Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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Every day, more and more people are opening their eyes and seeing what the Occupation is and seeing Apartheid in Palestine. And getting involved to oppose it.
Sherri reminds me of Arab leaders; Even when they lose, they claim victory hahahaha!

Hey Sherri, how's Israels economy doing ?
BDS is a Movement by people, statements of Zionists here or there against BDS do not defeat the Movement.

Actually, Zionist defense of Occupation and Apartheid in Palestine itself even opens more eyes to the abuses of Occupation and Apartheid.
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We all need to remember one goal of BDS is to bring the abuses of Occupation into public consciousness.

The day draws closer every day, when Americans will demand these billions of dollars of aid we give to Israel every year end.
We all need to remember one goal of BDS is to bring the abuses of Occupation into public consciousness.

The day draws closer every day, when Americans will demand these billions of dollars of aid we give to Israel every year end.

We all have one goal here in America where people have the right to practice whatever religious belief they choose to (even the Iranian gang posting here) to show the rest of Americans who don't realize it yet that we shouldn't be buying clothing made in Muslim countries which do not show tolerance to other religions. Instead of buying clothing manufactured in Muslim countries, let's look for labels where the clothing is made in such places like Mexico or Guatemala. Should we really be buying clothing from places where people are murdered for their religious beliefs?
I know no one concerned about any of that but you, all fueled by your hate of Muslims.

We all need to remember one goal of BDS is to bring the abuses of Occupation into public consciousness.

The day draws closer every day, when Americans will demand these billions of dollars of aid we give to Israel every year end.

We all have one goal here in America where people have the right to practice whatever religious belief they choose to (even the Iranian gang posting here) to show the rest of Americans who don't realize it yet that we shouldn't be buying clothing made in Muslim countries which do not show tolerance to other religions. Instead of buying clothing manufactured in Muslim countries, let's look for labels where the clothing is made in such places like Mexico or Guatemala. Should we really be buying clothing from places where people are murdered for their religious beliefs?
I know no one concerned about any of that but you, all fueled by your hate of Muslims.

We all need to remember one goal of BDS is to bring the abuses of Occupation into public consciousness.

The day draws closer every day, when Americans will demand these billions of dollars of aid we give to Israel every year end.

We all have one goal here in America where people have the right to practice whatever religious belief they choose to (even the Iranian gang posting here) to show the rest of Americans who don't realize it yet that we shouldn't be buying clothing made in Muslim countries which do not show tolerance to other religions. Instead of buying clothing manufactured in Muslim countries, let's look for labels where the clothing is made in such places like Mexico or Guatemala. Should we really be buying clothing from places where people are murdered for their religious beliefs?

Why, Mrs. Sherri, as a good Christian, I would think it would break your heart to see what is happening to your fellow Christians in Muslim countries. Thank goodness for those concerned Christians who are actually based in these countries who send back the news about what is happening. Evidently Mrs. Sherri doesn't care as long as her friends are the ones who are harassing and murdering Christians and burning down their churches. No doubt the rest of her Iranian gang thinks the same.
We all need to remember one goal of BDS is to bring the abuses of Occupation into public consciousness.

The day draws closer every day, when Americans will demand these billions of dollars of aid we give to Israel every year end.

We all have one goal here in America where people have the right to practice whatever religious belief they choose to (even the Iranian gang posting here) to show the rest of Americans who don't realize it yet that we shouldn't be buying clothing made in Muslim countries which do not show tolerance to other religions. Instead of buying clothing manufactured in Muslim countries, let's look for labels where the clothing is made in such places like Mexico or Guatemala. Should we really be buying clothing from places where people are murdered for their religious beliefs?

and those who don't choose to practice have that right as well.
Practice your faith in your own privacy and stop preaching to others. If you must, set an example to others by your actions of love and charity of "all" life, not with threats or words.
We all need to remember one goal of BDS is to bring the abuses of Occupation into public consciousness.

The day draws closer every day, when Americans will demand these billions of dollars of aid we give to Israel every year end.

Education is one of the most valuable component of BDS.

Whether an administration boycotts or bitches, BDS will continue to change the debate and world opinion.
We all need to remember one goal of BDS is to bring the abuses of Occupation into public consciousness.

The day draws closer every day, when Americans will demand these billions of dollars of aid we give to Israel every year end.

Education is one of the most valuable component of BDS.

Whether an administration boycotts or bitches, BDS will continue to change the debate and world opinion.

The best education throughout the world with the exception of the Muslim world would be to educate the people about what Muslims are doing to people of other religions as well as their killing each other because of the sect they belong to. I don't think that the majority of people in the Western Hemisphere as well as in Europe have any idea of what is exactly going on. I don't think the Arabs in the West Bank are being suicide or car bombed like in places as Iraq and Pakistan where the Sunnis and Shias are at each others' throats. Maybe those who are always dissing Israel don;t think that the people who have died in Muslim countries had any worth.
We all need to remember one goal of BDS is to bring the abuses of Occupation into public consciousness.

The day draws closer every day, when Americans will demand these billions of dollars of aid we give to Israel every year end.

Education is one of the most valuable component of BDS.

Whether an administration boycotts or bitches, BDS will continue to change the debate and world opinion.

