Boy Scouts Of America Love Trump

Please don't sit there &
The idea that you think the speech was inspiring proves you are the worthless POS. The Boy Scouts are about truth & Trump lied. The Boy Scouts are not about attacking others, yet Trump attacked many.

The speech was totally not appropriate for the crowd he was addressing.

His message was that you can be a business cheat, fraud, groper, and liar & still become President. You call that inspiring?

How was his speech "totally not appropriate"? The crowd loved it. Did they boo him? Nope, but they did boo the purple-lipped jug-eared nobody that was squatting in the White House the last 8 years.

BTW: Is Hillary or Bernie President yet? Nope. Not now, not ever. So get over your butt-hurtedness and go do something constructive, instead of sitting here all day bitching, moaning, and crying.
So, it is not appropriate to talk politics in front of the Boy Scouts who are apolitical. Is Trump that fucking stupid? If my kid was there & had to listen to your orange lying fuck, I'd be pissed. You think the business cheat, fraud, lying, groping, accused child rapist was an appropriate speakers for kids that believe in honesty & the truth? You are one sick fuck.

Trump to Boy Scouts: To be successful you need to cut corners, cheat people, lie, and marriage is a joke.

"Accused child rapist"?? You are seriously deranged. My only suggestion to you is that you seek competent psychiatric help.
pretend you are knowledgeable & yet be sofa king stupid not to know this.

What You Need to Know About the Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit — and the Accuser Who Claims He Raped Her When She Was 13

An idiotic fake story from 2016??

Come on, you can do better than that. If there had been one speck of truth to that slanderous story, do you really think he would have won the election?

But he did win, and now he's President. And Hillary is not, nor will she ever be President. Nor will Bernie.
A news story carried on major news networks.

It is a true story.

But I would not expect an ignorant Trumpette to know or admit to any thing that your orange hero has done.
A news story carried on major news networks.

It is a true story.

But I would not expect an ignorant Trumpette to know or admit to any thing that your orange hero has done.

You seriously want to call that a "NEWS" story, A lying crossdresser says that a political opponent of the dogshit trash it loves "said" he raped it when it was 13 and the shithole lying media outlet that hates anyone who goes against their mess-I-ahs communist party does not even have the balls to take responsibility for the piece it gives a third tier slot for the HIT piece. You need to FO and commit suicide. Prove it is true MOFO, the tiffany doe is a transvestite whore who never even came to a city Trump ever visited PROVE ME WRONG!!!
I'm going to disagree that it's "inappropriate" to discuss politics with kids. We tried that "shelter them" technique and look where it got us; we damn near lost all the values of this nation. There is no good reason that our children shouldn't be involved at an early age in their civic duty (to vote for the future of the country.)

My child has been discussing politics with me since he was about 10 or so; not only does he know "what's up" politically so he is able to vote informatively now that he's 18, but he has also learned that disagreeing on political matters is not the end of the world (he's quite a bit more "hard right" than I am.)
A news story carried on major news networks.

It is a true story.

But I would not expect an ignorant Trumpette to know or admit to any thing that your orange hero has done.

You seriously want to call that a "NEWS" story, A lying crossdresser says that a political opponent of the dogshit trash it loves "said" he raped it when it was 13 and the shithole lying media outlet that hates anyone who goes against their mess-I-ahs communist party does not even have the balls to take responsibility for the piece it gives a third tier slot for the HIT piece. You need to FO and commit suicide. Prove it is true MOFO, the tiffany doe is a transvestite whore who never even came to a city Trump ever visited PROVE ME WRONG!!!
It was a news story. There was a witness.

Her story matched with Trump's schedule. Trump did travel with Jeff Epstein a known pedophile.

Trump said this: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine for a 2002 profile of Epstein. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Agreeing with Epstein's love for "younger" girls.

Funny how you Trumpettes defend this action.

Whether true or not, we will never know as Truimp or hs supporters threatened the life of the woman so she dropped her lawsuit.

I have to laugh at you assholes. You ranted about Bill Clinton because woman accused him you sided with those women.

Now your orange child rapist gets accused & you call the accuser a shithole liar.

