Boy Scouts reversing century old stance, will allow transgender boys

Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, even the military and women trying to get into SF, I mean my gawd turn everyone's world upside down to try and make things normal when to some it will never be normal.
The sad thing is I didnt want to end a tradition I respected for all those years.
These are exactly the intended effects of the fag scout movement; to alienate the BSA from the rest of normal America.

And they have accomplished their goal through that idiotic 30% that existed even in the BSA.

The BSA is now in a slow death spiral as the fags and pedophiles take it over 'for the cause' and as soon as they achieve their goals they will slowly abandon it and let it die from neglect.

Conservatives should join their own form of adult-youth organization and say to hell with the BSA.

Alternative to Boy Scouts, formed in wake of gay controversy, finds its footing

Christian Alternative to Boy Scouts Launches On New Year's Day With Close to 500 Troops

Trail Life USA, The 'Other' Boy Scouts Of America

I thought conservatives already had an adult-youth organization. It's called NAMBLA.
Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, even the military and women trying to get into SF, I mean my gawd turn everyone's world upside down to try and make things normal when to some it will never be normal.
The sad thing is I didnt want to end a tradition I respected for all those years.
These are exactly the intended effects of the fag scout movement; to alienate the BSA from the rest of normal America.

And they have accomplished their goal through that idiotic 30% that existed even in the BSA.

The BSA is now in a slow death spiral as the fags and pedophiles take it over 'for the cause' and as soon as they achieve their goals they will slowly abandon it and let it die from neglect.

Conservatives should join their own form of adult-youth organization and say to hell with the BSA.

Alternative to Boy Scouts, formed in wake of gay controversy, finds its footing

Christian Alternative to Boy Scouts Launches On New Year's Day With Close to 500 Troops

Trail Life USA, The 'Other' Boy Scouts Of America

I thought conservatives already had an adult-youth organization. It's called NAMBLA.
NAMBLA has always been Democrat

Oh my. A guy that supported pedophilia also supported Obama. Roof supported Trump. Does that make Trump a mass murderer?
obama put a NAMBLA member as his safe schools czar. Trump never supported Roof nor knew who he was. See the difference.
And now this


Churches Must Sever Ties With Boy Scouts
The dubious source notwithstanding, it appears to be genuine. Here's a statement on what appears to be an official Boy Scouts of America site.

I guess it's time to remove “morally straight” from the Scout Oath. And time for parents of boys in the relevant age range to find another comparable organization for their sons.
Friends of scouting won't be getting my support.
TR question about if you affiliate with organization against the church.
I'll have to answer yes. the bsa
I believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (AKA, the “Mormon” church) is by far the BSA's biggest supporter, with the Catholics a fairly distant second. I have to think that such immoral nonsense as this is putting the BSA in serious danger of losing this support, as well as that of quite a few other churches.
I believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (AKA, the “Mormon” church) is by far the BSA's biggest supporter, with the Catholics a fairly distant second. I have to think that such immoral nonsense as this is putting the BSA in serious danger of losing this support, as well as that of quite a few other churches.
The Mormon church caved on the fag Troop leadership when the BSA reversed its promise to only allow fag scout members and to not allow them into adult leadership for what should be obvious reasons.

That despite the fact that the majority of Mormons want the church to abandon the BSA.

Most Utah Mormons want their church out of Boy Scouts, poll shows

Now the Mormon leadership is again trying to figure out the best way of caving again that they can spin to make themselves not look like the craven cowards that they are.

Will Mormon church embrace Scouting's new transgender policy? It's assessing the issue
I believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (AKA, the “Mormon” church) is by far the BSA's biggest supporter, with the Catholics a fairly distant second. I have to think that such immoral nonsense as this is putting the BSA in serious danger of losing this support, as well as that of quite a few other churches.
That and coercing a child to imagine they aren't the gender they are and forcing other children in this macabre and damaging game of pretend is child abuse.

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