanting to keep King George in charge of their lives.

You do realize it was Conservative Torries who supported King George?

Liberals back then used to Tar and Feather the Torries
We call those the good ole days

Are you seriously trying to claim that today's liberals identify with, champion and support the Founding Fathers? You know, the ones y'all screech were racist misogynistic no good land grabbing swindlers out to commit genocide and enslave anyone unlucky enough to come within range? Please do try to explain that one.
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence
If that were true we would have the Communist Manifesto instead. The left were the ones wanting to keep King George in charge of their lives.

You do realize it was Conservative Torries who supported King George?

Liberals back then used to Tar and Feather the Torries
We call those the good ole days

Are you seriously trying to claim that today's liberals identify with, champion and support the Founding Fathers? You know, the ones y'all screech were racist misogynistic no good land grabbing swindlers out to commit genocide and enslave anyone unlucky enough to come within range? Please do try to explain that one.
Good point. The entire country is based on racism according to the left claiming they were the ones that created the USA.
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

I would largely agree with that, however, the "left" of those days has little in common with any of you.

How much do people of those times have in common with people of today?

A liberal is still a liberal
They look at the challenges of their time and try to improve them
Those liberals believed in limited government involvement in private lives
You leftists can't do that

They believed in a right sized government as determined by We the People

A Government of the People, by the People and for the People
Which is why the the Constitution is all about LIMITS on the federal government. The people didn't want government with unlimited power and spelled out what it was allowed to do and the process by which we are to allow it to do more or force it to do less. I know, I know, forcing the government to do less is anathema to today's liberals. I believe they would rather lose a hemp bracelet than do that.
They would have informed on the Revolutionaries to the Crown.
The "conservatives" of the day, sided with the King- the liberals wanted a separate Country- albeit, they were classical liberals- the conservatives won, eventually, leaving us with a centralized power in DC with the Bill of Rights as the only concession they were willing to give into- they were called Federalist- the anti-federalist feared what we're now living- so, in political speak that is *status quo* (central authority from a distant location) and the Empty Suit Brigades in the Districts of Criminals around the Country are more than happy with it- including clowns on BOTH sides of the aisle, which exists purely for their entertainment and our division-
Conservatives today are classical liberals.

No, conservatives today are conservatives. Not whatever new retarded box you wish to put them in. You know shit. Stop talking.
you leftist love to redefine what something is even in the middle of a discussion

Nah. I'm actually republican minded. Don't know what the fuck you believe you are.
I'm an observant person that has a very good memory and from what I remember about what you write is pure pro leftism

No, based on every contribution I've seen from a low IQ hayseed like you, you're a spectacularly dumb person. Not observant. A shit memory at best. A low down individual who is a follower of dumb conspiratorial shit that never did anything extraordinary in his miserable life.
Goodness, you leftists sure do like to project.

Not a leftist. Now your brainwashed narrative is shot to hell. What else do you want to throw at a wall and hope sticks?
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

I would largely agree with that, however, the "left" of those days has little in common with any of you.

How much do people of those times have in common with people of today?

A liberal is still a liberal
They look at the challenges of their time and try to improve them
Those liberals believed in limited government involvement in private lives
You leftists can't do that
There was no discussion of limiting abortion as it was practiced in 1776. So it cuts both ways. But the founders were social libertarians who limited voting to male property owners and approved of slavery.
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

I would largely agree with that, however, the "left" of those days has little in common with any of you.

How much do people of those times have in common with people of today?

A liberal is still a liberal
They look at the challenges of their time and try to improve them
Those liberals believed in limited government involvement in private lives
You leftists can't do that
There was no discussion of limiting abortion as it was practiced in 1776. So it cuts both ways. But the founders were social libertarians who limited voting to male property owners and approved of slavery.
It may have been practiced but abortion wasn't a right.
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

I would largely agree with that, however, the "left" of those days has little in common with any of you.

