Boy, I think Biden has really failed us on COVID

You just said Trump didn't have a plan for STATES to distribute a vaccine. Here's a does of reality to trigger your nerves.

A. When was the "vaccine built"?
B. Ever take a govt. class? See, we live in a Republic, Presidents don't run States.


A. Built? The vaccines mRNA vaccines were created years before Trump was ever in office. the rna sequencing (which Trump knows nothing about) to COVID-19 took about a weekend.

B. Who said presidents run states? Don't call me a dumbass because you don't understand the posts you reply to.
They might be. All the nurses I know got one. It should be mandatory.
I know someone in the medical field who's not going to get it. Or at least the last time I talked to her she said she already got really sick from covid and survived it. So she should have the antibodies inside her already. Makes sense to me. But she can get Delta and it might kill her.
Yep, everyone with an independent mind is Republican now.

We're talking about a people (leftists) who have blamed others for everything throughout their entire lives. The result of poor environments and parenting. These are the same types who are leaving California in droves because they themselves destroyed it, and now they're taking other States with them.
The pop is more than the 2010 pop of CA. Who is leaving CA??
That came wholly from the left. They saw it as a perfect way to attack Trump, suggesting that he allowed the virus within our borders. They're too stupid to understand that, with a worldwide pandemic, God himself could've been President and we'd have gotten the virus here...
Fuck you! Trump compared wearing masks to carrying a purse. He politicized this. Then he had rallies when we were supposed to be social distancing. Then you blamed Democratic governors for closing business'. You demonized Gretchen Whitmer on a national level and locally you nuts tried to kidnap her. She was treading on your rights! Fucking losers.
A. Built? The vaccines mRNA vaccines were created years before Trump was ever in office. the rna sequencing (which Trump knows nothing about) to COVID-19 took about a weekend.

B. Who said presidents run states? Don't call me a dumbass because you don't understand the posts you reply to.

You stupid fuck, show everyone when the vaccine became available so they could actually be distributed? ILMAO at it only took a weekend, you're such a fraud.

And you're a major pussy too. First you said Trump didn't have a plan to distribute vaccines within the States, I educate your dumbass with a pinch of GOVT. operation in the country you live in, then you come back and project like the PROG you've been trained for.
Anybody who wants a vaccine can get one. Trump didn't even have a real plan to help states distribute the vaccine.

Now, if you don't get one and end up real sick with permanent health issues or worse. Oh well, you get to own that. Bye.
There are those of religion. You do not get that on these forums enough. But you do seem to be following the end times.
It's interesting. I was able to convey my point without the use of name-calling or denigrating anyone by calling them stupid.
I don't care. You guys are making the virus so much worse, I'm sorry I called you a name but it's not really close to important considering the work you guys are doing to destroy the country.

You've not been blessed with such ability, I see, and prefer to make your arguments much as an insolent, bed wetting child would do.


Now go fuck yourself...

You didn't even bother to address my points, you just pearl clutched because I don't think you're bright and kind of left it at that.
Its all you republicans that refused the vaccine.

Yup. These idiots here on this board screech and scream about being "forced" to get the vaccine when they are NOT being forced and then blame Biden when all the info and access is available to get the shot and they ignore it.
Fuck you! Trump compared wearing masks to carrying a purse. He politicized this. Then he had rallies when we were supposed to be social distancing. Then you blamed Democratic governors for closing business'. You demonized Gretchen Whitmer on a national level and locally you nuts tried to kidnap her. She was treading on your rights! Fucking losers.

Yeh dumbass
The pop is more than the 2010 pop of CA. Who is leaving CA??

ILMAO @ 2010, you pull that out of your ass?

Who is leaving Ca., WTF, aren't you paying attention, after all, Ca. is the left's flagship State. This just in, California is experiencing an exodus and just saw their first & only instance of negative population growth in history. And that's in-spite of their sactuary for illegals. Gee, I wonder why the negative population, couldn't be because the left destroyed the State, could it?
You stupid fuck, show everyone when the vaccine came available then.

ILMAO you're a major pussy. First you said Trump didn't have a plan to distribute vaccines within the States, I educate your dumbass with a pinch of GOVT. operation in the country you live in, then you come back and project like the well-behaved PROG you are.

You seem to think the vaccines never existed before Trump. The technology has existed for years. Like 2011. With a lot of funding from our own government. Who was president back then?

And yeah, just like there was no real plan to coordinate and distribute PPE that created state governments bidding against each other, jacking up prices to attain valuable equipment. There was also no centralized plan to coordinate the distribution of vaccines.

The Trump administration has been a dismal failure. Mostly this is the reason that fat ass lost.
Yup. These idiots here on this board screech and scream about being "forced" to get the vaccine when they are NOT being forced and then blame Biden when all the info and access is available to get the shot and they ignore it.

