Boycott Israel

As stated by the Simon Weisenthal Center, which has urged its 400,000 constituent members and Jews the world over to boycott Airbnb:

“This is double standard anti-Semitism pure and simple. Nowhere else on the planet has Airbnb stopped making its service available in disputed territories, except Judea and Samaria.”

True: Airbnb continues to list properties in “occupied” places all over the world, including Northern Cyprus, and the Western Sahara, yet sees fit to implement this policy only in Judea and Samaria, which are “disputed”, not “occupied.”

The inherent antisemitism in this measure can be illustrated better by an example: take two people who live in the Old City of Jerusalem: a Jew in the Jewish Quarter and an Arab in the Muslim Quarter. If both want to list their dwellings on Airbnb, only one of them would be allowed.

Airbnb Becomes HotAirBDS
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As stated by the Simon Weisenthal Center, which has urged its 400,000 constituent members and Jews the world over to boycott Airbnb:

“This is double standard anti-Semitism pure and simple. Nowhere else on the planet has Airbnb stopped making its service available in disputed territories, except Judea and Samaria.”

True: Airbnb continues to list properties in “occupied” places all over the world, including Northern Cyprus, and the Western Sahara, yet sees fit to implement this policy only in Judea and Samaria, which are “disputed”, not “occupied.”

The inherent antisemitism in this measure can be illustrated better by an example: take two people who live in the Old City of Jerusalem: a Jew in the Jewish Quarter and an Arab in the Muslim Quarter. If both want to list their dwellings on Airbnb, only one of them would be allowed.

Airbnb Becomes HotAirBDS

"We want to bring people together."

Except for Palestinians. Israel has been giving them the boot since 1948.

As stated by the Simon Weisenthal Center, which has urged its 400,000 constituent members and Jews the world over to boycott Airbnb:

“This is double standard anti-Semitism pure and simple. Nowhere else on the planet has Airbnb stopped making its service available in disputed territories, except Judea and Samaria.”

True: Airbnb continues to list properties in “occupied” places all over the world, including Northern Cyprus, and the Western Sahara, yet sees fit to implement this policy only in Judea and Samaria, which are “disputed”, not “occupied.”

The inherent antisemitism in this measure can be illustrated better by an example: take two people who live in the Old City of Jerusalem: a Jew in the Jewish Quarter and an Arab in the Muslim Quarter. If both want to list their dwellings on Airbnb, only one of them would be allowed.

Airbnb Becomes HotAirBDS

"We want to bring people together."

Except for Palestinians. Israel has been giving them the boot since 1948.

Oh give me a break, no Israeli ever shot a bullet before Arab pogroms.
You guys will never discuss it.
The CPS has spent the past eight years spreading the three key elements of PLO propaganda: minimizing terrorism, delegitimizing Israel, and altering history. Yasser Arafat was the pioneer of minimizing terrorism. In 1974 he addressed the UN General Assembly and said: “whoever stands by a just cause and fights for the freedom and liberation of his land from the invaders, the settlers and the colonialists, cannot possibly be called terrorist.” Delegitimizing Israel has always been a PLO priority; the academic version is called BDS. And finessing history by portraying the Arabs who refused a state in 1948 as victims of European Jewish aggression is the third component of the propaganda strategy.

By becoming its own echo chamber at Columbia, the CPS attracts students who revile Israel and equips them with the latest fashionable post-modern jargon to dress up their hatred. Those students who support Israel generally know enough to stay away. The rare few Zionists who genuinely seek dialogue and debate are feared at the CPS. Rather than engage in a civil debate, the CPS isolates and excludes them, fostering an atmosphere of harassment, especially against members of Students Supporting Israel(SSI), an organization founded to oppose campus BDS activists.

Columbia SSI chapter president Dalia Zahger, and vice president Ofir Dayan, both IDF veterans, shared their experiences as targets of harassment, some by members of Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD), a joint venture of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). Dayan said she has been approached by anti-Israel students screaming at her “Stop killing Muslim babies,” “You’re a murderer” and “Zionist get out!” Zahger reports she has been compared to a Hamas terrorist and told that her devotion to Israel is tantamount to “spitting on [her] ancestors’ ashes in Europe.”

(full article online)

Columbia University's Center for Palestine Studies: Ramallah on the Hudson

As stated by the Simon Weisenthal Center, which has urged its 400,000 constituent members and Jews the world over to boycott Airbnb:

“This is double standard anti-Semitism pure and simple. Nowhere else on the planet has Airbnb stopped making its service available in disputed territories, except Judea and Samaria.”

True: Airbnb continues to list properties in “occupied” places all over the world, including Northern Cyprus, and the Western Sahara, yet sees fit to implement this policy only in Judea and Samaria, which are “disputed”, not “occupied.”

The inherent antisemitism in this measure can be illustrated better by an example: take two people who live in the Old City of Jerusalem: a Jew in the Jewish Quarter and an Arab in the Muslim Quarter. If both want to list their dwellings on Airbnb, only one of them would be allowed.

Airbnb Becomes HotAirBDS

"We want to bring people together."

Except for Palestinians. Israel has been giving them the boot since 1948.

Ridiculous claim since Arabs are still in Israel. While there are no Jews in Arab-controlled areas. Reality is the reverse of what you say it is.

As stated by the Simon Weisenthal Center, which has urged its 400,000 constituent members and Jews the world over to boycott Airbnb:

“This is double standard anti-Semitism pure and simple. Nowhere else on the planet has Airbnb stopped making its service available in disputed territories, except Judea and Samaria.”

True: Airbnb continues to list properties in “occupied” places all over the world, including Northern Cyprus, and the Western Sahara, yet sees fit to implement this policy only in Judea and Samaria, which are “disputed”, not “occupied.”

