Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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This is an academic organization, they can freely decide to boycott educational organizations in Israel supporting an Occupation and human rights abuses that violate international law.

Do you desire Freedom of Speech be taken from us?


So funny, this article you keep spamming.

ZIONISTS are shitting their pants over BDS.
Bills are being passed against the BDS as we are speaking, and there is a huge anti BDS movement across all US campuses. The shit is actually in your mouth.

Just as the people in charge can freely decide to sever their employment and tenure without a care in the world. And all over their RACIST JEW HATRED, and no court would find in their favour. Then these academics would find themselves working in some fast food joint flipping burgers
I just love watching Zionists being confronted with BDS.


This is an academic organization, they can freely decide to boycott educational organizations in Israel supporting an Occupation and human rights abuses that violate international law.

Do you desire Freedom of Speech be taken from us?

Bills are being passed against the BDS as we are speaking, and there is a huge anti BDS movement across all US campuses. The shit is actually in your mouth.

Just as the people in charge can freely decide to sever their employment and tenure without a care in the world. And all over their RACIST JEW HATRED, and no court would find in their favour. Then these academics would find themselves working in some fast food joint flipping burgers
You cannot force people business with Apartheid Regimes or associate with them, if they choose not to.

So, keep on pretending BDS is not here and not here to stay, Zionist boy.

BDS is only growing stronger and stronger and stronger and will be around until the Apartheid Regime is dismantled.


This is an academic organization, they can freely decide to boycott educational organizations in Israel supporting an Occupation and human rights abuses that violate international law.

Do you desire Freedom of Speech be taken from us?
BDS is the one trying to stifle free speech. That's why all the major universities have stood up against it. This isn't some Islamic Hamas shithole where Muslims get to dictate to people, got it? Ha ha ha.

I look forward to BDS being an outlawed organization in the next six months....INSHALLAH!

Nor can you force people not to do business with legitimate concerns just because you are a NAZI JEW HATER.

So keep pretending that your BLOOD LIBEL is making a difference to the Israelis, but don't get too upset when it all falls down around your ears.

And you have just used another ISLAMONAZI term for Israel making it plain that you are a POS MUSLIM NAZI JEW HATER.
I just love watching Zionists being confronted with BDS.


This is an academic organization, they can freely decide to boycott educational organizations in Israel supporting an Occupation and human rights abuses that violate international law.

Do you desire Freedom of Speech be taken from us?

Just as the people in charge can freely decide to sever their employment and tenure without a care in the world. And all over their RACIST JEW HATRED, and no court would find in their favour. Then these academics would find themselves working in some fast food joint flipping burgers
And now you can enjoy watching BDS go down in flames. LOL
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I just love watching Zionists being confronted with BDS...
Rather like an elephant (Zionism) being confronted by a circus flea (BDS)...

Me, I just love watching Muslim Jidhadist Apologists scrambling for the dumbest, lamest excuses for segues on the face of the planet...
Why is Sherri pretending like she has the upper hand here ??? LOL

Watch "Stephen Hawking joins academic boycott of Israel" on YouTube
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BDS has the upper hand over Zionists. lol
Why is Sherri pretending like she has the upper hand here ??? LOL Answer: DESPERATION
Didn't they ever teach you that if you repeat the same lie over and over, that it STILL doesn't make it true
It graduated with honors from the Herr Doktor Josef Goebbels School of Journalism...

Make a lie big enough, and tell it often enough, and eventually some percentage of the Sheeple will come to believe that it is true...

So long as it remains un-challenged, anyway...
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One simple, shocking image of Marine Le Pen won’t even scratch the surface of this, and as you may have guessed, Madonna didn’t mention any of Israel’s home-grown proto-fascists. As for the Palestinian call for*boycott, divestment and sanctions*(BDS) against Israel, the Queen of Pop wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole.

Madonna sings for apartheid; yet campaign to boycott Israel grows stronger | The Electronic Intifada

Just to show you how stupid some of these BDS supporters are: They say that Madonna is 'Singing for Apartheid' LOL!! What a stupid comment !!

Shes playing at a show , which she does for a living.
Watch "Native American Indigenous Studies Assn joins academic boycott of Israel" on YouTube
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Say ‘thanks’ to Stephen Hawking

If you want to express your appreciation to Stephen Hawking for his courageous gesture, there’s a*petition here.

It reads:

Stephen Hawking*
Thank you for supporting the international call to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, and adherence to the Academic Boycott of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine. We appreciate the courage it takes to stand against apartheid Israel.

Say "thanks" to Stephen Hawking
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