Bounce in polls, I thought National Conventions were supposed to boost party approval?

More lies than the DNC convention because Trump tries harder than any democrat to lie his way to election...Eat it up you devoid people of substance. There's a sucker born every day.
Plenty of brainless libber suckers, thats how the press gets by with putting out all their fake trash. Whats the sense of verifying anything when the readers are too stupid and lazy to question it?
I do hate to give you the 411 but, both parties do it and it's a joke of way to exist.
Wrong. The fake news harrasses Republicans about the accuracy of everything they say. On the other hand, they provide cover for Dim lies.
Yah, you keep being blind in one eye and can't see out of other. Both sides lie and make up stuff but your myopic senses do not allow you to see it.
No they don't, turd. Democrats lie. Republicans mostly tell the truth.
I can tell that truth is not your goal in life when it comes to people in politics.
More lies than the DNC convention because Trump tries harder than any democrat to lie his way to election...Eat it up you devoid people of substance. There's a sucker born every day.

They all lie about things. It's not the lies that are the problem, it's what they're lying about. If Trump tells us that we had the greatest economy in the world and that's not entirely true, it didn't hurt anybody. When some half-breed comes out, tells us how wonderful his healthcare plan will be, and millions like myself lose our employer healthcare insurance, that brought huge harm to me.
All I ask was do you think Trump lies and you said yes. Thank yous.
More lies than the DNC convention because Trump tries harder than any democrat to lie his way to election...Eat it up you devoid people of substance. There's a sucker born every day.
Plenty of brainless libber suckers, thats how the press gets by with putting out all their fake trash. Whats the sense of verifying anything when the readers are too stupid and lazy to question it?
I do hate to give you the 411 but, both parties do it and it's a joke of way to exist.
But up to Trump you did it so much better. And we are still moving left. So don't worry. Be Happy!
More lies than the DNC convention because Trump tries harder than any democrat to lie his way to election...Eat it up you devoid people of substance. There's a sucker born every day.
Plenty of brainless libber suckers, thats how the press gets by with putting out all their fake trash. Whats the sense of verifying anything when the readers are too stupid and lazy to question it?
I do hate to give you the 411 but, both parties do it and it's a joke of way to exist.
But up to Trump you did it so much better. And we are still moving left. So don't worry. Be Happy!
Can you clarify with English and no filler words so I can see what you are saying?
More lies than the DNC convention because Trump tries harder than any democrat to lie his way to election...Eat it up you devoid people of substance. There's a sucker born every day.

They all lie about things. It's not the lies that are the problem, it's what they're lying about. If Trump tells us that we had the greatest economy in the world and that's not entirely true, it didn't hurt anybody. When some half-breed comes out, tells us how wonderful his healthcare plan will be, and millions like myself lose our employer healthcare insurance, that brought huge harm to me.
All I ask was do you think Trump lies and you said yes. Thank yous.

Your welcome, but you leftists always say Republicans do X things, and your people do the same! Name me the last President that never lied to the public.
More lies than the DNC convention because Trump tries harder than any democrat to lie his way to election...Eat it up you devoid people of substance. There's a sucker born every day.

They all lie about things. It's not the lies that are the problem, it's what they're lying about. If Trump tells us that we had the greatest economy in the world and that's not entirely true, it didn't hurt anybody. When some half-breed comes out, tells us how wonderful his healthcare plan will be, and millions like myself lose our employer healthcare insurance, that brought huge harm to me.
All I ask was do you think Trump lies and you said yes. Thank yous.

Your welcome, but you leftists always say Republicans do X things, and your people do the same! Name me the last President that never lied to the public.
A leftist is not a political party, there are two political parties in power, Republican and Democratic and they both lie to us and I refuse to be a member of either because they both do the same things when in office. So I refuse to support either one until I see real reform and real representation.
More lies than the DNC convention because Trump tries harder than any democrat to lie his way to election...Eat it up you devoid people of substance. There's a sucker born every day.

They all lie about things. It's not the lies that are the problem, it's what they're lying about. If Trump tells us that we had the greatest economy in the world and that's not entirely true, it didn't hurt anybody. When some half-breed comes out, tells us how wonderful his healthcare plan will be, and millions like myself lose our employer healthcare insurance, that brought huge harm to me.
All I ask was do you think Trump lies and you said yes. Thank yous.

