Boy did the switch on the standard of living dim quickly

My father retired from GM at 55 years old, my mother did not work.
We were raised in a nice 3 bdrm home, decent neighborhood etc.
Retired.... 55. The average age to retire in 1970 was 63. But plenty - PLENTY of people retired before that. 63 was the average.
Today... the average FULLY retired (you don't work at all) is now 68. But plenty of people work into their 70s now to help with costs.
people today drive vehicles with 900.00 notes and live in 4k square foot homes with 4k a mont mortgages.

Thats THEIR FUCKING FAULT and no one else.

Im retired at 51 years old. never been on unemployment and don't get any govt. assistance. My wife still works because she loves her job.

we put one kid through college. we LIVE WITHIN OUR MEANS.
It's too bad that most Americans think a high standard of living is going into debt buying a bunch of worthless crap.
Many people recognized a time would come where goods and services we once counted on would slow and surely become unaffordable, where the average guy simply cannot afford items that would become primarily a high-reaching luxury, such as new cars, RV, vacations, all the way down to coffee pots and the food you eat. It was easy to see that coming with technology, overpopulation, globalization, one-world order, limited resources, and resources controlled by the fewest possible.

Then COVID and communist one-world order expedited the situation. Try buying something nice these days, the more it's not considered a necessity the more progressive the inflation. Everything just went up up up, and whatever the govt. claims the inflation rate might be is BS.

Speaking for politics, move over Jimmy Carter with Democrat congress, the Biden admin. & this Congress makes that group look awesome.

Lol, jimmeh looks like one of the founders compared to this incompetent worthless installed regime.
The most precious metal you can own right now is lead. Get some.

If you have a ton of debt because you thought driving that new 65k SUV you couldn't afford was a good idea, well.....sorry. A lot of people are about to feel a lot of pain when it comes to finances. Shits gonna get real.

Yep, people are being forced into making choices between what you must have Vs what you can live without. By some measure that's good for character, at least. Shits getting real for sure.
Old article but this is where this crap is coming from. Obama is pulling the strings and knows exactly what will destroy this country.
What the hell are you chicken little dumbasses talking about? Debt is down as a percent of income. You guys will just shout shit to shout it. How about some informed posts for a change around here?

He is destroying us from both ends. Bearing in mind that inflation results when too much money is chasing too few goods, he:

1) pumped tons of cash into the system, and wants to pump more

2) choked the supply side with new regulations and bribes to keep people from working (unloaded trucks and driving them to the POS)

The people running Biden are downright evil, and are pulling out all the stops to destroy America, and Americans.

This admin. is Obama on steroids. Obama & his congress decided fuck, best way to recover from a recession is force Obamacare on everyone.....(COUGH) stagnating growth, opposite day. Like Xiden they heavily invested in govt. capital & waste. I know a guy who almost completely dropped private development in favor of govt. buildings throughout the country, they simply played the hand they were given. Govt. leases that shit from them and likely under half even appear for work. State govt. here same shit, they're testing employees without shots even though they work from home now, and agencies have told many they must show for work one day a month to justify having the building. Our Govt. champions waste yet the more capital they have the sooner we're the quasi-communists they seek.

And that's how you destroy an economy in favor of the wealthy, global elite & communist control.
Many people recognized a time would come where goods and services we once counted on would slow and surely become unaffordable, where the average guy simply cannot afford items that would become primarily a high-reaching luxury, such as new cars, RV, vacations, all the way down to coffee pots and the food you eat. It was easy to see that coming with technology, overpopulation, globalization, one-world order, limited resources, and resources controlled by the fewest possible.

Then COVID and communist one-world order expedited the situation. Try buying something nice these days, the more it's not considered a necessity the more progressive the inflation. Everything just went up up up, and whatever the govt. claims the inflation rate might be is BS.

Speaking for politics, move over Jimmy Carter with Democrat congress, the Biden admin. & this Congress makes that group look awesome.

I am sorry to hear your standard of living has gone down.

I feel for you, but mine has not gone down at all, just keep getting better and better.
What the hell are you chicken little dumbasses talking about? Debt is down as a percent of income. You guys will just shout shit to shout it. How about some informed posts for a change around here?

View attachment 554649

CityGator, PROG and champion of projection.

Sure we get it, you're a PROG and things are so simple you can calculate almost all the way from A to B. Yeah sure, debt is down even though it's up and you can't buy shit anyway, WTF? Any chance debt would be down which it isn't because people are pessimistic and watching their shit? Ah fuck no, why would that be, you're PROG, tell it how you like it. Everyday is opposite day in PROG, love me some Xiden.

Median Household incomes:
2019: 69,560 (debt up)
2020: 67,521 (debt up)
2021: Political Calculations' initial estimate of median household income in July 2021 is $69,746, an increase of $568 (or 0.8%) from the initial estimate of $69,178 for June 2021. Adjusted for inflation, median household income remains well below the April 2020 peak of $70,796 in terms of constant July 2021 U.S. dollars. (debt up)

I am sorry to hear your standard of living has gone down.

I feel for you, but mine has not gone down at all, just keep getting better and better.

Sure I get it, you're PROG and want to brag about your stuff. Neat, your income went up & better & better. You're an assuming fuck, where did I say mine isn't doing the same?

Unlike you I'm unselfish and I'm not ignorant to WTF is going on, get it PROG?
Sure I get it, you're PROG and want to brag about your stuff. Neat, your income went up & better & better. You're an assuming fuck, where did I say mine isn't doing the same?

Unlike you I'm unselfish and I'm not ignorant to WTF is going on, get it PROG?

No bragging, just stating the facts. Sorry facts have triggered you so, I will take that into consideration if I bother to reply to you again
You knew this would happen when you voted for it because you thought you were a good party member so wold be immune.

Good luck with that!

Now let us join in song:

You knew this would happen when you voted for it because you thought you were a good party member so wold be immune.

Good luck with that!

Now let us join in song:

PROGS do this all the time. Oh fuck, give me more money & Chinese = less opportunity & inflation, who'd have saw that coming?

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