The inherent antisemitism in this measure can be illustrated better by an example: take two people who live in the Old City of Jerusalem: a Jew in the Jewish Quarter and an Arab in the Muslim Quarter. If both want to list their dwellings on Airbnb, only one of them would be allowed.

Airbnb Becomes HotAirBDS

"We want to bring people together."

Except for Palestinians. Israel has been giving them the boot since 1948.

Ridiculous claim since Arabs are still in Israel. While there are no Jews in Arab-controlled areas. Reality is the reverse of what you say it is.

It is Israel who has made it illegal for Israelis to go into Palestinian controlled areas.


As stated by the Simon Weisenthal Center, which has urged its 400,000 constituent members and Jews the world over to boycott Airbnb:

“This is double standard anti-Semitism pure and simple. Nowhere else on the planet has Airbnb stopped making its service available in disputed territories, except Judea and Samaria.”

True: Airbnb continues to list properties in “occupied” places all over the world, including Northern Cyprus, and the Western Sahara, yet sees fit to implement this policy only in Judea and Samaria, which are “disputed”, not “occupied.”

The inherent antisemitism in this measure can be illustrated better by an example: take two people who live in the Old City of Jerusalem: a Jew in the Jewish Quarter and an Arab in the Muslim Quarter. If both want to list their dwellings on Airbnb, only one of them would be allowed.

Airbnb Becomes HotAirBDS

"We want to bring people together."

Except for Palestinians. Israel has been giving them the boot since 1948.

Ridiculous claim since Arabs are still in Israel. While there are no Jews in Arab-controlled areas. Reality is the reverse of what you say it is.

It is Israel who has made it illegal for Israelis to go into Palestinian controlled areas.


Thank you for proving my point that it is Jews getting the boot and not Arabs.
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Australia will have to decide IF the threat is credible and IF they want to buckle under the threat of coercion.


This is the use of fear → unduly compelling a Government to perform or abstain from performing any act (in this case - moving the Embassy to Jerusalem).

IF it works, THEN the Islamic Community has successfully bent Austraila to its will.

AND → IF the international community does nothing about it, THEN it is just as weak.

Most Respectfully,

As stated by the Simon Weisenthal Center, which has urged its 400,000 constituent members and Jews the world over to boycott Airbnb:

“This is double standard anti-Semitism pure and simple. Nowhere else on the planet has Airbnb stopped making its service available in disputed territories, except Judea and Samaria.”

True: Airbnb continues to list properties in “occupied” places all over the world, including Northern Cyprus, and the Western Sahara, yet sees fit to implement this policy only in Judea and Samaria, which are “disputed”, not “occupied.”

The inherent antisemitism in this measure can be illustrated better by an example: take two people who live in the Old City of Jerusalem: a Jew in the Jewish Quarter and an Arab in the Muslim Quarter. If both want to list their dwellings on Airbnb, only one of them would be allowed.

Airbnb Becomes HotAirBDS

"We want to bring people together."

Except for Palestinians. Israel has been giving them the boot since 1948.

Ridiculous claim since Arabs are still in Israel. While there are no Jews in Arab-controlled areas. Reality is the reverse of what you say it is.

It is Israel who has made it illegal for Israelis to go into Palestinian controlled areas.


Read the sign. It says under Palestinian authority.

Theres a reason why Israelis can`t go there. There are hateful savages who live inside there, thats why

As stated by the Simon Weisenthal Center, which has urged its 400,000 constituent members and Jews the world over to boycott Airbnb:

“This is double standard anti-Semitism pure and simple. Nowhere else on the planet has Airbnb stopped making its service available in disputed territories, except Judea and Samaria.”

True: Airbnb continues to list properties in “occupied” places all over the world, including Northern Cyprus, and the Western Sahara, yet sees fit to implement this policy only in Judea and Samaria, which are “disputed”, not “occupied.”

The inherent antisemitism in this measure can be illustrated better by an example: take two people who live in the Old City of Jerusalem: a Jew in the Jewish Quarter and an Arab in the Muslim Quarter. If both want to list their dwellings on Airbnb, only one of them would be allowed.

Airbnb Becomes HotAirBDS

"We want to bring people together."

Except for Palestinians. Israel has been giving them the boot since 1948.

Oh give me a break, no Israeli ever shot a bullet before Arab pogroms.
You guys will never discuss it.

So if an armed robber does not fire a shot it is not armed robbery?

As stated by the Simon Weisenthal Center, which has urged its 400,000 constituent members and Jews the world over to boycott Airbnb:

“This is double standard anti-Semitism pure and simple. Nowhere else on the planet has Airbnb stopped making its service available in disputed territories, except Judea and Samaria.”

True: Airbnb continues to list properties in “occupied” places all over the world, including Northern Cyprus, and the Western Sahara, yet sees fit to implement this policy only in Judea and Samaria, which are “disputed”, not “occupied.”

The inherent antisemitism in this measure can be illustrated better by an example: take two people who live in the Old City of Jerusalem: a Jew in the Jewish Quarter and an Arab in the Muslim Quarter. If both want to list their dwellings on Airbnb, only one of them would be allowed.

Airbnb Becomes HotAirBDS

"We want to bring people together."

Except for Palestinians. Israel has been giving them the boot since 1948.

Oh give me a break, no Israeli ever shot a bullet before Arab pogroms.
You guys will never discuss it.

So if an armed robber does not fire a shot it is not armed robbery?

Equating Jewish presence to robbery is plain hate speech.
Palestinian Jews were unarmed during the Arab pogroms.

Totally destroys the BDS narrative, You will never dare to discuss it.
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