Boycott Garth Brooks: Country Legend Sparks Controversy by Defending Bud Light Service at His New Bar – Suggests Boycott Supporters are “A**holes”

If you're ok with not ordering bud light then you should be ok with also not going to somewhere that sells it. If you don't want to support bud light it's fine to not support someone who does support them.

So if you're ok with one then you should be ok with the other which makes your post null and void.
Three general options:

1) Continue buying Bud Light, knowing that you're supporting a woke company that supports a destructive and divisive ideology, while supporting any venue that sells it proudly and loudly.

2) Boycott Bud Light but support all venues that sell it and support the woke ideology loudly and proudly.

3) Grow a pair and boycott ALL companies and venues that loudly and proudly support the woke ideology. It takes a little self-control and a lot of integrity to stand by your convictions.

I'm a (3) kinda guy.
Let’s say that you used to like Bud Light and drank it anytime you went to a bar. Then this tranny spokes-thing stupidity struck the company and its ad-men. And let’s say you now feel as though you must boycott Bud Light.

So, you walk into Garth Brooks’ place and have many beer choice options. You see Bud Light is available.

Is there a gun to your head to force you to buy something you don’t want to purchase? (What is this; Obamacare??)

No? No gun to your head. Cool. Buy the brand of your choice then.
Nobody likes bud light.
What have I personally got to be proud of in my skin colour ?
Unwavering Superiority! Relish it. God blessed you with it. Share your White superiority with your grandchildren. Always teach racial awareness to them so they won't interbreed with blacks and brown third worlders.
Unwavering Superiority! Relish it. God blessed you with it. Share your White superiority with your grandchildren. Always teach racial awareness to them so they won't interbreed with blacks and brown third worlders.
The authentic voice of MAGA. Sickening.

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