Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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The bill is unconstitutional, lol!

If passed, it will just lead to years of law suits.

"In an e-mail to me last week, the*Palestine Solidarity Legal Support*group’s Dima Khalidi laid out the constitutional issues with the bill. *The First Amendment “prohibits public officials from denying public benefits as a way of censoring speech activities. These bills clearly aim to discourage expressive activities such as boycotts based on the legislators’ personal disagreement with the content of the expression,” Khalidi said. *”Painting the ASA boycott resolution as discriminatory is not only inaccurate, but also distracts from the fact that its purpose is in fact to protest the human rights violations for which Israel is responsible, and the discriminatory policies and practices of the Israeli government.*These bills would be both a violation of free speech and of academic freedom, which the proposed legislation cynically purports to defend.”

New York Senate passes bill punishing ASA over Israel boycott

New York Senate passes bill punishing ASA over Israel boycott | Mondoweiss

Isn't it funny that when pro - Palestinians are shown people,groups,organizations (in this case universities) that don't submit to the bullshit Palestinian cause and kiss Palestinian ass, they will always assume that some bullshit Zionist conspiracy is behind it?

Why is it so surprising that people are not buying the BDS drek ?

And I'm certain you have ZERO evidence to back up your claim, am I right?

Of course I am merely speculating at this time. However, when the dust settles I think you will find that I was correct.

All your OTHER conspiranutter BS filth hasn't been correct, no matter how many times you've repeated it. One would think a person who had any intelligence would cease pimping the same malignant 'speculations' after so many instances where they were shown to be false.
Such hate displayed by Zionists here!

I certainly am glad I am not a Zionist.

Awwww, isn't the l'il whore of HAMAS so cutesy when it continually ORDERS others to do its bidding.

Sure, I'll watch your propaganda videos - right after you stop sucking up those Nazi turds you like so much.

I don't think it would ever cross Mrs. Sherri's mind that the readers are so happy that they don't have a mental illness as she does.
The boycott is against Israel because of her actions in Palestine in her Occupation and in her implementation of Apartheid in both the OPT and inside Israel and in her refusal to allow the refugees to return.

Since you are such a "good Christian woman," why not start up some kind of boycott against the Muslim countries where many innocent Christians are being killed because of their faith? Evidently Mrs. Sherri doesn't consider murder by her friends to be of any importance even when they murder Christians. Maybe that Iranian gang hypnotizes her every morning to forget about these unfortunate Christians.
BDS is going nowhere and I have not posted these words from the call to BDS by Palestinians in this thread before now, that I am aware of.

Get used to BDS, Zionist boy, it is going nowhere.

We have a God greater than you and all the Zionists.

Palestinian Civil Society*Calls for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel*Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights

9 July 2005

These non-violent punitive measures should be maintained until Israel meets its obligation to recognize the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination and fully complies with the precepts of international law by:

1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.

Palestinian Civil Society Call for BDS |
How many times has this same post been made, here and elsewhere?

Using either (a) exactly or (b) almost exactly [to narrowly escape censure] the same verbiage.

Does this not constitute 'spam' on this message board system?

Is 'spam' not prohibited according to this board system's Rules or Code of Conduct?

If these things are true, then, some long-overdue Enforcement of the Spam Rule seems in order here.

If you don't believe in the jews god of the torah, and Jesus, what god do you believe in? There are more than one god? You believe in a Pantheon, or how many good and bad gods?

You are so silly
If the Holy Spirit is not there to convict a person of their sin, you certainly are evidence of the fact a person is deaf and dumb and blind to the Word of God.

John 3:16-18

English Standard Version (ESV)

For God So Loved the World

“For*God so loved*the world,[a]*that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not*perish but have eternal life.*For*God did not send his Son into the world*to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.*Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not*believed in the name of the only Son of God.

Awwww, isn't the l'il whore of HAMAS so cutesy when it continually ORDERS others to do its bidding.

Sure, I'll watch your propaganda videos - right after you stop sucking up those Nazi turds you like so much.

BDS is going nowhere and I have not posted these words from the call to BDS by Palestinians in this thread before now, that I am aware of.

Get used to BDS, Zionist boy, it is going nowhere.

We have a God greater than you and all the Zionists.

How many times has this same post been made, here and elsewhere?

Using either (a) exactly or (b) almost exactly [to narrowly escape censure] the same verbiage.

Does this not constitute 'spam' on this message board system?

Is 'spam' not prohibited according to this board system's Rules or Code of Conduct?

If these things are true, then, some long-overdue Enforcement of the Spam Rule seems in order here.

If you don't believe in the jews god of the torah, and Jesus, what god do you believe in? There are more than one god? You believe in a Pantheon, or how many good and bad gods?

You are so silly
I have JESUS, something that sets me apart from all of you Zionists.

Pity yourself for the One you are missing.

Such hate displayed by Zionists here!

I certainly am glad I am not a Zionist.

Awwww, isn't the l'il whore of HAMAS so cutesy when it continually ORDERS others to do its bidding.

Sure, I'll watch your propaganda videos - right after you stop sucking up those Nazi turds you like so much.

I don't think it would ever cross Mrs. Sherri's mind that the readers are so happy that they don't have a mental illness as she does.
I have JESUS, something that sets me apart from all of you Zionists.

Pity yourself for the One you are missing.

Such hate displayed by Zionists here!

I certainly am glad I am not a Zionist.

I don't think it would ever cross Mrs. Sherri's mind that the readers are so happy that they don't have a mental illness as she does.

What's sets you apart is that you have a mental illness for which everyone here can pity you. By the way, you have been blabbering and blabbering around the clock so who is going to cook dinner for the Iranian gang, unless of course there is no need to cook if one is actually in a mental institution posting away and the meals are, of course, prepared for the patients.
I have JESUS, something that sets me apart from all of you Zionists.

Pity yourself for the One you are missing.

I don't think it would ever cross Mrs. Sherri's mind that the readers are so happy that they don't have a mental illness as she does.

I have American Express and I never leave home without it.

Mrs. Sherri doesn't need anything like that because she never leaves home.
Watch "BDS: Burst the Bubble of Israeli Apartheid - Boycott SodaStream (Melbourne 19.04.2013)" on YouTube
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Such hate displayed by Zionists here!

I certainly am glad I am not a Zionist.

Awwww, isn't the l'il whore of HAMAS so cutesy when it continually ORDERS others to do its bidding.

Sure, I'll watch your propaganda videos - right after you stop sucking up those Nazi turds you like so much.

So are we.
Our hate is much wittier.
Watch "BDS Brides Boycott SodaStream and Ahava Sales at Bed Bath & Beyond" on YouTube
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I have JESUS, something that sets me apart from all of you Zionists.

Pity yourself for the One you are missing.

I don't think it would ever cross Mrs. Sherri's mind that the readers are so happy that they don't have a mental illness as she does.
I have American Express and I never leave home without it.
And I have The Power!!!!


Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum magikl whitey ju-ju shit.
Watch "BDS Brides Boycott SodaStream and Ahava Sales at Bed Bath & Beyond" on YouTube

Jews will accept free publicity no matter where it comes from.
Can you imagine all of those Arab children watching wahabee TV that now want soda!?

Looks like SodaStream won one in France. Good for them. Since Mrs. Sherri has so much time on her hands, perhaps she can get a job at SodaStream and work alongside the other Muslims who are employed there. It will give her a chance to earn a few shekels.

Israel Hayom | SodaStream wins boycott case in France <img src="" style="width:15px; height:15px;" />
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