Boxer on MSNBC: Reconciliation has been used 22 times

You're free to point out any time repubs used reconciliation on any occasion that wasn't a budget bill.

That's ultimately the crux of the biscuit here.
You're free to point out any time repubs used reconciliation on any occasion that wasn't a budget bill.

That's ultimately the crux of the biscuit here.

Not really.

The nuances are meaningless to me.
You're free to point out any time repubs used reconciliation on any occasion that wasn't a budget bill.

That's ultimately the crux of the biscuit here.

It is indeed a fine point - and one that will sail over the heads of the partisan.... but, even then, Barack Obama invoked the Founders in his argument against it. Well, I say, if the Founders were against it, (and they most certainly were), exactly when did the Founders change their minds and say it's okay now?

Barack Obama, racist, socialist, smoker, liar and hypocrite.
You're free to point out any time repubs used reconciliation on any occasion that wasn't a budget bill.

That's ultimately the crux of the biscuit here.

It is indeed a fine point - and one that will sail over the heads of the partisan.... but, even then, Barack Obama invoked the Founders in his argument against it. Well, I say, if the Founders were against it, (and they most certainly were), exactly when did the Founders change their minds and say it's okay now?

Barack Obama, racist, socialist, smoker, liar and hypocrite.

It isn't a fine point. It's meaningless. The practice of reconciliation is shady no matter what it is being used for. Hopefully that hits the partisan square in the forehead.
You're free to point out any time repubs used reconciliation on any occasion that wasn't a budget bill.

That's ultimately the crux of the biscuit here.

It is indeed a fine point - and one that will sail over the heads of the partisan.... but, even then, Barack Obama invoked the Founders in his argument against it. Well, I say, if the Founders were against it, (and they most certainly were), exactly when did the Founders change their minds and say it's okay now?

Barack Obama, racist, socialist, smoker, liar and hypocrite.

I'm calling you out CaliTwit......prove each assertation....

Where is he a racist?

Where is he a socialist?

Where is he a smoker?

Where is he a liar?

Where is he a hypocrite?

For each charge, give at least 3 sites. Otherwise, be known for the whale of a sellout that you are.
You're free to point out any time repubs used reconciliation on any occasion that wasn't a budget bill.

That's ultimately the crux of the biscuit here.

It is indeed a fine point - and one that will sail over the heads of the partisan.... but, even then, Barack Obama invoked the Founders in his argument against it. Well, I say, if the Founders were against it, (and they most certainly were), exactly when did the Founders change their minds and say it's okay now?

Barack Obama, racist, socialist, smoker, liar and hypocrite.

I'm calling you out CaliTwit......prove each assertation....

Where is he a racist?

Where is he a socialist?

Where is he a smoker?

Where is he a liar?

Where is he a hypocrite?

For each charge, give at least 3 sites. Otherwise, be known for the whale of a sellout that you are.

You bore me with your savant style repetition. All of these are widely available for those of us with half a brain.... that precludes you I guess.

I just told you, a couple of posts ago where the hypocrisy is..... surely even you are smart enough to go back a couple of posts? I'm not your Mom, I ain't gonna spoon feed you.
You're free to point out any time repubs used reconciliation on any occasion that wasn't a budget bill.

That's ultimately the crux of the biscuit here.

It is indeed a fine point - and one that will sail over the heads of the partisan.... but, even then, Barack Obama invoked the Founders in his argument against it. Well, I say, if the Founders were against it, (and they most certainly were), exactly when did the Founders change their minds and say it's okay now?

Barack Obama, racist, socialist, smoker, liar and hypocrite.

It isn't a fine point. It's meaningless. The practice of reconciliation is shady no matter what it is being used for. Hopefully that hits the partisan square in the forehead.

Quite. I knew that smart liberals would see the total hypocrisy of this. And.... for the record, I disagreed with the GOP using nukes too.
Ahhh...Reading comprehension problems....I get it now. :lol::lol:

I see you are an idiot...I said he gave cuts to the rich.
And you can't read and comprehend the English language.

BTW...My overall rate went down, and I didn't even crack six figures during that period of time.....Foo.

