Boy, I think Biden has really failed us on COVID

Hey PROGS, since you become so upset over words you've used and rely on always turn out to be BS, why continue parroting others?

It's because you're lazy and easy targets.
Yawn... get a new diversionary talking point. This one is boring
Can't you tell how fun his world is?


^That's what a dystopic nightmare looks like in avatar form.
Hey PROGS, since you become so upset over words you've used and rely on always turn out to be BS, why continue parroting others?

It's because you're lazy and easy targets.
What are you talking about with these generalized rants?! Get off your soapbox and have a real discussion.
Reason Trump was replaced (cough!) is because blood on his hands as he failed us COVID. Surely you remember that, we heard all about it everyday, and still do. He really and truly failed us as the parrot tweets, your feelings.

Then Biden comes in after a year of experience, because at least we can say Trump etc. had never experienced this before.

So case counts are what they were one year ago, weird how that works. Odd how they removed mask mandates when cases were greater than one year earlier. So leftists, in your own words the guy you replaced Trump with is twice the failure. What does that feel like as an "informed" voter?
DAMN……You can’t make me get a vaccine!
It is Biden’s fault that I am not vaccinated
Why say stupid shit only because it rings nicely to your tiny head?

Answer: You're PROG.
Just saying if you look deep you'll find it's poor blacks who vote Democratic, or don't vote at all, and poor whites who voted for Trump, nor not at all. These are the worst citizens in our society.
What are you talking about with these generalized rants?! Get off your soapbox and have a real discussion.

Interesting considering you never say anything of value or that belongs to you.

They're general statements alright, because you fit the description, same with other PROGS and you know it too.
Reason Trump was replaced (cough!) is because blood on his hands as he failed us COVID. Surely you remember that, we heard all about it everyday, and still do. He really and truly failed us as the parrot tweets, your feelings.

Then Biden comes in after a year of experience, because at least we can say Trump etc. had never experienced this before.

So case counts are what they were one year ago, weird how that works. Odd how they removed mask mandates when cases were greater than one year earlier. So leftists, in your own words the guy you replaced Trump with is twice the failure. What does that feel like as an "informed" voter?
Did you get vaccinated?
Reason Trump was replaced (cough!) is because blood on his hands as he failed us COVID. Surely you remember that, we heard all about it everyday, and still do. He really and truly failed us as the parrot tweets, your feelings.

Then Biden comes in after a year of experience, because at least we can say Trump etc. had never experienced this before.

So case counts are what they were one year ago, weird how that works. Odd how they removed mask mandates when cases were greater than one year earlier. So leftists, in your own words the guy you replaced Trump with is twice the failure. What does that feel like as an "informed" voter?
Who's dying? The unvaccinated. Do you want Biden to mandate they get the vaccine?
Just saying if you look deep you'll find it's poor blacks who vote Democratic, or don't vote at all, and poor whites who voted for Trump, nor not at all. These are the worst citizens in our society.

Poor people are our worst citizens? Interesting. Why are Democrats creating a society for poor and wealthy?
Interesting considering you never say anything of value or that belongs to you.

They're general statements alright, because you fit the description, same with other PROGS and you know it too.
Excellent so be specific then and point to something I've said that highlights what youre talking about cause I'm calling bullshit.
FUCK NO.....I'm healthy as a horse, they aren't putting that made-up shit into my body, first your balls shrink, then your immune system.
Ha! A few days ago a story came out. Conservative radio host in TN was really sick from Covid. Not on a ventilator but needed help breathing. I checked to see how he's doing

He's now on a ventilator. But don't worry. Only 1 out of 10 people on a ventilator die. He, and maybe you some day soon, should be alright.
FUCK NO.....I'm healthy as a horse, they aren't putting that made-up shit into my body, first your balls shrink, then your immune system.
Are you worried about catching COVID? Do you believe that it was made in a WuHan Lab?

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