boycott Dish Network

This hokey pokey game needs to stop. Legal in State but not with the Feds is the biggest cat and mouse bullshit going.

Oh and a company firing you for what you do OFF THE JOB is even more bullshit. But dont worry, the American loving Patriots want the companies to be all up in your private life too because, yanno, companies have human rights and stuff

Of course a company should have the right to hire who they want. but then again you believe it's the other way around and you have a right to work wherever you want, right?

Just because you typed "you believe" doesnt mean you're a mind reader. You're just a dumbass who cant address anything I said so you made a pretty strawman to jack up.

Fuck off

Are you saying I'm wrong. Are you saying you DON'T believe a company should have to hire and employees they don't want to hire and retain?

I have no fucking idea what you're talking about, but thats why you suck at presenting my ideas.

Present those things you call "thoughts" and I'll present my own. How about that stupid?

Okay how is this for presentation.

The Colorado Constitutional Amendment legalizing marijuana specifically states that employers do NOT have to change their policies regarding marijuana use, so this moron, and every other moron in Colorado should be aware that the Colorado law allows employers to fire people for marijuana use even though it is legal under state law.

This was upheld in this case by the Colorado Supreme Court, and even the plaintiff's attorney said "okay now we have precedence and know where marijuana users stand"

But here you are arguing that Dish was wrong LOL

Wrong for What is the part you're missing and why you feel the need to laugh.

I specifically said:
This hokey pokey game needs to stop. Legal in State but not with the Feds is the biggest cat and mouse bullshit going.

Oh and a company firing you for what you do OFF THE JOB is even more bullshit.

Pay attention. I never knew that you cannot have an opposite opinion about something after the court says something. When did that happen? Thats why you have a "OJ didnt do it" bumper sticker right dummy?

Like I said, address what I say and stop building those pretty strawmen
Dish network fired a quadriplegic that was prescribed Marijuana in Colorado, because they have a zero tolerance policy.

This is like Popeyes firing one of their managers after she was robbed at gun point for $400.00, because there are a lot of people boycotting that chicken shit company for being so heartless.

To fire the handicapped for using medical Marijuana, even though he didn't use it while on duty, is just as heartless.

Hopefully Dish Network will lose at least half of it's business. Probably much more in Colorado.

Don't be surprised to see Dish file for bankruptcy.

Quadriplegic fired for medical pot can t get his job back New York Post
Another fine example that the tyranny and bullshit has gone on way too long.
Of course a company should have the right to hire who they want. but then again you believe it's the other way around and you have a right to work wherever you want, right?

Just because you typed "you believe" doesnt mean you're a mind reader. You're just a dumbass who cant address anything I said so you made a pretty strawman to jack up.

Fuck off

Are you saying I'm wrong. Are you saying you DON'T believe a company should have to hire and employees they don't want to hire and retain?

I have no fucking idea what you're talking about, but thats why you suck at presenting my ideas.

Present those things you call "thoughts" and I'll present my own. How about that stupid?

Okay how is this for presentation.

The Colorado Constitutional Amendment legalizing marijuana specifically states that employers do NOT have to change their policies regarding marijuana use, so this moron, and every other moron in Colorado should be aware that the Colorado law allows employers to fire people for marijuana use even though it is legal under state law.

This was upheld in this case by the Colorado Supreme Court, and even the plaintiff's attorney said "okay now we have precedence and know where marijuana users stand"

But here you are arguing that Dish was wrong LOL

Wrong for What is the part you're missing and why you feel the need to laugh.

I specifically said:
This hokey pokey game needs to stop. Legal in State but not with the Feds is the biggest cat and mouse bullshit going.

Oh and a company firing you for what you do OFF THE JOB is even more bullshit.

Pay attention. I never knew that you cannot have an opposite opinion about something after the court says something. When did that happen? Thats why you have a "OJ didnt do it" bumper sticker right dummy?

Like I said, address what I say and stop building those pretty strawmen

I DID address what you said, stupid.

Specifically this part

Oh and a company firing you for what you do OFF THE JOB is even more bullshit.

Hence my comment that you believe a company should not have right right to hire and fire whom they please.

That is EXACTLY what you were you implying. That an employee should have the right to smoke pot off the clock and then come to work.

The Colorado Constitution CLEARLY says otherwise.
Dish network fired a quadriplegic that was prescribed Marijuana in Colorado, because they have a zero tolerance policy.

This is like Popeyes firing one of their managers after she was robbed at gun point for $400.00, because there are a lot of people boycotting that chicken shit company for being so heartless.

To fire the handicapped for using medical Marijuana, even though he didn't use it while on duty, is just as heartless.

Hopefully Dish Network will lose at least half of it's business. Probably much more in Colorado.

Don't be surprised to see Dish file for bankruptcy.

Quadriplegic fired for medical pot can t get his job back New York Post
Another fine example that the tyranny and bullshit has gone on way too long.