I am not disputing that, I am saying the rich got huge tax cuts that cost this country trillions during a war. Bush used reconciliation, twice for these tax cuts for the rich.

Your rates going down has nothing to do with the HUGE tax cuts he gave the rich. TRILLIONS!
Reconciliation is used to fix budget problems. Not pass legislation.

Yep. Saw this on the news last night. Also saw a bunch of Dems describing how unamerican it was. How terrible it was.

Apparantly its not that terrible now that they are in power.

Kinda hope they do use it. Best way to clean house in the elections.

Doubt they will though. Self preservation. What would we do without it.
Here are 23 times it has been used, go ahead show us the 16 under Bush.

* Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980, Pub.L. 96-499 (1980)
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Pub.L. 97-35 (1981)
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1982, Pub.L. 97-253 (1982)
* Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA), Pub.L. 97-248 (1982)
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1983, Pub.L. 98-270 (1984)
* Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (DEFRA), Pub.L. 98-369 (1984)
* Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), Pub.L. 99-272 (1986)
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986, Pub.L. 99-509 (1986)
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987, Pub.L. 100-203 (1987)
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, Pub.L. 101-239 (1989)
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, Pub.L. 101-508 (1990).
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, Pub.L. 103-66 (1990).
* Balanced Budget Act of 1995, H.R. 2491 (vetoed December 6, 1995)
* Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act, Pub.L. 104-193 (1996)
* Balanced Budget Act of 1997, Pub.L. 105-33 (1997)
* Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, Pub.L. 105-34 (1997)
* Taxpayer Refund and Relief Act of 1999, H.R. 2488 (vetoed September 23, 1999)
* Marriage Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2000, H.R. 4810 (vetoed August 5, 2000)
* Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA), Pub.L. 107-16 (2001)
* Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, Pub.L. 108-27 (2003)
* Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, Pub.L. 109-171 (2006)
* Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 (TIPRA), Pub.L. 109-222 (2006)
* College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007, Pub.L. 110-84 (2007)

Also show us the times it was used to create a NEW entitlement.

Reconciliation (United States Congress) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reconciliation is a legislative process in the United States Senate intended to allow consideration of a contentious budget bill without the threat of filibuster. Introduced in 1974, reconciliation limits debate and amendment, and therefore favors the majority party. Reconciliation also exists in the United States House of Representatives, but because the House regularly passes rules that constrain debate and amendment, the process has had a less significant impact on that body.

A reconciliation instruction (Budget Reconciliation) is a provision in a budget resolution directing one or more committees to submit legislation changing existing law in order to bring spending, revenues, or the debt-limit into conformity with the budget resolution. The instructions specify the committees to which they apply, indicate the appropriate dollar changes to be achieved, and usually provide a deadline by which the legislation is to be reported or submitted.[1]

A reconciliation bill is one containing changes in law recommended pursuant to reconciliation instructions in a budget resolution. If the instructions pertain to only one committee in a chamber, that committee reports the reconciliation bill. If the instructions pertain to more than one committee, the House Budget Committee reports an omnibus reconciliation bill, but it may not make substantive changes in the recommendations of the other committees.[2]

The Byrd Rule (described below) was adopted in 1985 and amended in 1990. Its main effect is that reconciliation cannot be used for provisions that would increase the deficit beyond 10 years after the reconciliation measure.

16 times it was used by Republicans BUT every time it was used as the purpose of the procedure is required.

The Democrats know that using it is wrong. In fact they know that in order to even attempt to use it they have to play games and hold on to it until the President signs another bill creating the system.

By demanding to use it they ADMIT they are going against the will of the people.
I see you are an idiot...I said he gave cuts to the rich.
And you can't read and comprehend the English language.

BTW...My overall rate went down, and I didn't even crack six figures during that period of time.....Foo.

I am not disputing that, I am saying the rich got huge tax cuts that cost this country trillions during a war. Bush used reconciliation, twice for these tax cuts for the rich.

Your rates going down has nothing to do with the HUGE tax cuts he gave the rich. TRILLIONS!
Tax cuts don't cost anything, me keeping what I earn does not constitute gubmint giving me anything, reconciliation hasn't ever been been used in any instance to ram legislation through and you're still an hysterical fool.
It is indeed a fine point - and one that will sail over the heads of the partisan.... but, even then, Barack Obama invoked the Founders in his argument against it. Well, I say, if the Founders were against it, (and they most certainly were), exactly when did the Founders change their minds and say it's okay now?

