Boycott Israel

Yep. When a Boy Scout International Conference on Interfaith Relations is pressured by BDS to exclude French Jews because ... 'Israel', you can no longer pretend its actually about Israel. Its about Jews.
  • In Gaza, the NGO network is closely linked to the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe and the European “Red-Green” alliance, comprised of the European Left and the Muslim Brotherhood.

  • The NGO network in Ramallah, however, belongs to the historical Palestinian Left – the former Communists and the Marxist terror organizations such as the Popular Front and the Democratic Front.

  • The NGOs in Ramallah are very radical, marked by hatred of Israel and the U.S., and they foment tension between Europe and the U.S.

  • In the last Palestinian Legislative Council elections in 2006, the leftist parties won only meager percentages and barely qualified for the Palestinian parliament. They maintain their political power thanks only to the NGO frameworks, which are buttressed by European money.

  • Mustafa Barghouti is the spokesman of the Ramallah NGOs. He was the leader of the Communist Party in the West Bank. In the 2006 presidential elections, he ran against Abbas and won 20% of the vote.

  • When former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry tried to promote an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement, Barghouti instigated a demonstration against him.

(full article online)

NGOs in Gaza and the West Bank Incite with European Support
Airbnb spokesperson Nick Papas declined to answer when asked if this is the first time there has been a ban in a conflict zone, and if there will also be a ban in the Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem as well as in Palestinian areas of the disputed territories.

“Airbnb blacklists Jewish apartments in Judea and Samaria – not Palestinian apartments, not apartments in Turkish occupied Cyprus, in Moroccan occupied Sahara, not in Tibet or the Crimea,” he tweeted. “Airbnb’s policy is the very definition of anti-Semitism. No one should use its services.”

(full article online)

Airbnb to remove its rental listings in Judea and Samaria
Airbnb spokesperson Nick Papas declined to answer when asked if this is the first time there has been a ban in a conflict zone, and if there will also be a ban in the Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem as well as in Palestinian areas of the disputed territories.

“Airbnb blacklists Jewish apartments in Judea and Samaria – not Palestinian apartments, not apartments in Turkish occupied Cyprus, in Moroccan occupied Sahara, not in Tibet or the Crimea,” he tweeted. “Airbnb’s policy is the very definition of anti-Semitism. No one should use its services.”

(full article online)

Airbnb to remove its rental listings in Judea and Samaria

Wow. Here is the press release from Airbnb.

It states as its criteria for blacklisting:

  1. Recognize that each situation is unique and requires a case-by-case approach.
  2. Consult with a range of experts and our community of stakeholders.
  3. Assess any potential safety risks for our hosts and guests.
  4. Evaluate whether the existence of listings is contributing to existing human suffering.
  5. Determine whether the existence of listings in the occupied territory has a direct connection to the larger dispute in the region.

The obvious problem is that while the press release and the criteria are APPARENTLY universal, in practice they have only been applied to Jewish owned properties in "the occupied West Bank". Let's unpack this.

It does not actually apply a definition to the term "disputed territories". It does not define which territories are "disputed" as opposed to strictly Israeli or strictly Arab Palestinian. Instead, it implies or makes the assumption, that there are no disputed territories at all and that there is a distinct delineation between Israel and the "occupied West Bank", presumably along the 1949 Armistice Line or Green Line (a disease from which most of the world seems to suffer these days.) The standard they are operating within is there is Israel and there is Palestine. And they have only blacklisted rentals by one group in one territory, rather than applying it equally to both groups in both territories.

The standard they have created is that it is not permissible for Jewish people to live in Arab Palestine. If we were to apply this equally then it would not be permissible for Arab Palestinian people to live in Israel. And Airbnb would reject all rentals from Arabs in Israel.

Now, I know some of you are going to try to argue that it has to do with nationality and not with ethnic group. But the same argument can be made. Anyone holding a Palestinian nationality and residing in Israel should be blacklisted if we were applying things equally. Further, the problem could easily be solved by granting all Jews living in the West Bank Palestinian nationality. The dispute would then disappear and Airbnb could remove the blacklist.
Women’s March co-founder Teresa Shook called on its current organizers to step down Monday, saying they “allowed anti-Semitism.”

In a Facebook post, Shook said Bob Bland, Tamika Mallory, Linda Sarsour and Carmen Perez “have steered the Movement away from its true course.”

“In opposition to our Unity Principles, they have allowed anti-Semitism, anti-LBGTQIA sentiment and hateful, racist rhetoric to become a part of the platform by their refusal to separate themselves from groups that espouse these racist, hateful beliefs,” Shook wrote.

The controversy surrounding the Women’s March arose from Mallory’s ties to anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Earlier this year, Mallory was criticized for not speaking out after she attended an event during which Farrakhan said “the powerful Jews are my enemy” and accused “Satanic Jews” of having a “grip on the media.”

(full article online)

Women’s March founder calls on leaders to resign for ‘allowing anti-Semitism’
EUPOL COPPS has been around for nearly 13 years now, and they seem proud of their accomplishments. They have an annual budget of nearly EUR 13 million.

But while they advise the Palestinian Authority police, the PA police are arresting and torturing critics and political opponents. They are arresting people who commit the crime of selling land to Jews.

At what point does the EU own responsibility for being complicit in the crimes of the PA security forces? If they cannot get the PA to understand the basics of human rights after 13 years, what are they still doing there?

How many years does it take to cross the line from being mere advisers into being collaborators in violating the rights of Palestinians?

(full article online)

The EU spends lots of money to help the Palestinian Authority arrest critics, opponents, and people who sell land to Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Airbnb faced an intensive multi-year attack and threats of being included in the forthcoming UN HRC “blacklist,” boycotts, and other forms of negative publicity. Indeed, the company acknowledged that offering listings in West Bank “settlements” was not illegal, meaning that its decision was the result of political pressure.

The company provided five vague criteria used in the process of making this decision:

“1. Recognize that each situation is unique and requires a case-by-case approach.
2. Consult with a range of experts and our community of stakeholders.
3. Assess any potential safety risks for our hosts and guests.
4. Evaluate whether the existence of listings is contributing to existing human suffering.
5. Determine whether the existence of listings in the occupied territory has a direct connection to the larger dispute in the region.”

Airbnb did not disclose details of how these criteria were implemented, how it analyzed these factors, nor identify the supposed “experts” and “community of stakeholders” consulted.

Airbnb titled its release “Listings in Disputed Regions” and claims it operates in 191 countries. This anodyne language masks the clearly discriminatory purpose of its policy in bowing to pressure from the BDS campaign. Airbnb has thousands of listings in occupied territories (Turkish Occupied Cyprus, Tibet, etc…) and in areas of extreme violence and human suffering. Yet, the company has decided to solely apply this policy to approximately 100+ Jewish-owned apartments under location criteria not specified by the company. Moreover, the apartments allegedly at issue represent .005% of Airbnb’s 4 million listings. In contrast, listings in China (including Tibet) comprise 4%.

(full article online)

The NGOs and Funders Behind Airbnb’s BDS Policy

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