Boycott Israel

Now you are just attempting to confuse the issue. I am beginning doubt that you know the difference between sovereignty and all the authorities listed in Post #5721.
Sure, I know the difference between sovereignty and occupation.
Obviously, you dont.
There is a difference between inhabit and occupy.

Obviously, you couldn't find a YouTube video to cut and paste. Hence, the silly one-liner.
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The Treaty of Lausanne DID NOT create these states. In fact, the Allied Powers could have apportioned the territory in any number of ways.

RoccoR said:
What states were created?
Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Transjordan, and Palestine.

Syria was a much bigger territory in the period prior to WWI. But it was not a political subdivision of the Ottoman Empire.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The Treaty of Lausanne DID NOT create these states. In fact, the Allied Powers could have apportioned the territory in any number of ways.

RoccoR said:
What states were created?
Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Transjordan, and Palestine.

Syria was a much bigger territory in the period prior to WWI. But it was not a political subdivision of the Ottoman Empire.

Most Respectfully,
OK, so? :confused-84::confused-84:
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ rylah, P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes. To declare sovereignty, the government making that declaration must be the Supreme Authority; subordinate to no other government, collective, or governing body.

Now you are just attempting to confuse the issue. I am beginning doubt that you know the difference between sovereignty and all the authorities listed in Post #5721.
Sure, I know the difference between sovereignty and occupation.
Isn't occupation a prerequisite for sovereignty?

The normal or customary condition for any territory in the Western World is to be under control (to be under the effective control of another is called "occupation") of a power that has extended its sovereignty. Many nations subscribe to the theory that when a "particular territory is not under the authority of any other state, another state can establish its sovereignty over such territory by occupation." There are a few exceptions. The two (2) most common are:

• Occupation of Enemy Held Territory during or immediately following an Armed Comflict.
• Occupation (effective control) of a territory that has been abandon by its sovereign power.
• Expropriation (annexation is a unilateral act where territory is seized) of key terrain or territory.​

In modern times, there are several events that have established a new set of customary law considerations:

• The Golan Heights
• East Jerusalem
• Western Sahara
• Crimea​

In each case, the Western World has exercised a benign form of approval that is not clearly binding or supported by any enforcement.

Article 49 Fourth Geneva Convention [most often citing Article 49(6)] has often been cited as a contemporary foundation that the occupations by the Israelis, the Moroccan-Mauritanian and Russians are "illegal." However, the entirety of Article 49 people (deportations, transfers, evacuations) of a protected status and not a territory.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh - WOW.


Britain did not extend sovereignty; that is true. But the "future" was in the hands of the Allied Powers.
Not so. The Turkish Empire had rights and title (sovereignty) until the Treaty of Lausanne then sovereignty went directly to the inhabitants of the respective new states. Nobody else had any sovereignty.

On more time: read it carefully... (See Posting # 5697)

You are confusing the disposition of "nationality" with the disposition of "territory." Nowhere in the Treaty of Lausanne does it say: "sovereignty went directly to the inhabitants of the respective new states"

Treaty of Lusanne (1923) in part said:

Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognized by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.

The provisions of the present Article do not prejudice any special arrangements arising from neighborly relations which have been or may be concluded between Turkey and any limitrophe countries.

Section II - Nationality, deals with the the people such that no one is considered stateless (ie a refugee). It does not deal with the territorial disposition or citizen authority over the sate.

It must also be understood that the territory (to which the Mandate for Palestine applied) was NOT a self-governing institution. The administration of citizenship was a responsibility of the Allied Powers through the Mandatory (Britain).

Most Respectfully,
Turkish territory was transferred to the new states that were created by treaty. The land was not transferred to the Mandates and they had no sovereignty over the territory. The land, in this instance, was transferred to Palestine. Palestinians have Palestinian nationality and are citizens of Palestine.

Now you are saying that the sovereignty belongs to a bunch of foreigners who have never been there.

This smells like a steaming pile of Zionist bullshit.
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Now don't shuffle the cards here.

Syria was a much bigger territory in the period prior to WWI. But it was not a political subdivision of the Ottoman Empire.
OK, so? :confused-84::confused-84:

You said:

Turkish territory was transferred to the new states that were created by treaty. The land was not transferred to the Mandates and they had no sovereignty over the territory. .

I never said that the Allied Powers had "Sovereignty." I specifically listed their authority. These were authorities that the Arab Palestinians DID NOT HAVE over a hundred years ago, and they are a list of authorities that they DO NOT HAVE now.

The Arab Palestinians did not have a treaty with anyone 100 years ago, and they do not have a peace treaty with any neighbor today.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Now don't shuffle the cards here.

Syria was a much bigger territory in the period prior to WWI. But it was not a political subdivision of the Ottoman Empire.
OK, so? :confused-84::confused-84:

You said:

Turkish territory was transferred to the new states that were created by treaty. The land was not transferred to the Mandates and they had no sovereignty over the territory. .

I never said that the Allied Powers had "Sovereignty." I specifically listed their authority. These were authorities that the Arab Palestinians DID NOT HAVE over a hundred years ago, and they are a list of authorities that they DO NOT HAVE now.

The Arab Palestinians did not have a treaty with anyone 100 years ago, and they do not have a peace treaty with any neighbor today.

Most Respectfully,
The Arab Palestinians did not have a treaty with anyone 100 years ago, and they do not have a peace treaty with any neighbor today.
They don't need one. they are not at war with anybody.
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, it could be an occupation, or it could be a Mandate, OR it could be like the case of Saudi Arabian troops intervention into the Bahraini uprising (anti-government protests) of 2011.

I never said that the Allied Powers had "Sovereignty." I specifically listed their authority.
Authority without sovereignty sounds like occupation.

There are a number of different aspects to the exercise of power and the maintenance of Sunni Authority over the taming of equality for the Shi'ite majority.

Customary Law, that is → what has been done in the past that has actually been accepted (begrudgingly or not) is a political evolutionary process.

Most Respectfully,
Boycotting Israel at the University of Michigan campus & the Ann Arbor City Council, Sept. 2018

It’s just remarkable how the Arab-Moslem psyche is literally consumed with Jew hatreds. The goal from the Islamic terrorist perspective is always to tell one, single narrative, and to shut out any competing ideas. That is how Rev. Jim Jones was able to make everyday people commit mass suicide in Guyana. It is standard cult indoctrination scaled up to millions of vulnerable minds.

Boston Students and Activists Condemn Racism at Tufts SJP Conference

Boston Students and Activists Condemn Racism at Tufts SJP Conference

StandWithUs is deeply concerned about the organizers and speakers of the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) National Conference, which is taking place at Boston's Tufts University from October 24th to October 26th.

It has come to light that Ahmad Aburas, a member of the National SJP Steering Committee which organized the conference, has publicly supported the racist terrorist organization Hamas on social media. Hamas is responsible for murdering and maiming thousands of innocent Israelis, its founding charter infamously calls for the obliteration of Israel, and the group recently aired open calls for the extermination of Jews on Palestinian TV. Furthermore, one of SJP's keynote speakers at the conference, Mohammad Desai, has directly supported racism and incitement to violence against Jews. Desai, who is the National Coordinator of BDS South Africa, publicly backed South African BDS activists after they chanted "shoot the Jew" at a protest.

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