Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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The last truth I addressed was Roudys hate of American children.

I had no problems addressing that truth.

The ironic thing is that when I read "Hatred for American Children", I was reminded of Sherri's post in a thread about the Sandy Hook Massacre: All this sorrow over only 20 children!"

I feel sorrow for all of the children hurt in our world, that was what I said.

More sherrifilth lies.
BDS does not do that.

He has been misinformed.
Surely all Tinhead is more informed that all these elite colleges and universities. Write them a letter and protest Tinhead, maybe they'll change their minds? Ya neva know...hope springs eternal!

I will bet anything that all of those schools were contacted by Israel's lobby and fed a load of crap.

BDS will continue its educational campaign. Who knows what will happen when the truth gets out.
Yeah, it's always the boogeyman isn't it. How about people standing up for academic freedom, free speech and justice, as opposed to submitting to the hate and thuggery exhibited by the BDS?

Seems like the truth is coming out with regards to the BDS. Imagine as liberal and tolerant a state that NY is, and the BDS still managed to piss them off. Wow.
The ironic thing is that when I read "Hatred for American Children", I was reminded of Sherri's post in a thread about the Sandy Hook Massacre: All this sorrow over only 20 children!"

I feel sorrow for all of the children hurt in our world, that was what I said.

More sherrifilth lies.
Yeah, when I read Jihad Sherri's posts, the first thing that comes to my mind is, now here's this loving person who truly CARES about children. Yup, the love and compassion are just oozing out of Jihad Sherri.

Don't tell me you can't feel it?
Surely all Tinhead is more informed that all these elite colleges and universities. Write them a letter and protest Tinhead, maybe they'll change their minds? Ya neva know...hope springs eternal!

I will bet anything that all of those schools were contacted by Israel's lobby and fed a load of crap.

BDS will continue its educational campaign. Who knows what will happen when the truth gets out.
Yeah, it's always the boogeyman isn't it. How about people standing up for academic freedom, free speech and justice, as opposed to submitting to the hate and thuggery exhibited by the BDS?

Seems like the truth is coming out with regards to the BDS. Imagine as liberal and tolerant a state that NY is, and the BDS still managed to piss them off. Wow.
Excellent points, Roudy.
BDS does not do that.

He has been misinformed.
Surely all Tinhead is more informed that all these elite colleges and universities. Write them a letter and protest Tinhead, maybe they'll change their minds? Ya neva know...hope springs eternal!

I will bet anything that all of those schools were contacted by Israel's lobby and fed a load of crap.

BDS will continue its educational campaign. Who knows what will happen when the truth gets out.

Isn't it funny that when pro - Palestinians are shown people,groups,organizations (in this case universities) that don't submit to the bullshit Palestinian cause and kiss Palestinian ass, they will always assume that some bullshit Zionist conspiracy is behind it?

Why is it so surprising that people are not buying the BDS drek ?

And I'm certain you have ZERO evidence to back up your claim, am I right?
BDS is not an organization, its a response to Israel's Apartheid practice and violations of international law in Israel's over 45 year Occupation in Palestine. And no doubt but that it is a growing movement. And every time a resolution is passed or BDS action goes public, the spotlight turns once again and the Media's attention turns once again to the Occupation and Israel's abuses there. That is the beauty of BDS, it does not really matter what happens ultimately with a particular BDS action, its the publicity stirred up and peoples eyes opened more and more every day to the abuses of Occupation and Apartheid Israel carries out in Palestine. And the flexibility and creativity a part of this Movement encourage and I think ensure longevity, this Movement is here until Apartheid and Occupation are dismantled.

At the moment, what is really hurting Israel is EU Guidelines that operate to greatly discourage European companies from doing business with any Israeli companies with any business operations in the OPT, that includes East Jerusalem.
BDS is not an organization, its a response to Israel's Apartheid practice and violations of international law in Israel's over 45 year Occupation in Palestine. And no doubt but that it is a growing movement. And every time a resolution is passed or BDS action goes public, the spotlight turns once again and the Media's attention turns once again to the Occupation and Israel's abuses there. That is the beauty of BDS, it does not really matter what happens ultimately with a particular BDS action, its the publicity stirred up and peoples eyes opened more and more every day to the abuses of Occupation and Apartheid Israel carries out in Palestine. And the flexibility and creativity a part of this Movement encourage and I think ensure longevity, this Movement is here until Apartheid and Occupation are dismantled.

At the moment, what is really hurting Israel is EU Guidelines that operate to greatly discourage European companies from doing business with any Israeli companies with any business operations in the OPT, that includes East Jerusalem.

I've been asking around and some people have actually heard of it.
Doesn't seem to be having much of an impact except for a few giggles along with, "Oh, that nonsense has been around for 10 years.".
Surely all Tinhead is more informed that all these elite colleges and universities. Write them a letter and protest Tinhead, maybe they'll change their minds? Ya neva know...hope springs eternal!

I will bet anything that all of those schools were contacted by Israel's lobby and fed a load of crap.

BDS will continue its educational campaign. Who knows what will happen when the truth gets out.

Isn't it funny that when pro - Palestinians are shown people,groups,organizations (in this case universities) that don't submit to the bullshit Palestinian cause and kiss Palestinian ass, they will always assume that some bullshit Zionist conspiracy is behind it?

Why is it so surprising that people are not buying the BDS drek ?

And I'm certain you have ZERO evidence to back up your claim, am I right?

Of course I am merely speculating at this time. However, when the dust settles I think you will find that I was correct.