Your welcome, but you leftists always say Republicans do X things, and your people do the same! Name me the last President that never lied to the public.
A leftist is not a political party, there are two political parties in power, Republican and Democratic and they both lie to us and I refuse to be a member of either because they both do the same things when in office. So I refuse to support either one until I see real reform and real representation.
What does "real reform" look like to you?
More lies than the DNC convention because Trump tries harder than any democrat to lie his way to election...Eat it up you devoid people of substance. There's a sucker born every day.

teh dems losing ground as the people get to see them, is not about trump.
Just wait until you see what the RNC has in store for us, led by MAGA:

If dan bongino says that, I wholeheartedly believe it, HAAAA, HA HA....

The I Hate Trump Convention didn't give Crazy Joe a boost? Huh?
I hope most saw through the hatred speech from Ear's.
Ear's is pissed that the Trump administration is exposing his self
proclaimed, "No scandal administration" to most likely will be
looked at by historians as the most corrupt in American history.
Of course Ear's is going to bash Trump.
Sounds like it didn't work.
More lies than the DNC convention because Trump tries harder than any democrat to lie his way to election...Eat it up you devoid people of substance. There's a sucker born every day.
Trump wins by telling the truth about Dims. The later win only by telling lies.
Prove it then because all I hear is his half assed attempts at burns that are weak and unencouraging. Trump can't even tell the truth about himself-pathetic.
I don't need to prove it. Everyone who's not a brain damaged moron already knows it to be true.
Plenty of brainless libber suckers, thats how the press gets by with putting out all their fake trash. Whats the sense of verifying anything when the readers are too stupid and lazy to question it?

In the case of these bed wetters, it's not laziness, it's deliberate ignorance. They actually make an effort to avoid acknowledging information, and then work to misinform other people.
No they don't, turd. Democrats lie. Republicans mostly tell the truth.

I don't know about "mostly", but I am damn sure that when republicrats even exaggerate or omit factual info, the media is right there to expose it if they're not an establishment whore. The shit McLame got away with as far as insisting on his conservative credentials is a great example.

Yet when democrooks lie the media makes every effort to hide it, cover it up or make excuses for it. The democrook party is build on lies. It couldn't exist if there was a media apparatus dedicated to promoting the republicrat agenda as opposed to the globalist collective agenda.

The I Hate Trump Convention didn't give Crazy Joe a boost? Huh?
I hope most saw through the hatred speech from Ear's.
Ear's is pissed that the Trump administration is exposing his self
proclaimed, "No scandal administration" to most likely will be
looked at by historians as the most corrupt in American history.
Of course Ear's is going to bash Trump.
Sounds like it didn't work.

If we are to be totally honest here, Trump has been bashing Obama for over three and a half years. Now Trump wouldn't have done that if Obama didn't send his goons out to spy on then candidate Trump, but Trump is so pissed off at what he did or allowed to happen that he's been ragging on him since. DumBama is just trying to regain some dignity by returning the favor. He failed, but that's why he did it. Trump seldom if ever draws first blood.
More lies than the DNC convention because Trump tries harder than any democrat to lie his way to election...Eat it up you devoid people of substance. There's a sucker born every day.

teh dems losing ground as the people get to see them, is not about trump.

It's about the pollsters too. When such a bad performance is given, they need to recalculate who they are going to favor. Biden looks terrible, and Harris is not any help. They are now figuring out that Biden stands little to no chance at ever getting near the White House. I think he sniffed his last head of hair.
More lies than the DNC convention because Trump tries harder than any democrat to lie his way to election...Eat it up you devoid people of substance. There's a sucker born every day.

They all lie about things. It's not the lies that are the problem, it's what they're lying about. If Trump tells us that we had the greatest economy in the world and that's not entirely true, it didn't hurt anybody. When some half-breed comes out, tells us how wonderful his healthcare plan will be, and millions like myself lose our employer healthcare insurance, that brought huge harm to me.
All I ask was do you think Trump lies and you said yes. Thank yous.

Your welcome, but you leftists always say Republicans do X things, and your people do the same! Name me the last President that never lied to the public.
A leftist is not a political party, there are two political parties in power, Republican and Democratic and they both lie to us and I refuse to be a member of either because they both do the same things when in office. So I refuse to support either one until I see real reform and real representation.

A leftist is a Democrat. For somebody claiming not to be a member of any political party, you sure come off as a leftist on USMB, that's for sure.

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