How much do people of those times have in common with people of today?

A liberal is still a liberal
They look at the challenges of their time and try to improve them
Those liberals believed in limited government involvement in private lives
You leftists can't do that

They believed in a right sized government as determined by We the People

A Government of the People, by the People and for the People
Actually you leftist have no resemblance to the founding fathers you are the total opposite
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

I would largely agree with that, however, the "left" of those days has little in common with any of you.

How much do people of those times have in common with people of today?

A liberal is still a liberal
They look at the challenges of their time and try to improve them
Those liberals believed in limited government involvement in private lives
You leftists can't do that

They believed in a right sized government as determined by We the People

A Government of the People, by the People and for the People
Which is why the the Constitution is all about LIMITS on the federal government. The people didn't want government with unlimited power and spelled out what it was allowed to do and the process by which we are to allow it to do more or force it to do less. I know, I know, forcing the government to do less is anathema to today's liberals. I believe they would rather lose a hemp bracelet than do that.

The Government does what is asked for by We the People.
If it doesn’t, it gets voted out of office.

The courts keep them honest

As intended by our founders
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

I would largely agree with that, however, the "left" of those days has little in common with any of you.

How much do people of those times have in common with people of today?

A liberal is still a liberal
They look at the challenges of their time and try to improve them
Those liberals believed in limited government involvement in private lives
You leftists can't do that

They believed in a right sized government as determined by We the People

A Government of the People, by the People and for the People
Actually you leftist have no resemblance to the founding fathers you are the total opposite

Not many people have a resemblance to people from 250 years ago
it represents the lies you leftists tell yourselves.
LOL- I don't subscribe to the left/right paradigm- I subscribe to Individual Rights and effort- and what I posted is from the early 60's explaining NEO LIBERALISM- which has morphed into NEOCON which both sides subscribe to per the "policy's" invoked= world wide hegemony and colonization paid for by user fees (called taxes) through an unlimited credit card which BOTH sides use to "manage" our lives as they are told is fit- BOTH SIDES!

There is a reason the word Duopoly is used- one and the same policy wise- rhetoric is just that and used car salesmen use it all the time- it's called bullshit- so do politicians and alleged experts who deem themselves special at masters of some universe though that's never made clear which one-

You can deny all you want but the facts won't change- nor will your false bluster convince anyone- you aren't as well informed as you want to feel like you are- and denying the Truth will lead you nowhere fast.
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

I would largely agree with that, however, the "left" of those days has little in common with any of you.

How much do people of those times have in common with people of today?

A liberal is still a liberal
They look at the challenges of their time and try to improve them
Those liberals believed in limited government involvement in private lives
You leftists can't do that
There was no discussion of limiting abortion as it was practiced in 1776. So it cuts both ways. But the founders were social libertarians who limited voting to male property owners and approved of slavery.
It may have been practiced but abortion wasn't a right.
It only came into question when non-liberals in the gop made it illegal. Which is the point. Saying dems are "not the real libs" is bs. Both parties have positions that are inconsistent with personal liberty and expecting govt to limit it's forays into restricting them.

And frankly the Xian governing folks aren't really conservative either. They weren't conservatives when they moved to restrict personal liberty in the latter 19th and early 20th centuries, and they sure aren't now because they want an activist court to push their agenda.
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence
If that were true we would have the Communist Manifesto instead. The left were the ones wanting to keep King George in charge of their lives.

You do realize it was Conservative Torries who supported King George?

Liberals back then used to Tar and Feather the Torries
We call those the good ole days

Are you seriously trying to claim that today's liberals identify with, champion and support the Founding Fathers? You know, the ones y'all screech were racist misogynistic no good land grabbing swindlers out to commit genocide and enslave anyone unlucky enough to come within range? Please do try to explain that one.
Good point. The entire country is based on racism according to the left claiming they were the ones that created the USA.

As I always say, leftists can't even spell "consistency", let alone show any.

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