Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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"...Get used to BDS, Zionist boy, it is going nowhere..."
Non sequitur to the point being made concerning spam.

And, FYI, spam is either posting multiple iterations within a thread OR scattered across multiple threads - insofar as this is defined in this board system's rules, if I recall correctly.

"...We have a God greater than you and all the Zionists..."
God, if He exists, is greater than all, so this goes without saying.

The God of my understanding is a merciful and forgiving and loving God, not the Old Testament or Revelations fire-and-brimstone deity that so many unimaginative types lean on so heavily...

Matt Damon may have had it right, in talking to the nun about God spanking...

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And about as relevant as some of the offal that Frau Goebbels continues to spew...

And who better than Mel Brooks to serve-up a little Jewish humor as comic relief for all this phoney-baloney doom-and-gloom BDS horse manure?

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Europe Warns Palestinian Authority Against Rejecting Kerry Framework Peace Plan

Europe will not automatically continue to support the Palestinian Authority if the current U.S.-backed framework agreement talks with Israel fail, Israel’s Walla website reported on Wednesday.
And, of course, the dumbass Palestinians will screw the pooch on that, as well.

Everything they touch turns to shit, including their own best interests.

Not exactly the brightest crayons in the box.
EU warns Israel against announcing new settlement construction plans


12/27/2013 09:16

The European Union will strongly object to any new announcements of Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank, a senior EU diplomat told Channel 10 on Thursday.

The unnamed diplomat said "there will be very little understanding from the European governments" if Israel plans to announce further construction beyond the Green Line next week following the release of a third group of Palestinian security prisoners.

EU warns Israel against announcing new settlement construction plans | JPost | Israel News
Watch "BDS Brides Boycott SodaStream and Ahava Sales at Bed Bath & Beyond" on YouTube

Jews will accept free publicity no matter where it comes from.
Can you imagine all of those Arab children watching wahabee TV that now want soda!?

Looks like SodaStream won one in France. Good for them. Since Mrs. Sherri has so much time on her hands, perhaps she can get a job at SodaStream and work alongside the other Muslims who are employed there. It will give her a chance to earn a few shekels.

Israel Hayom | SodaStream wins boycott case in France <img src="" style="width:15px; height:15px;" />
OOOOPS! Is that another of Sherri's "BDS Victories"?
BDS Sanctions

The EU's*"territorial applicability clause"spells out that there can be consequences for flouting UN resolutions and international legality. Not enormous ones, true, but they still include funding, co-operation, scholarships, research funds and prizes for institutions in Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, whose population now number about 520,000 people. Ariel University, near the Palestinian city of Nablus, is one obvious target.

Tzipi Livni, Israel's justice minister and a veteran of negotiations with the Palestinians, warned recently that the EU might impose trade sanctions on all Israeli goods if the peace process stays frozen. Punishment might begin with the settlements, she warned, but it wouldn't stop with them. So words from Brussels might turn out to be more significant than just small print.

EU guidelines on Israeli settlements send out powerful message | World news |
EU warns Israel against announcing new settlement construction plans


12/27/2013 09:16

The European Union will strongly object to any new announcements of Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank, a senior EU diplomat told Channel 10 on Thursday.

The unnamed diplomat said "there will be very little understanding from the European governments" if Israel plans to announce further construction beyond the Green Line next week following the release of a third group of Palestinian security prisoners.

EU warns Israel against announcing new settlement construction plans | JPost | Israel News
Let the EU eat cake. They are as helpless as a newborn slug.
Let them eat cake that has ingredients which came from a Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria
Let them eat cake that has ingredients which came from a Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria
I meant to add in response to Sherriah's desire for the EU to boycott Israels goods, that there are a lot of people in the EU who want and will demand those goods. Those governments huff and puff and posture but when all is said and done, those goods will still arrive in Europe.
Let them eat cake that has ingredients which came from a Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria
I meant to add in response to Sherriah's desire for the EU to boycott Israels goods, that there are a lot of people in the EU who want and will demand those goods. Those governments huff and puff and posture but when all is said and done, those goods will still arrive in Europe.
That is true. I know this from personal experience and my many trips to Europe.

That Apartheid Regime in Tel Aviv, her end draws near.

As Apartheid fell in South Africa, so it shall in Palestine

Will it when iran is prepared to buy all of Israel's fruit. All that will happen is the Jews will stop employing the muslims and they will have to move elsewhere. Then Israel will import workers from other nations to do the work and the Palestinians will blame YOU for the even bigger mess you have caused.


Israel is deporting foreign workers now.

Are you sure that they aren't illegal immigrants that have entered Israel when they shouldn't, mostly African muslims that are being deported. I suppose that Israel could sort it the muslim way and just kill them after they have dug their own graves.
8 min ago
SodaStream wins French court case against boycott group
This is a small win, but a win is a win. We need a lot more such legal challenges to anti-Israel boycott groups, who are propagandists and have no compunctions about lying and making up accusations in the worst tradition of…

Go sodastream, now lets have the same thing done in all the other nations with the BDS movement picking up the bill for every win. Soon have them on the back foot when they are paying the costs for the other party, as well as the damages.
Europe Warns Palestinian Authority Against Rejecting Kerry Framework Peace Plan

Europe will not automatically continue to support the Palestinian Authority if the current U.S.-backed framework agreement talks with Israel fail, Israel’s Walla website reported on Wednesday.
And, of course, the dumbass Palestinians will screw the pooch on that, as well.

Everything they touch turns to shit, including their own best interests.

Not exactly the brightest crayons in the box.

As they always do the Palestinians will never miss a chance to miss a chance
EU warns Israel against announcing new settlement construction plans


12/27/2013 09:16

The European Union will strongly object to any new announcements of Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank, a senior EU diplomat told Channel 10 on Thursday.

The unnamed diplomat said "there will be very little understanding from the European governments" if Israel plans to announce further construction beyond the Green Line next week following the release of a third group of Palestinian security prisoners.

EU warns Israel against announcing new settlement construction plans | JPost | Israel News
Let the EU eat cake. They are as helpless as a newborn slug.

They will be when the British tell them to sod off and take their stupid rules with them. Without the UK's money the EU will flounder and be over run with criminals and terrorists
Let them eat cake that has ingredients which came from a Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria
I meant to add in response to Sherriah's desire for the EU to boycott Israels goods, that there are a lot of people in the EU who want and will demand those goods. Those governments huff and puff and posture but when all is said and done, those goods will still arrive in Europe.

Yes I actually look for produce produced in Israel when we do the weekly shop, that way I know I am getting value for money and doing my bit to keep itinerant muslim workers in a job.
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