Boycott Garth Brooks: Country Legend Sparks Controversy by Defending Bud Light Service at His New Bar – Suggests Boycott Supporters are “A**holes”

If you embrace the Co2 fraud, you are not a "person of science" you are a person of BILKING THE TAXPAYER and WRECKING AMERICA with FUDGE and FRAUD.

As for the rest of the crap in your image, you are greedy, selfish, bigoted, and contemptuous of free speech and equality.
That trans supporting country bumpkin just called me an asshole. Well I say boycott him, his bar, and his music for supporting Bud Light. With that said, drink Pabst Blue Ribbon! It's what the oilfield workers drink these days now.

How do you keep track of all your boycotts?
Dude. I’m a professional musician. I have forgotten more about music than you will ever Know. Nice try tho.
As for the death is commonly listened to by your kind as it does not contain any influences of black or Native music.

"Death metal" is acid rock and is fringe and not supported or listened to by many, including me.

But it is obviously a race baiting talking point, so you parrot it...

YOU do not give metal/rock enough credit for being a force of inclusivity, because behind your bigotry is total contempt for whites, all whites.
Its not difficult to boycott bud light. It tastes like piss.

Please. Piss has feelings too. Don't insult it.

I can't recall the last time I drank one but the few I have had sort of tasted like a beer that had been frozen and then thawed out. There was just something off about it. Dos Equis and Fosters are the only two beers I kind of like, or can at least tolerate more than 1 of.
Woke is a cancer that's effected the minds and souls of many limp-wristed corporations. There are several instances where consumers are forced to buy necessities from a woke brand. Gasoline; cellphones; computers & related products; etc.

That doesn't mean that regular people can't boycott woke whenever possible.
So when you said:
3) Grow a pair and boycott ALL companies and venues that loudly and proudly support the woke ideology. It takes a little self-control and a lot of integrity to stand by your convictions.

I'm a (3) kinda guy.
You've get to grow a pair and have no self control, no integrity and your convictions are just hobbies.

Mankind survived for centuries without internet. Yet here you are claiming it's a necessity as some sort of fig leaf to justify that you have no character. Don't worry though...the smallest fig leaf is acres more than you need to cover whatever your excuse for "manhood" you have.

Fuck off.
So when you said:

You've get to grow a pair and have no self control, no integrity and your convictions are just hobbies.

Mankind survived for centuries without internet. Yet here you are claiming it's a necessity as some sort of fig leaf to justify that you have no character. Don't worry though...the smallest fig leaf is acres more than you need to cover whatever your excuse for "manhood" you have.

Fuck off.
I was specifically addressing the Bud Light/Garth Brooks connection, you airhead.

Nevertheless, and regardless of your jabber-filled word salad, good Americans should boycott the LG(for Groomer)BTQ+Pedo movement whenever possible. You should join the fight.
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That trans supporting country bumpkin just called me an asshole. Well I say boycott him, his bar, and his music for supporting Bud Light. With that said, drink Pabst Blue Ribbon! It's what the oilfield workers drink these days now.

You are an asshole. He's right. You're also a traitor.
To be fair, he'd have to pull Miller Lite out of his bar too.

---See the 'woke' Miller Lite commercial that has critics calling for boycotts---

Isn't it WOKE to be told to Boycott Bud Light and Garth Brooks.

Yep, pretty WOKE, just like the sheep you are.

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