Boy in Barbie Doll Commercial

I don't want to see any toy gun commercials.
Why? We had plenty when I was a kid and no one was shooting anybody up. We also had dads when I was a kid.

Yes when we were kids too, but now I see what war is and I don't remember a time in my life there wasn't a war. I don't think its even cool to play cowboys and Indians today.
I will not buy the boys dolls either. No way.
I hope you never have boys. Parents who love their sons accept that they are boys. Leftists try to mold them into metrosexuals. Boys will play swords with sticks and even make finger guns. That's because they're boys. Someone like you would try to shame them. That's because you're Leftists.

I was playing with my friend's 2-1/2 year old boy. He has trucks. I introduced him to the smash up game. Vroom vroom crash!

That did not go over well.

The feminization of boys and the pushing of transgender perversion onto children continues as predicted.

The best thing to happen to this sissy boy is to be roughed up, teased and ridiculed by the other boys in his class. It may put him on the path of being a masculine boy. If his mother is doing this to him, she should be arrested for child endangerment.

He will be teased and ridiculed.

One of MANY MANY reasons this commercial should never have happened.

That's what happens when fatherlessness becomes the new hip, nobody is there to protect a boy's manhood from predatory female perverts.
Relax guy. Barbie isn't going to pull some gay out of her Moschino handbag and get it on the boys. It's a toy.
If it doesn't really matter, why use a boy?
why does Campbell's soup need to show a boy has two fathers. They could have done that commercial with just one gay father.
Ha. And how do they show "one gay father"? It's just some guy. Unless he comes out and says he's gay.
Relax guy. Barbie isn't going to pull some gay out of her Moschino handbag and get it on the boys. It's a toy.
If it doesn't really matter, why use a boy?
why does Campbell's soup need to show a boy has two fathers. They could have done that commercial with just one gay father.
The Fag Militia is running a racket. Companies fear drawing their wrath and will pay tributes for their "protection" and so they won't break their kneecaps. Corporate America is tripping over itself to appease the irascible pervert squad.
Relax guy. Barbie isn't going to pull some gay out of her Moschino handbag and get it on the boys. It's a toy.
If it doesn't really matter, why use a boy?
why does Campbell's soup need to show a boy has two fathers. They could have done that commercial with just one gay father.
Ha. And how do they show "one gay father"? It's just some guy. Unless he comes out and says he's gay.
Or is like just about every other gay man and advertises it with his dress, gate, accent, mannerisms, and other effeminate, metrosexual gyrations.
Relax guy. Barbie isn't going to pull some gay out of her Moschino handbag and get it on the boys. It's a toy.
If it doesn't really matter, why use a boy?
why does Campbell's soup need to show a boy has two fathers. They could have done that commercial with just one gay father.
Ha. And how do they show "one gay father"? It's just some guy. Unless he comes out and says he's gay.
You can tell either one of those men are gay. So only one is needed.
Relax guy. Barbie isn't going to pull some gay out of her Moschino handbag and get it on the boys. It's a toy.
If it doesn't really matter, why use a boy?
why does Campbell's soup need to show a boy has two fathers. They could have done that commercial with just one gay father.
Ha. And how do they show "one gay father"? It's just some guy. Unless he comes out and says he's gay.
You can tell either one of those men are gay. So only one is needed.
I guess you have well tuned gaydar.
The Fag Militia
irascible pervert squad
Spoken like a good Christian eh.
Relax guy. Barbie isn't going to pull some gay out of her Moschino handbag and get it on the boys. It's a toy.
If it doesn't really matter, why use a boy?
why does Campbell's soup need to show a boy has two fathers. They could have done that commercial with just one gay father.
Ha. And how do they show "one gay father"? It's just some guy. Unless he comes out and says he's gay.
You can tell either one of those men are gay. So only one is needed.
I guess you have well tuned gaydar.
The Fag Militia
irascible pervert squad
Spoken like a good Christian eh.
Christianity is not defined by the sons of perdition. Refer to my signature.
I guess you have well tuned gaydar.
Yes, if being able to spot a gay a mile away I suppose so. Most guys can usually spot a fairy with no problem, so it's like a radar. If that's how you want to put it. GAYDAR is an interesting play-on word.

The feminization of boys and the pushing of transgender perversion onto children continues as predicted.

The best thing to happen to this sissy boy is to be roughed up, teased and ridiculed by the other boys in his class. It may put him on the path of being a masculine boy. If his mother is doing this to him, she should be arrested for child endangerment.

Following your advice, the boy might become a suicide because of bullying.

The feminization of boys and the pushing of transgender perversion onto children continues as predicted.

The best thing to happen to this sissy boy is to be roughed up, teased and ridiculed by the other boys in his class. It may put him on the path of being a masculine boy. If his mother is doing this to him, she should be arrested for child endangerment.

Following your advice, the boy might become a suicide because of bullying.

Damn near everyone has been bullied. How is it any of us survived?
Erector sets and legos were much better
I think I had an erector set. No Legos. Maybe there weren't any. I operated on all my dolls. They weren't to play with, but take apart.

Having boys play with barbies will make it easier for dingbat parents say that the poor kid is transgendered.
There's no better proof that the Left is animated by Satan than their unholy bent to push their perversions onto children.

It won't be long before "consenting adults" becomes a relic to them.
animated by Satan

Well so much for anything intelligent here

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