Boy........Did we ever get Schlonged

You cock sucker us white trash Americans still protect your ass by paying taxes so we have the greatest military in the world.. Our navy protects the shipping lanes so you can get the oil and goods..

So why the fuck do you call the guy's who saved the world white trash mother fucker?

Tell me why racist?
You dumb mother fucker you owe America for the right to be a country you stupid fuck..
You owe us so much to beat Hitler to stop communism for you to be a free socialist country you Asshat.

You owe us your freedom big time

Pay up

You owe us, Moron. We got involved in the war in 1939. You joined when the Battle of Britain was over 2 years later. The Luftwaffe were fucked. The Russians did more to defeat the Nazis. You helped, but we all did. Only a Yank would sit like a tool on a messageboard thumping his chest about "you owe us." Typical white trash. No class.

Oh, and pay up....

What you're 200 man army did what?

Are you drunk now

You dumb mother fucker you owe America for the right to be a country you stupid fuck..
You owe us so much to beat Hitler to stop communism for you to be a free socialist country you Asshat.

You owe us your freedom big time

Pay up

You owe us, Moron. We got involved in the war in 1939. You joined when the Battle of Britain was over 2 years later. The Luftwaffe were fucked. The Russians did more to defeat the Nazis. You helped, but we all did. Only a Yank would sit like a tool on a messageboard thumping his chest about "you owe us." Typical white trash. No class.

Oh, and pay up....

What are you smoking cupcake?

God damn you must be the most ignorant kiwi on the net
And you stupid fuck lend lease to the Russians with battle field trucks tiped the scales for the Russian

Dude you are fucking around with the wrong American you racist ignorant prick
Ugly American that's your excuse now to change that you called rural Americans "white trash "?

Who says rural Americans are white trash? I'm thinking about 40 of the 60 million who voted for trump were white trash and from all parts of the country and cities. That leaves about 180 million of voting age who didn't vote for him. Nice, normal people. Plenty of them white too. And they aren't white trash. As I said, your'e dumber than a post and have no idea what the word racist means.
We could beat your ass with just the delware national gaurd ..

That's how much your military sucks

Of course you could....

Oh, look, a flying pig.....

Its not me it's the delware blue state national guard

That no way in hell you could beat..

Are you really this ignorant of America?

Each state has its own national gaurd..

They all have a full squadron of fighter jets..
Ugly American that's your excuse now to change that you called rural Americans "white trash "?

Who says rural Americans are white trash? I'm thinking about 40 of the 60 million who voted for trump were white trash and from all parts of the country and cities. That leaves about 180 million of voting age who didn't vote for him. Nice, normal people. Plenty of them white too. And they aren't white trash. As I said, your'e dumber than a post and have no idea what the word racist means.

No what you're saying is the same white trash you speak of saved the world twice.. You are an ungrateful racist bastard
Its not me it's the delware blue state national guard

That no way in hell you could beat..

Are you really this ignorant of America?

Each state has its own national gaurd..

They all have a full squadron of fighter jets..

You didn't know how many EC votes California had. And you call me ignorant. Fighter jets can be shot down....not that hard.

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