boy if hillary did this there would be all kinds of hearing after her

Saudi Arabia.....donating to Hillary. Now let's here you bitch about ya don't because you're a partisan shill hypocrite

Do you have actual evidence or just some other lying conservative blog?

I didn't think so.

I don't really give a damn what you think, troll. How's that? Here you thought I did? LOL

Oh, I am so hurt. And I held YOU in such high esteem.

If your going to continue post links to spurious websites, and act pouty when you're called out on it, we're going to continue to mock you as the ignorant lazy con you are.
So the ignorant lazy con, sassy, can offer any solid web links to counter the allegations of the OP. The CF donate almost 95% to its charities and works.

Where in the hell do you live that you apparently do not get any sort of news feeds? Has mom put a new filter on your computer?

The Clinton Foundation: A cauldron of conflicts and cronyism – Capital Research Center
Do you have actual evidence or just some other lying conservative blog?

I didn't think so.

I don't really give a damn what you think, troll. How's that? Here you thought I did? LOL

Oh, I am so hurt. And I held YOU in such high esteem.

If your going to continue post links to spurious websites, and act pouty when you're called out on it, we're going to continue to mock you as the ignorant lazy con you are.
So the ignorant lazy con, sassy, can offer any solid web links to counter the allegations of the OP. The CF donate almost 95% to its charities and works.

Where in the hell do you live that you apparently do not get any sort of news feeds? Has mom put a new filter on your computer?

The Clinton Foundation: A cauldron of conflicts and cronyism – Capital Research Center
From their link below: it reveals a near libertarian group that wants absolutely no accountability for charity and philanthropy, only the ability to enrich itself and its cronies.

We support the principles of individual liberty, a free market economy and limited constitutional government: These are the cornerstones of American society. They are the foundation of private enterprise, economic growth and wealth creation. They also make possible wise and generous philanthropic giving.

Unfortunately, many donors reject these principles. Many charities and foundations now urge lawmakers to expand the powers of the welfare state, regulate the economy and limit individual freedoms. Nonprofit “public interest” groups argue that government must solve the problems of the environment, education, healthcare, poverty, consumers and the elderly. They say donors and the nonprofit sector must be advocates for more government action.
I am 99% of America said she was wrong. But was it criminal? Comey says "no, now eat your shorts."

No, he never said that, now snort my shorts.
He sure implied it as he ran Chaffetz with his tail between his legs off.

Only to a true Hillary devotee as yourself.

Congressman Hurd spelled out the danger that she put CIA agents, and Comey agreed. And there weren't pretend agents like Plame.

88% of their donations are USED for Charitable Programs

$2 out of every $100 donated is their cost for fundraising.

The Clinton Family Foundation is a charity with high marks and worth donating to...

Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch
Small donations on millions of disposable Chinese credit cards?

Oh wait, that was Obama......
like colin Powell and condi rice who never turn in their emails, trump gets donations from foreign countries you guy over look that too cause he's a republican ...

Donald Trump's campaign is still soliciting illegal donations from foreign individuals - including members of foreign governments at their official email addresses - weeks after the campaign was put on notice by watchdog groups.

Foreign members of parliament from the United Kingdom and Australia confirmed to The Hill that they received fundraising solicitations from the Trump campaign as recently as July 12 - two weeks after a widely publicized FEC complaint issued on June 29 by non-partisan watchdogs Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center.

I guess if its not Hillary doing it, its ok ...

Obama actually altered the process so that the country of origin wasn't traceable on his donations. He is a felon like Hillary.
you make it up and tell us you can't prove your accusation ... thats your best???? BWA hahahahahahah

I read the article at the time; you'll excuse me if I don't go wasting time fishing for it for a pube like you.


88% of their donations are USED for Charitable Programs

$2 out of every $100 donated is their cost for fundraising.

The Clinton Family Foundation is a charity with high marks and worth donating to...
View attachment 81922

Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch
don't rely on freewill to give you and accurate account of anything ... look at all of his I hate hillary sources ... if he's not using a right wing hillary hater opinions, he uses out right right wing web sites for his so call source ... he rely on these misleading sites take the first one where it claims hillary was totally for nafta ... yes she was for it in the beginning ... as time went on she saw what they were trying to pass, as more information came in she begain talking against it ... does the writer tell you this ??? no he doesn't the writer just tries to fan the republican hillary haters flame
Small donations on millions of disposable Chinese credit cards?

Oh wait, that was Obama......
like colin Powell and condi rice who never turn in their emails, trump gets donations from foreign countries you guy over look that too cause he's a republican ...

Donald Trump's campaign is still soliciting illegal donations from foreign individuals - including members of foreign governments at their official email addresses - weeks after the campaign was put on notice by watchdog groups.

Foreign members of parliament from the United Kingdom and Australia confirmed to The Hill that they received fundraising solicitations from the Trump campaign as recently as July 12 - two weeks after a widely publicized FEC complaint issued on June 29 by non-partisan watchdogs Democracy 21 and the Campaign Legal Center.

I guess if its not Hillary doing it, its ok ...