The best education throughout the world with the exception of the Muslim world would be to educate the people about what Muslims are doing to people of other religions as well as their killing each other because of the sect they belong to. I don't think that the majority of people in the Western Hemisphere as well as in Europe have any idea of what is exactly going on. I don't think the Arabs in the West Bank are being suicide or car bombed like in places as Iraq and Pakistan where the Sunnis and Shias are at each others' throats. Maybe those who are always dissing Israel don;t think that the people who have died in Muslim countries had any worth.


Start a thread.
Many of the 'Ivies' and the 'Seven Sisters' are on that list as well - along with 'non-Ivy' schools which have the highest standards, like MIT
Yup. U of Chicago and Stanford are better than some of the Ivy's. Yet they are all on the list.

Big movements usually start at the university level, and the fact that almost all of the top tier schools have strongly denounced the BDS, means that the remaining schools will be following their leaders very soon.
I gotta tell you, the more I look at that list, the more impressed I am. Tufts, UPENN, university of Chicago, etc. these are all top notch universities!

If so many of the elite colleges have come out at once against the BDS this does not bode well for them at all.

I gotta tell you, the more you post and show your ignorance, the more you give me to laugh about.

I just LOVE all these BDS successes.
I post a list of top American universities that have come out against the BDS, and Sherri calls it a success.

Palestinian Mentality at it's finest. Sherri must be the Baghdad Bob of the BDS Movement. LOL
Education is one of the most valuable component of BDS.

Whether an administration boycotts or bitches, BDS will continue to change the debate and world opinion.

The best education throughout the world with the exception of the Muslim world would be to educate the people about what Muslims are doing to people of other religions as well as their killing each other because of the sect they belong to. I don't think that the majority of people in the Western Hemisphere as well as in Europe have any idea of what is exactly going on. I don't think the Arabs in the West Bank are being suicide or car bombed like in places as Iraq and Pakistan where the Sunnis and Shias are at each others' throats. Maybe those who are always dissing Israel don;t think that the people who have died in Muslim countries had any worth.


Start a thread.

Why, Mr. Tinmore, you are always trying to convince the readers that you are a Christian, so I would think that you would be concerned about what is happening to your "fellow" christians in the Muslim world. Now since this is the Middle East forum, as a Christian, how come you have never brought up the fact that many Christians have been murdered in Syria, Iraq and Egypt. Didn't these poor unfortunate souls matter to you? Or is it only Israel you are obsessed with (no matter how many Christians are killed alsewhere in the Middle East)?
Oh! Look at all the "successes" being racked up by the BDS! Ha ha ha!

YaleNews | Statement from Yale President Peter Salovey on Israeli boycott

Statement from Yale President Peter Salovey on Israeli boycott

December 20, 2013
Yale University President Peter Salovey issued the following statement on Dec. 20, 2013:

Any attempt to close off discussion or dialogue among scholars is antithetical to the fundamental values of scholarship and academic freedom. I stand with the Executive Committee of the Association of American Universities in my strong opposition to a boycott of Israeli academic institutions. At the same time, I acknowledge that individual faculty members have the right to their own opinions and beliefs, even if I disagree with those beliefs.
Oh l'il Sherrithing?

Where is the 'Zionist lie' in my posts, O whore of all HAMAS?

Or are you going to try to tell everyone that Brandeis and Yeshiva Universities are supporting this so-claimed 'BDS' participation by the ASA? ( Along with the other 225 schools listed). Which of the schools on the list is actually supporting the ASA insanity?

Unless you can produce documentation of even ONE of those schools' current participation in the ASA 'movement' - you are the one who is a liar.

Dozens of universities reject academic boycott of Israel (update)

Dozens of American colleges and universities are rejecting an academic boycott of Israeli universities recently approved by the academic American Studies Association, the nation’s oldest and largest association devoted to the interdisciplinary study of American culture and history. Some schools said they are withdrawing from the organization.

Rep. Eliot Engel, the senior Democratic member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, sent a letter (text below) to the ASA president, Curtis Marez, expressing concern over what Engel said was “the unfair double standard Israel is regularly and unfairly subjected to by organizations such as yours.”

Schools including Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Princeton and Boston universities and the Universities of Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Texas at Austin and others have slammed the boycott, issuing statements similar to one by Harvard President Drew Faust that said that academic boycotts “subvert the academic freedoms and values necessary to the free flow of ideas, which is the lifeblood of the worldwide community of scholars.”
Penn State University at Harrisburg and Brandeis University have said they are withdrawing their memberships from the American Studies Association, and other schools are considering doing the same thing. In addition, two major associations of institutions of higher education, the Association of American Universities and the Association of American University Professors, have issued statements rejecting the boycott.

What international law does BDS violate?

Be specific.

You are mistaken.

They do not boycott Israel academics.

YES THEY DO and it is against International law to do so. It is just that they are trying to do because the Jews are identifying new compounds and medical breakthroughs that will help the world. They are also heavily involved in new fuels that are not reliant on hydrocarbons.

Racially motivated incitement to violence, racially motivated incitement to religious persecution and interference form outside in a nations right to self determination. The movement has been branded a racist organisation that is soon to be outlawed in all civilised nations
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