Yet we know Trump's history. he called his 216 year old daughter "Hot". While hosting Miss Teen America, he barged into their dressing room where there were young girls in various stages on undress.

Trump is a pig. An admitted groper.

And accused of child rape.
I'm going to disagree that it's "inappropriate" to discuss politics with kids. We tried that "shelter them" technique and look where it got us; we damn near lost all the values of this nation. There is no good reason that our children shouldn't be involved at an early age in their civic duty (to vote for the future of the country.)

My child has been discussing politics with me since he was about 10 or so; not only does he know "what's up" politically so he is able to vote informatively now that he's 18, but he has also learned that disagreeing on political matters is not the end of the world (he's quite a bit more "hard right" than I am.)
It is not appropriate to speak to a apolitical group of kids & spew the lying Trump rhetoric. pertod. Quit trying to defend that orange asshole & admit what a fool you elected.
I'm going to disagree that it's "inappropriate" to discuss politics with kids. We tried that "shelter them" technique and look where it got us; we damn near lost all the values of this nation. There is no good reason that our children shouldn't be involved at an early age in their civic duty (to vote for the future of the country.)

My child has been discussing politics with me since he was about 10 or so; not only does he know "what's up" politically so he is able to vote informatively now that he's 18, but he has also learned that disagreeing on political matters is not the end of the world (he's quite a bit more "hard right" than I am.)
It is not appropriate to speak to a apolitical group of kids & spew the lying Trump rhetoric. pertod. Quit trying to defend that orange asshole & admit what a fool you elected.
Why would we admit to something that's not true? You can make up all the lies and fake stories you want, but be warned --- you are only making yourself look foolish. There is nothing wrong with introducing children to politics, nor is there any wrong in saving them from perverts and molesters that Obama turned loose on them.
Why would we admit to something that's not true? You can make up all the lies and fake stories you want, but be warned --- you are only making yourself look foolish. There is nothing wrong with introducing children to politics, nor is there any wrong in saving them from perverts and molesters that Obama turned loose on them.
Fuck off weak sad one
Boy Scouts president has 85 billion reasons to excuse Trump’s wildly inappropriate Jamboree speech
the president of the Boy Scouts of America has tens of billions of reasons to not more forcefully criticize the president’s speech at the Jamboree, as it could hurt his chances of getting his company’s mega-merger approved.

AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson became the president of the BSA just over a year ago, and at the moment he is seeking approval from the Trump administration to sign off on a proposed $85 billion acquisition of media company Time Warner, Inc.
"I'm an Eagle Scout. Trump using the 30,000 BoyScouts as his props tonight was a scene out of Triumph of the Will. Shocking abuse of children" - Crazy Michael Moore

It's like some folks have never seen a strong father figure in their lives and can't handle it when someone refuses to capitulate to their narrow minded, arrogant, hateful opinions. Clearly, we (us folks who think Trump's alright) are all Nazi's yea? Well boo-fucking-ho. Us "Nazi's" out voted the socialists. Feel free to flee the country like the German's did back before WWII. (Ironically, that's how I ended up an American.) Maybe when ya'll grow up "elsewhere" you'll understand the true value of those American values and culture you are attempting to undermine and destroy - not holding my breath, of course, most of ya'll seem pretty unintelligent.
This morning on the news it was reported that the BSA person in charge has now apologized to all the parents of the scouts that were there at the jamboree. Even he said it was improper for Trump to politicize his speech to the Scouts.
No president ever spoke at any jamborees in 6 years of scouting when I was in, so what?

so Trump is the greatest president ever, at least in terms of caring for america's youth.

You mean Brown Shirts.

He's turning the IS into a satellite of Russia and the RWs love it.


Because they're too stupid and too invested to admit they're cheering for Fascism.

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by the way..."The Boy Scouts president is AT&T's CEO. He needs Trump's approval for that Time Warner merger."

learn to connect the dots, folks!

The president of the Boy Scouts needs the Trump administration to approve his mega-merger

You fools voted for this.

Trumps daddy taught him all about the kkk so not surprising he'd want to get those little boys stated on the road to being good little nazis.

But hey, democracy has had a run and maybe we can get back again someday.

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