You stupid fuck, for instance, blacks in Demonicrat run cities apparently have the lowest vaccine rates of all. Since they're in Demonicrat cities and vote Demonicrat 90% of the time, fuck you're stupid.
They might be. All the nurses I know got one. It should be mandatory. Hit the road nurses if you refuse the vaccine.
according to the reports i have seen that would be an awful lot of health care workers....1 hospital in NYC they said only half were vaccinated...thats a lot of care givers...
Yep, everyone with an independent mind is Republican now.

We're talking about a people (leftists) who have blamed others for everything throughout their entire lives. The result of poor environments and parenting. These are the same types who are leaving California in droves because they themselves destroyed it, and now they're taking other States with them.
These are the same types who are leaving California in droves because they themselves destroyed it, and now they're taking other States with them.
maybe its payback for all the people from other states who moved to California last century and helped destroy that state...
You seem to think the vaccines never existed before Trump. The technology has existed for years. Like 2011. With a lot of funding from our own government. Who was president back then?

And yeah, just like there was no real plan to coordinate and distribute PPE that created state governments bidding against each other, jacking up prices to attain valuable equipment. There was also no centralized plan to coordinate the distribution of vaccines.

The Trump administration has been a dismal failure. Mostly this is the reason that fat ass lost.

Hey everyone, watch how Happyjoy changes his tune with every post. First he says something stupid, then denies it and projects, then comes back with more BS

But but Obama made the technology to make the vaccines we never had.........Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa!. Hey dumbshit, someone should tell all other countries Obama had already made the vaccines, and the only reason for the delay worldwide was because of Trump. ILMAO, they waited a year to receive something we already had...........Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa!

Hey everyone, the first vaccine dose in the USA for COVID was December 14, 2020. Sure a long wait considering Obama had already developed it before 2017.

Hey everyone, the first vaccine worldwide occurred in December 2020. That's Trump's fault, because Obama had already developed it before 2017.

What we've learned:

A. Obama developed the vaccine long time ago.
B. Worldwide we never got wind of it.
C. Trump failed to distribute the vaccines within States, and after all, he had one month to do it before Xiden was fully appointed.
D. Trump failed to distribute Obama's vaccines to the countries worldwide.
E. Covid cases are the same as one year ago, because of Republicans

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according to the reports i have seen that would be an awful lot of health care workers....1 hospital in NYC they said only half were vaccinated...thats a lot of care givers...
According to this it's about 1 in 4 hospital workers haven't been vaccinated which is above the national average.

Even caregivers can fall victim to wingnut ideology. However looking at vaccinations alone they seem to mostly think you guys are morons.
You stupid fuck, for instance, blacks in Demonicrat run cities apparently have the lowest vaccine rates of all. Since they're in Demonicrat cities and vote Demonicrat 90% of the time, fuck you're stupid.
Yup, Blacks and Republicans both have a tremendous amount of mistrust of the government, for different reasons obviously. That is the issue, which is why I'm raging on the Republican leaders who pander to and push and feed into the mistrust and doubt. Its completely irresponsible.
Hey everyone, watch how Happyjoy changes his tune with every post. First he says something stupid, then denies it and projects, then comes back with more BS
What did I change? Be specfic.

But but Obama made the technology to make the vaccines we never had.........Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa!.

I just said he was president and provided a link where his administration funded mRNA research. And?

Hey dumbshit, someone should tell all other countries Obama had already made the vaccines,

I didn't say this at all.

and the only reason for the delay worldwide was because of Trump.

Trump had no plans to help coordinate and distribute the vaccines in the United States. And?

ILMAO, they waited a year to receive something we already had...........Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa!

Hey everyone, the first vaccine dose in the USA for COVID was December 14, 2020. Sure a long wait considering Obama had already developed it before 2017.
You didn't really understand any part of my post. Don't worry, I'm used to it after watching you guys time and time again purposefully misconstrue reality.
You stupid fuck, show everyone when the vaccine became available so they could actually be distributed? ILMAO at it only took a weekend, you're such a fraud.

And you're a major pussy too. First you said Trump didn't have a plan to distribute vaccines within the States, I educate your dumbass with a pinch of GOVT. operation in the country you live in, then you come back and project like the PROG you've been trained for.
They say Trump's roll out of the vaccine would have been horrible. Of course he wouldn't have anything to do with it he would have put someone like Ben Carson in charge.

You have to believe in government to run a government. It's actually a noble thing to do but Republicans have convinced you all politicians are scum, except for them. And yet you can't see the con man when you look and listen to Trump the biggest bullshitter con man on the planet.

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