Barack Obama, racist, socialist, smoker, liar and hypocrite.

I'm calling you out CaliTwit......prove each assertation....

Where is he a racist?

Where is he a socialist?

Where is he a smoker?

Where is he a liar?

Where is he a hypocrite?

For each charge, give at least 3 sites. Otherwise, be known for the whale of a sellout that you are.

You bore me with your savant style repetition. All of these are widely available for those of us with half a brain.... that precludes you I guess.

I just told you, a couple of posts ago where the hypocrisy is..... surely even you are smart enough to go back a couple of posts? I'm not your Mom, I ain't gonna spoon feed you.

Figured as make the accusations, and when asked to back it up, all you got is insults and neg rep.

Boxer on MSNBC:... 02-25-2010 01:57 AM California Girl Moronic whining. You don't set the rules for me to play by, shortass idiot boy.

Your sellout whale ass is turning into a one trick pony there CaliTwit.
And you can't read and comprehend the English language.

BTW...My overall rate went down, and I didn't even crack six figures during that period of time.....Foo.

I am not disputing that, I am saying the rich got huge tax cuts that cost this country trillions during a war. Bush used reconciliation, twice for these tax cuts for the rich.

Your rates going down has nothing to do with the HUGE tax cuts he gave the rich. TRILLIONS!
Tax cuts don't cost anything, me keeping what I earn does not constitute gubmint giving me anything, reconciliation hasn't ever been been used in any instance to ram legislation through and you're still an hysterical fool.

Study: Bush Tax Cuts Cost More Than Twice As Much As Dems' Health-Care Bill

Study: Bush Tax Cuts Cost More Than Twice As Much As Dems' Health-Care Bill | Crooks and Liars

Supporters Of $1.3 Trillion Bush Tax Cuts In 2001 Now Call $900 Billion Recovery Plan Billion ‘Too Much’
Here are 23 times it has been used, go ahead show us the 16 under Bush.

* Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980, Pub.L. 96-499 (1980)
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Pub.L. 97-35 (1981)
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1982, Pub.L. 97-253 (1982)
* Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA), Pub.L. 97-248 (1982)
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1983, Pub.L. 98-270 (1984)
* Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (DEFRA), Pub.L. 98-369 (1984)
* Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), Pub.L. 99-272 (1986)
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986, Pub.L. 99-509 (1986)
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987, Pub.L. 100-203 (1987)
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, Pub.L. 101-239 (1989)
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, Pub.L. 101-508 (1990).
* Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, Pub.L. 103-66 (1990).
* Balanced Budget Act of 1995, H.R. 2491 (vetoed December 6, 1995)
* Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act, Pub.L. 104-193 (1996)
* Balanced Budget Act of 1997, Pub.L. 105-33 (1997)
* Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, Pub.L. 105-34 (1997)
* Taxpayer Refund and Relief Act of 1999, H.R. 2488 (vetoed September 23, 1999)
* Marriage Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2000, H.R. 4810 (vetoed August 5, 2000)
* Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA), Pub.L. 107-16 (2001)
* Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, Pub.L. 108-27 (2003)
* Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, Pub.L. 109-171 (2006)
* Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 (TIPRA), Pub.L. 109-222 (2006)
* College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007, Pub.L. 110-84 (2007)

Also show us the times it was used to create a NEW entitlement.

Reconciliation (United States Congress) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reconciliation is a legislative process in the United States Senate intended to allow consideration of a contentious budget bill without the threat of filibuster. Introduced in 1974, reconciliation limits debate and amendment, and therefore favors the majority party. Reconciliation also exists in the United States House of Representatives, but because the House regularly passes rules that constrain debate and amendment, the process has had a less significant impact on that body.

