Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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Wrong , Aris posting more lying Zionist Hasbara!

Give it a rest, you sick woman. Whenever you don't like something posted, you spit out like some demob that the person is a "Lying Zionist Hasbara" like the broken record you are.

Pinkwashing | Redwashing | Kehaulani Kauanui | BDS

Two more Native American chiefs pledge support to Israel - Israel Today | Israel News

Sherri can't have a normal debate/conversation with anyone who questions her beliefs and ideology. Kind of like an immature little child. How pathetic and sad lol !
Noam Chomsky was behind lobby to get Stephen Hawking to boycott Israel conference

By Robert Booth, The Guardian
Friday, May 10, 2013 15:06 EST

Noam Chomsky was among 20 academics who privately lobbied Professor Stephen Hawking to boycott a major Israeli conference, it has emerged.

Hawking pulled out this week in protest at Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, in the wake of receiving the letter and soundings from Palestinian colleagues. The 71-year-old theoretical physicist’s decision has been warmly welcomed by Palestinian academics, with one describing it as “of cosmic proportions”, but was attacked in Israel.

Noam Chomsky was behind lobby to get Stephen Hawking to boycott Israel conference | The Raw Story
Pro-boycott academics believe action by scientists is particularly effective in opposing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians because the country’s strength in science and technology is a key driver of the economy, and they claim the research capabilities of Israeli academic institutions have been deployed in support of advanced programmes such as the development of drone aircraft.

Noam Chomsky was behind lobby to get Stephen Hawking to boycott Israel conference | The Raw Story
Last year's news...

Hawking caved-in to Palestinian academic pressure...

Didn't do diddly-squat...

Funnier still...

Nobody really gave a rat's ass, in the final analysis...
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Wrong , Aris posting more lying Zionist Hasbara!

Give it a rest, you sick woman. Whenever you don't like something posted, you spit out like some demob that the person is a "Lying Zionist Hasbara" like the broken record you are.

Pinkwashing | Redwashing | Kehaulani Kauanui | BDS

Two more Native American chiefs pledge support to Israel - Israel Today | Israel News

Sherri can't have a normal debate/conversation with anyone who questions her beliefs and ideology. Kind of like an immature little child. How pathetic and sad lol !

She does sound very childrish. While I was reading reading this forum when, she appeared one day. I can't remember the screen name of the person who posted, but Mrs. Sherri got so excited like a little girl and asked him if he was so and so from some other forum.
Why is Sherri allowed to spam ?

Because they're 'special'.


Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum magikl whitey ju-ju shit.
The writing on the wall: Boycott is top story in Israel's No. 1 paper

Following Channel 2 News’ remarkable Saturday night prime-time feature on the boycott of Israel, ‘Yedioth Ahronot*delivers same warning in big, bold letters on Monday’s front page.

Front page of ‘Yedioth Ahronoth’, January 20, 2014

“100 leaders of the economy warn of boycott on Israel,” reads the lead headline in Monday’sYedioth Ahronoth.*The sub-headline includes the quote, “The world is losing its patience and the threat of sanctions is increasing. We must reach an agreement with the Palestinians.” The commentary next to it by star columnist Sever Plocker is titled, “It’s the economy, Bibi.”

Yedioth*is almost as popular and influential an Israeli newspaper as Channel 2 is an Israeli TV news show. Between*Channel 2’s Saturday night prime time wake-up call*about the boycott and now this one, it’s likely that the Israeli public is beginning the process of waking up. The Israeli government – probably not so much. Which means the boycott will continue to grow, until some Israeli government in the indeterminate future is awakened by it, too.

The writing on the wall: Boycott is top story in Israel?s No. 1 paper | +972 Magazine
The Writing is indeed on the wall. BDS is going down in flames. Soon it will be a pharaiah outlawed organization! This is the beginning of the end for the BDS - Bowel Discharge Syndrome..... Allahuakbar!

Now repeat after me: God Bless The USA!

New York Senate passes bill punishing ASA over Israel boycott
Alex Kane on January 28, 2014 5

Legislation that targets the American Studies Association over its decision to boycott Israel passed its first test today: a vote in the New York Senate. The bill, introduced by Democratic Senator Jeff Klein, the co-leader of the body, passed by a vote of 56-4.

The measure prohibits colleges and universities from spending taxpayer funds on academic groups that support boycotting Israel. While the measure applies to any academic organization that boycotts countries where the New York Board of Regents has chartered a school, the focus is on Israel. A companion bill is currently being considered in the Assembly. If it passes there–48 lawmakers are co-sponsors of it–it will be up to Governor Andrew Cuomo to either sign the bill or veto it.