One simple, shocking image of Marine Le Pen won’t even scratch the surface of this, and as you may have guessed, Madonna didn’t mention any of Israel’s home-grown proto-fascists. As for the Palestinian call for*boycott, divestment and sanctions*(BDS) against Israel, the Queen of Pop wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole.

Madonna sings for apartheid; yet campaign to boycott Israel grows stronger | The Electronic Intifada

The BDS movement is being declared illegal all over the world, first in that bastion of islamonazi and neo Marxist support France which passed a law making the movement illegal. Then the N.Y legislature has made it illegal as well, complete with the true academics of the USA.

Your going down faster than qassam that has run out of fuel.
Watch "Stephen Hawking joins academic boycott of Israel" on YouTube

What a loser using the charlatan to preach your ANTI SEMITISM, he is a laughing stock in the UK. Did you know he pretended to convert to islam so he could bed loads of muslimah's , he has married quite a few Islamic ladies and cast them aside when a new one comes on the scene. very soon he will be just another loud mouthed failed islamonazi politician without a job.
Stop lying, your lies are as always backed up by nothing.

BDS has been declared unlawful nowhere but in the deluded heads of Zionists like you.


One simple, shocking image of Marine Le Pen won’t even scratch the surface of this, and as you may have guessed, Madonna didn’t mention any of Israel’s home-grown proto-fascists. As for the Palestinian call for*boycott, divestment and sanctions*(BDS) against Israel, the Queen of Pop wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole.

Madonna sings for apartheid; yet campaign to boycott Israel grows stronger | The Electronic Intifada

The BDS movement is being declared illegal all over the world, first in that bastion of islamonazi and neo Marxist support France which passed a law making the movement illegal. Then the N.Y legislature has made it illegal as well, complete with the true academics of the USA.

Your going down faster than qassam that has run out of fuel.
More lies from a Zionist, why am I not surprised?

Watch "Stephen Hawking joins academic boycott of Israel" on YouTube

What a loser using the charlatan to preach your ANTI SEMITISM, he is a laughing stock in the UK. Did you know he pretended to convert to islam so he could bed loads of muslimah's , he has married quite a few Islamic ladies and cast them aside when a new one comes on the scene. very soon he will be just another loud mouthed failed islamonazi politician without a job.
Palestinian Civil Society Call for BDS

Palestinian Civil Society*Calls for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel*Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights

9 July 2005

One year after the historic Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which found Israel’s Wall built on occupied Palestinian territory to be illegal; Israel continues its construction of the colonial Wall with total disregard to the Court’s decision. Thirty eight years into Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian West Bank (including East Jerusalem), Gaza Strip and the Syrian Golan Heights, Israel continues to expand Jewish colonies. It has unilaterally annexed occupied East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights and is now de facto annexing large parts of the West Bank by means of the Wall. Israel is also preparing – in the shadow of its lanned redeployment from the Gaza Strip – to build and expand colonies in the West Bank. Fifty seven years after the state of Israel was built mainly on land ethnically cleansed of its Palestinian owners, a majority of Palestinians are refugees, most of whom are stateless. Moreover, Israel’s entrenched system of racial discrimination against its own Arab-Palestinian citizens remains intact.

We, representatives of Palestinian civil society, call upon international civil society organizations and people of conscience all over the world to impose broad boycotts and implement divestment initiatives against Israel similar to those applied to South Africa in the apartheid era. We appeal to you to pressure your respective states to impose embargoes and sanctions against Israel. We also invite conscientious Israelis to support this Call, for the sake of justice and genuine peace.

Palestinian Civil Society Call for BDS |
I will bet anything that all of those schools were contacted by Israel's lobby and fed a load of crap.

BDS will continue its educational campaign. Who knows what will happen when the truth gets out.

Isn't it funny that when pro - Palestinians are shown people,groups,organizations (in this case universities) that don't submit to the bullshit Palestinian cause and kiss Palestinian ass, they will always assume that some bullshit Zionist conspiracy is behind it?

Why is it so surprising that people are not buying the BDS drek ?

And I'm certain you have ZERO evidence to back up your claim, am I right?

Of course I am merely speculating at this time. However, when the dust settles I think you will find that I was correct.

That is quite a bold prediction.
Isn't it funny that when pro - Palestinians are shown people,groups,organizations (in this case universities) that don't submit to the bullshit Palestinian cause and kiss Palestinian ass, they will always assume that some bullshit Zionist conspiracy is behind it?

Why is it so surprising that people are not buying the BDS drek ?

And I'm certain you have ZERO evidence to back up your claim, am I right?

Of course I am merely speculating at this time. However, when the dust settles I think you will find that I was correct.

That is quite a bold prediction.

Not at all. My prediction is in lockstep with history.
Isn't it amazing, how some of these heads-up-their-ass Hyper-Liberal Academics will pontificate, when you get a gaggle of them together at some symposium or another, and yet, when they go back home (to their schools), their own Executives and Boards of Trustees bitch-slap them and reverse their idiotic pro-boycott mouth-droppings?

Who wants to piss off their funding sources (government, alumni, corporations, etc.)?

Nobody sane, anyway.

And, of course, it all comes back to: We (the West) like Jews better than Muslims. Always have. Always will.
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Isn't it funny that when pro - Palestinians are shown people,groups,organizations (in this case universities) that don't submit to the bullshit Palestinian cause and kiss Palestinian ass, they will always assume that some bullshit Zionist conspiracy is behind it?

Why is it so surprising that people are not buying the BDS drek ?

And I'm certain you have ZERO evidence to back up your claim, am I right?

Of course I am merely speculating at this time. However, when the dust settles I think you will find that I was correct.

That is quite a bold prediction.

It is also another example of BLOOD LIBEL and NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED
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