A reconciliation instruction (Budget Reconciliation) is a provision in a budget resolution directing one or more committees to submit legislation changing existing law in order to bring spending, revenues, or the debt-limit into conformity with the budget resolution. The instructions specify the committees to which they apply, indicate the appropriate dollar changes to be achieved, and usually provide a deadline by which the legislation is to be reported or submitted.[1]

A reconciliation bill is one containing changes in law recommended pursuant to reconciliation instructions in a budget resolution. If the instructions pertain to only one committee in a chamber, that committee reports the reconciliation bill. If the instructions pertain to more than one committee, the House Budget Committee reports an omnibus reconciliation bill, but it may not make substantive changes in the recommendations of the other committees.[2]

The Byrd Rule (described below) was adopted in 1985 and amended in 1990. Its main effect is that reconciliation cannot be used for provisions that would increase the deficit beyond 10 years after the reconciliation measure.

16 times it was used by Republicans BUT every time it was used as the purpose of the procedure is required.

The Democrats know that using it is wrong. In fact they know that in order to even attempt to use it they have to play games and hold on to it until the President signs another bill creating the system.

By demanding to use it they ADMIT they are going against the will of the people.

Facts are stubborn things and are very mean to Libruls
I'm calling you out CaliTwit......prove each assertation....

Where is he a racist?

Where is he a socialist?

Where is he a smoker?

Where is he a liar?

Where is he a hypocrite?

For each charge, give at least 3 sites. Otherwise, be known for the whale of a sellout that you are.

You bore me with your savant style repetition. All of these are widely available for those of us with half a brain.... that precludes you I guess.

I just told you, a couple of posts ago where the hypocrisy is..... surely even you are smart enough to go back a couple of posts? I'm not your Mom, I ain't gonna spoon feed you.

Figured as make the accusations, and when asked to back it up, all you got is insults and neg rep.

Boxer on MSNBC:... 02-25-2010 01:57 AM California Girl Moronic whining. You don't set the rules for me to play by, shortass idiot boy.

Your sellout whale ass is turning into a one trick pony there CaliTwit.

Come back when you get even one, GaySailor, cuz right now, you got zip.

Anyone with half a brain can find back up for all my comments. I am not in the habit of spoon feeling fools. In particularly, the hypocrisy one.... one need only review what Obama said in 2005 about using the nuke option. Then, according to him, it went against the intent of the Founding Fathers. As far as I am aware, the Founders have not changed their original stance since 2005. Too deep for you, shallow boy?
I'm calling you out CaliTwit......prove each assertation....

Where is he a racist?

Where is he a socialist?

Where is he a smoker?

Where is he a liar?

Where is he a hypocrite?

For each charge, give at least 3 sites. Otherwise, be known for the whale of a sellout that you are.

You bore me with your savant style repetition. All of these are widely available for those of us with half a brain.... that precludes you I guess.

I just told you, a couple of posts ago where the hypocrisy is..... surely even you are smart enough to go back a couple of posts? I'm not your Mom, I ain't gonna spoon feed you.

Figured as make the accusations, and when asked to back it up, all you got is insults and neg rep.

Boxer on MSNBC:... 02-25-2010 01:57 AM California Girl Moronic whining. You don't set the rules for me to play by, shortass idiot boy.

Your sellout whale ass is turning into a one trick pony there CaliTwit.

Just for the entertainment of the masses, here is the Gay Sailor's neg rep comment to me.

Hi, you have received -34 reputation points from ABikerSailor.
Reputation was given for this post.

Neg rep returned you cock smoking cum dumpster. When you got nothing, you neg. You\'re a one trick pony. get stupider each day.


Now, which one of us comes across as slightly less of a total jackass, I wonder?
You mean, you're not in the habit of backing up the accusations you make.

You just make accusations and run and neg rep others when you can't back your shit up.

Nice sellout move CaliTwit. Cut and run. And for the record bitch, just returning the favor.
I see you are an idiot...I said he gave cuts to the rich.
And you can't read and comprehend the English language.

BTW...My overall rate went down, and I didn't even crack six figures during that period of time.....Foo.

I am not disputing that, I am saying the rich got huge tax cuts that cost this country trillions during a war. Bush used reconciliation, twice for these tax cuts for the rich.

Your rates going down has nothing to do with the HUGE tax cuts he gave the rich. TRILLIONS!

Reconciliation is a process used to pass the budget. Not to pass legislation.

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