Wait a minute, just so I'm clear

You are against tyranny but would favor a law that would FORCE Dish Network to retain a guy who uses pot whether they want to or not?

Do I have that right?

Dish network fired a quadriplegic that was prescribed Marijuana in Colorado, because they have a zero tolerance policy.

This is like Popeyes firing one of their managers after she was robbed at gun point for $400.00, because there are a lot of people boycotting that chicken shit company for being so heartless.

To fire the handicapped for using medical Marijuana, even though he didn't use it while on duty, is just as heartless.

Hopefully Dish Network will lose at least half of it's business. Probably much more in Colorado.

Don't be surprised to see Dish file for bankruptcy.

Quadriplegic fired for medical pot can t get his job back New York Post
Another fine example that the tyranny and bullshit has gone on way too long.

Wait a minute, just so I'm clear

You are against tyranny but would favor a law that would FORCE Dish Network to retain a guy who uses pot whether they want to or not?

Do I have that right?

Hence my comment that you believe a company should not have right right to hire and fire whom they please.

When I say fire you for what you do off the job....You take that as what? Me saying they cant hire who they want? :rofl: Do your own thinking...its hard enough for you do that

I said hire or retain CC

You are CLEARLY of the opinion that they should not be able to fire you for something you do off the clock.

I am of the fact that an employer should be able to fire an employee for any, or even NO , reason at all.

You don't have a right to a job CC.
But as a matter of law, no one is going to say "it is reasonable not to hire a bank robber because one of your patrons may get food poisoning" so it becomes irrelevant.

No, but the reasonable man WILL say "hiring a bank robber exposes the company and the public to undue risk;" thus the employment of same is tortuous as it represents a breach of duty to care.
But as a matter of law, no one is going to say "it is reasonable not to hire a bank robber because one of your patrons may get food poisoning" so it becomes irrelevant.

No, but the reasonable man WILL say "hiring a bank robber exposes the company and the public to undue risk;" thus the employment of same is tortuous as it represents a breach of duty to care.

LOL how does having a bank robber in my kitchen expose the public to any undue risk you idiot.
But as a matter of law, no one is going to say "it is reasonable not to hire a bank robber because one of your patrons may get food poisoning" so it becomes irrelevant.

No, but the reasonable man WILL say "hiring a bank robber exposes the company and the public to undue risk;" thus the employment of same is tortuous as it represents a breach of duty to care.

LOL how does having a bank robber in my kitchen expose the public to any undue risk you idiot.

If he robs banks who knows what kind of things he might do to the food.
Morals matter.
But as a matter of law, no one is going to say "it is reasonable not to hire a bank robber because one of your patrons may get food poisoning" so it becomes irrelevant.

No, but the reasonable man WILL say "hiring a bank robber exposes the company and the public to undue risk;" thus the employment of same is tortuous as it represents a breach of duty to care.

LOL how does having a bank robber in my kitchen expose the public to any undue risk you idiot.

If he robs banks who knows what kind of things he might do to the food.
Morals matter.

LOL this is where the reasonable part comes in Peach. If I hire a bank robber and take reasonable precautions to make sure the food is safe, him being a bank robber is not relevant.

and again there is NO legal requirement for me to even check to see if my employees are criminals. I can do whatever background checks I like, or none at all. It doesn't matter, either way is legal..

And if a employee comes to me and says "I broke a law" I don't have to fire him or her LOL
If he robs banks who knows what kind of things he might do to the food.
Morals matter.

Or moreover should the police kick in the door and shoot a child or a neighbor, the fact that you hired a bank robber is proximate cause for the injuries and damage incurred.

STTAB is acting the fool on this.

LOL so now you're saying that if I hire a criminal and the police come to my place of business to arrest him and someone else gets injured I'M responsible? LOL you are too stupid for words.
It was a 6-0 decision by the Colorado Supreme Court that reaffirms an employers right to keep their workplace free of someone with pot in their system.
Not much room for any subjectivity there.
But as a matter of law, no one is going to say "it is reasonable not to hire a bank robber because one of your patrons may get food poisoning" so it becomes irrelevant.

No, but the reasonable man WILL say "hiring a bank robber exposes the company and the public to undue risk;" thus the employment of same is tortuous as it represents a breach of duty to care.
Wow, equating the handicapped with bank robbers. Con logic.
It was a 6-0 decision by the Colorado Supreme Court that reaffirms an employers right to keep their workplace free of someone with pot in their system.
Not much room for any subjectivity there.
So you're in favor of employers firing all alcohol drinkers. That'll make about 80% unemployed.
It was a 6-0 decision by the Colorado Supreme Court that reaffirms an employers right to keep their workplace free of someone with pot in their system.
Not much room for any subjectivity there.
So you're in favor of employers firing all alcohol drinkers. That'll make about 80% unemployed.

I'm in favor of employers being allowed to fire whomever they wish.

Seriously, why would you favor the government being able to tell anyone otherwise?

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