Obama actually altered the process so that the country of origin wasn't traceable on his donations. He is a felon like Hillary.
you make it up and tell us you can't prove your accusation ... thats your best???? BWA hahahahahahah

I read the article at the time; you'll excuse me if I don't go wasting time fishing for it for a pube like you.
translation=you don't have a leg to stand on ... you out and out lied ThenotsotruthtellingGreatGatsby ....

this is funny ... he loves the way they dice it up and run it as being factual will and his so called source of information just got to make you laugh at his poor attempts to try and justify his allegations about hillary ... you keep trying freewill and we'll keep pointing out your lies ... you don't take a statement by a far right wing nut job about the law then paste it in as part of the testimony then try and call it factual freewill ... it doesn't work that way
Trump also used his supposed Charity to donate the the Attorney general of Florida's Campaign and used his supposed Charity to donate to the Attorney General of Texas' campaign, he bribed these two State attorney generals, to stop their potential lawsuits on behalf of their citizens against Trump University.

He used his suppose Charity for goodness sake, to donate to the campaigns of the two AG's contemplating charges against Trump University, and got them to DROP their pursuit of this...

HIS CHARITY's money....

Why isn't he in jail....?

Why aren't you complaining about this devious action and illegal action? Again if this were the Clinton Foundation giving money to Lynch's campaign, to prevent charges from being made against them....with this trail of foundation money, directly to quid pro quo, you would be screaming from the roof tops....

shoot, Bill only had to basically say hi to Lynch for you all to go insane....with no trail of money as there is with Trump's Charity and the Trump University fraud charges and the State AGs

I have never in my entire life been witness to such hypocrites...You all have simply gone off your rockers as of late....!!!! Holy Smokes!!! :eek:
non of the charities the clinton foundations donate to are controlled by the clintons ... that would cause them to lose their charity status
fyi, the Clinton Foundation IS THE Charity and they do most all of the work themselves.... it is a Public Charity, not a private charity.

NO MONEY goes to the Clinton's themselves, neither Bill, Hillary or Chelsea get paid a salary....but they do pay others to accomplish their various charity program goals...

As example, if their goal is to teach farmers how to grow crops in a region with drought in Africa, they hire the people who can teach them, pay their way to the drought region if need be...etc

Another example: with their health care initiative programs, they would pay for the doctors, etc, the clinics/ facilities, medicines....etc.

Quora??? That's basically the same thing as "". It's a "community" which answers questions. What if the Community Member who prepared this report hates the Clintons? It doesn't appear they did much research, and one of their answers was removed after it was fact checked. Why not look at the Foundation's financial statements? They're posted online, and they're not difficult to read.

this is funny ... he loves the way they dice it up and run it as being factual will and his so called source of information just got to make you laugh at his poor attempts to try and justify his allegations about hillary ... you keep trying freewill and we'll keep pointing out your lies ... you don't take a statement by a far right wing nut job about the law then paste it in as part of the testimony then try and call it factual freewill ... it doesn't work that way

It was all laid out for you. You just post your jaded opinion. She is dirty that is very clear and Comey proved it.

Quora??? That's basically the same thing as "". It's a "community" which answers questions. What if the Community Member who prepared this report hates the Clintons? It doesn't appear they did much research, and one of their answers was removed after it was fact checked. Why not look at the Foundation's financial statements? They're posted online, and they're not difficult to read.

since most of the posts in this thread are nothing but what someone either wants to believe or has to believe, I figure any actual information is better.

Quora??? That's basically the same thing as "". It's a "community" which answers questions. What if the Community Member who prepared this report hates the Clintons? It doesn't appear they did much research, and one of their answers was removed after it was fact checked. Why not look at the Foundation's financial statements? They're posted online, and they're not difficult to read.

BTW did you notice all the references in the Quora answer? You know the one proving what the person said was true. Have you seen one response to my post with any sort of references? No, you could not have.

Quora??? That's basically the same thing as "". It's a "community" which answers questions. What if the Community Member who prepared this report hates the Clintons? It doesn't appear they did much research, and one of their answers was removed after it was fact checked. Why not look at the Foundation's financial statements? They're posted online, and they're not difficult to read.

BTW did you notice all the references in the Quora answer? You know the one proving what the person said was true. Have you seen one response to my post with any sort of references? No, you could not have.

Yes, I even read the links. They said that the original Federalist report was labelled "mostly false" by PunditFact, and the author of the report took issue with that rating, because the information. While "technically correct" (the Foundation only gave 12% of their money to other charities), it isn't actually correct because the Foundations ran their own programs, so that 88% of the money donated was used for charitable works, including the charitable work which the Foundation completed using its own staff.

The Quora link, and the original article in the Federalist made their analysis based on the basis that the Clinton Foundation should be donating money to other charities, and instead, the Foundation is paying out lots of monies in salaries. That's because the Foundation is hiring people and running the programs themselves, not glad handing money out to other NGO's or GO's.

Often aid never gets to those it's intended to help, and is diverted to those who profit from selling the donated materials. By running the programs themselves, the Foundation ensures that the funds are used for their intended purpose.

This is a classic case of "Figure never lie, but liars often figure".

This ain't my first rodeo. It's always unwise to post links without reading or fact checking them.

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