“This legislation sends a very simple message, which is that we should never ask taxpayers to support religious, ethnic, or racial discrimination. We need to marginalize the politics of intolerance whenever it rears its ugly head,” Senator Klein, who represents the Bronx and Westchester, said in a statement. ”I will not allow the enemies of Israel or the Jewish people to gain an inch in New York. The First Amendment protects every organization’s right to speak, but it never requires taxpayers to foot the bill.”

The bill’s principal impact will fall on students or scholars from state schools who receive money from their institutions to travel to the ASA convention–or to conventions held by the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association and the Association for Asian American Studies, both of which have voted to boycott Israel. The legislation also prohibits state schools from paying membership fees to the ASA. In practice, this will affect individual departments at state institutions, since departments pay membership fees, not schools themselves.

Institutions violating the legislation would be cut off from state aid during the academic year the violation occurred. The legislation also has language that exempts certain kinds of boycotts: boycotts related to labor disputes, countries that are “state sponsors” of terrorism, and boycotts that target “unlawful discriminatory practices”.
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And so what?

And my question addresses the bill in New York.

Your claims BDS is failing is BS.

The Writing is indeed on the wall. BDS is going down in flames. Soon it will be a pharaiah outlawed organization! This is the beginning of the end for the BDS - Bowel Discharge Syndrome..... Allahuakbar!

Now repeat after me: God Bless The USA!

New York Senate passes bill punishing ASA over Israel boycott
Alex Kane on January 28, 2014 5

Legislation that targets the American Studies Association over its decision to boycott Israel passed its first test today: a vote in the New York Senate. The bill, introduced by Democratic Senator Jeff Klein, the co-leader of the body, passed by a vote of 56-4.

The measure prohibits colleges and universities from spending taxpayer funds on academic groups that support boycotting Israel. While the measure applies to any academic organization that boycotts countries where the New York Board of Regents has chartered a school, the focus is on Israel. A companion bill is currently being considered in the Assembly. If it passes there–48 lawmakers are co-sponsors of it–it will be up to Governor Andrew Cuomo to either sign the bill or veto it.

“This legislation sends a very simple message, which is that we should never ask taxpayers to support religious, ethnic, or racial discrimination. We need to marginalize the politics of intolerance whenever it rears its ugly head,” Senator Klein, who represents the Bronx and Westchester, said in a statement. ”I will not allow the enemies of Israel or the Jewish people to gain an inch in New York. The First Amendment protects every organization’s right to speak, but it never requires taxpayers to foot the bill.”

The bill’s principal impact will fall on students or scholars from state schools who receive money from their institutions to travel to the ASA convention–or to conventions held by the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association and the Association for Asian American Studies, both of which have voted to boycott Israel. The legislation also prohibits state schools from paying membership fees to the ASA. In practice, this will affect individual departments at state institutions, since departments pay membership fees, not schools themselves.

Institutions violating the legislation would be cut off from state aid during the academic year the violation occurred. The legislation also has language that exempts certain kinds of boycotts: boycotts related to labor disputes, countries that are “state sponsors” of terrorism, and boycotts that target “unlawful discriminatory practices”.
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I was reading another article that stated the ASA does not get contributions from NY schools.or very little.

So the bill does nothing much substantive at all.

Except it hurts students, who may not be able to participate in ASA events or afford to pay for their own travel to such educational events.

Certainly glad my kids do not go to school in NY, they won't be hurt by this potential. Zionist legislation.

This might discourage students from attending schools in NY even, if their opportunities at NY schools are less.

AND there is the problem that we are only speaking of a bill here, no legislation has been signed into law.

WOw, you are pathetic supporting legislation that hurts kids.
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The last truth I addressed was Roudys hate of American children.

I had no problems addressing that truth.

I was reading another article that stated the ASA does not get contributions from NY schools.

So the bill does nothing substantive at all.

Poor Sherri, can't handle the truth

:boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:

Please show me the post where you addressed Roudy's hate for American Children, because I can't find it
The last truth I addressed was Roudys hate of American children.

I had no problems addressing that truth.

I was reading another article that stated the ASA does not get contributions from NY schools.

So the bill does nothing substantive at all.

Poor Sherri, can't handle the truth

:boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:

The ironic thing is that when I read "Hatred for American Children", I was reminded of Sherri's post in a thread about the Sandy Hook Massacre: All this sorrow over only 20 children!"
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