Boy Are We Lucky Its Not 1933 Again


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Zip the proprietor of the weaselzippers website added a little ancedote to one of his posts yesterday, I believe. He said he stopped into the nearby convenience store to buy a gallon of milk and he found himself eighth in line waiting to pay for his purchase. He also noted that seven of those eight paid for their purchases with their EBT cards "Welcome to Massachussetts!" And welcome to Barack Obama's great experiment as well.

There were 12.8 million people employed with full time jobs in 1933, at or near the deepest part of the Great Depression. Lucky for us, there are only 12.3 million Americans with full time jobs today. 12.3 million full time jobs with taxable income to help pay for the rough 298 million other's EBT cards. And FDR saw enough reason then to add the phrase "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." to his March, 1933 Inaugural Address.

Why no anxiety or noise today? Perhaps the reason stems from the media's love affair with Barack, his ethnicity, his sexuality, as Jerome Corsi noted, one of the original Chicago Bathhouse boys, or his overwhelming love affair with Communism which the media devoutly shares in its symbiotic relationship with the president today.

Too bad Mr Corsi got on the wrong side of the media back in 2004 when wrote "Unfit For Command" and handed John "Reporting For Duty" Kerry his testicles, and his presidential aspirations as well, bronzed on a silver platter. The only place his work appears today is WND. You just shouldn't get on the wrong side of the media elites, that is, if you want to work.

Bob Woodward's working himself into that same position, the resignation of Richard Nixon, which he greatly facilitated might as well have happened in the last Ice Age or when the Dinosaur Killing asteroid hit, as far as today's news cycle is concerned. Then poor Lanny Davis got on the wrong side of this White House too. But this administration's iron fisted control of the media has been going on for a long time as this report indicates.

Classy: Obama Officials Called Female Reporter A ?Bitch,? ?****,? ?Asshole? For Asking Tough Questions? | Weasel Zippers

There are even some reports that Doctor Benjamin Carson, pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins, was warned by the White House not to say anything to offend Comrade Cocksucker Obama when he spoke at the National Prayer breakfast a few weeks back.]

"Jobs! President Obama has set a record. In his speech to Congress on Tuesday, he uttered the word "jobs" more than in any of his previous four State of the Union addresses. *His 45 mentions were more than double the references to any of the other policy ambitions encapsulated in his speech* by such words as health, education, immigration, guns, deficit, debt, energy, climate, economy, Afghanistan, wage, spend or tax (the runner-up).

If only the president's record on unemployment were as good.

*After four years America remains in a jobs depression as great as the Great Depression.* But the crisis isn't seen in that light because the country isn't confronted daily by scenes of despair like the 1930s photographs of bread lines and soup kitchens and thousands of men (very few women then) waiting all day outside a factory in a forlorn quest for work.

*But the jobless are still in the millions across the land, little changed in their total since the 1930s: 12.3 million today officially fully unemployed compared with 12.8 million in 1933* at the depth of the Depression.

Yes, the U.S. population is much larger now, but 12 million out of work still means 12 million lives devastated. And that number masks the true vastness of the modern disaster.

The *jobless today are much less visible than they were in the 1930s because relief is organized differently*. Today in the "recovery," the millions are being assisted, out of sight, by government checks, unemployment checks, Social Security disability checks and food stamps.

More than *48 million Americans are in the food-stamp program*—an almost incredible record. That is 15% of the total population compared with the 7.9% participation in food stamps from 1970-2000. *Then there are the more than 11 million Americans who are collecting Social Security checks to compensate for disability*, also a record. Half have signed on since President Obama came to office. In 1992, there was one person on disability for every 35 workers; today it is one for every 16.

*Such an increase is simply impossible to connect to direct disability experienced during employment,* for it is inconceivable that work in America has become so dangerous. For many, this disability program has become another form of unemployment compensation, only this time without end.

*But the predicament of our times is worse than that, worse in its way than the 1930s figures might suggest. *Employers are either shortening the workweek or asking employees to take unpaid leave in unprecedented numbers. Neither those on disability nor those on leave are included in the unemployment numbers..........."

Mort Zuckerman: America Remains In A Jobs Depression - One News Page
The Obama people asked the good doctor for a copy of his speech prior to the Breakfast.

They were not happy when they were told there was no copy to give them as the Doctor only writes Bullet Points and may not even stick to those prior to giving a speech.

He is apparently a very good speaker if he can truly do that.
The Great Depression had 25% unemployment and the Republican Party had it's own members deserting it to become Democrats. If we ever want to get America moving again, we have to get rid of the Republicans like we did last time.

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