Boycott Israel

What happens when BDS groups have no achievements? They make them up. Students from the Palestinian Solidarity Group (PSG) at Leeds University in Britain published a demand on the university to divest from companies with financial ties to Israel including Airbus, United Technologies, and the Kenes Group.

Later, the group announced the university responded that it had divested from those companies. PSG quickly announced the ‘victory’ on their Facebook page. Other BDS websites joined in announcing the victory including the Electronic Intifada, Middle East Monitor, War on Want, Middle East Eye, and others who joyfully reported on the "achievement".

However, the university later issued its own press release where it explained it had divested from these companies several months prior due to the ‘climate change strategy’ that it had implemented to divest from companies they are convinced harm the environment.

The university later reiterated in another press release that it has no policy of boycotting companies connected to Israel and that it has no intentions of adopting such a policy.

The PSG failed to update its statement based on the university’s comments.

(full article online)

When BDS groups lie to themselves
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Economic data reveals BDS harms Palestinian Arabs, detrimental to PA economy.

(full article online)

Jordan Valley takes BDS battle to Frankfurt
Totally misses the point of BDS.

The point of BDS is to erase Jewish independence, plain and simple.
Don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.

You justify all means for that goal, which results in forcing thousands of Palestinians to lose their jobs.
It is the difference between dependent and independent.
Economic data reveals BDS harms Palestinian Arabs, detrimental to PA economy.

(full article online)

Jordan Valley takes BDS battle to Frankfurt
Totally misses the point of BDS.

The point of BDS is to erase Jewish independence, plain and simple.
Don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.

You justify all means for that goal, which results in forcing thousands of Palestinians to lose their jobs.
It is the difference between dependent and independent.
BDS idiots force thousands of Palestinians into unemployment,
because this is "independence"??

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Economic data reveals BDS harms Palestinian Arabs, detrimental to PA economy.

(full article online)

Jordan Valley takes BDS battle to Frankfurt
Totally misses the point of BDS.

The point of BDS is to erase Jewish independence, plain and simple.
Don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.

You justify all means for that goal, which results in forcing thousands of Palestinians to lose their jobs.
It is the difference between dependent and independent.
BDS idiots force thousands of Palestinians into unemployment,
because this is "independence"??

Employment is one of Israel's system of controls. Israel will prevent or destroy the Palestinian's means of production. Then allow them to work for Israeli enterprises. Protest or throw a rock and lose your job. This cycle is perpetuated by the profits of these Israeli companies. This encourages more land theft and more Israeli businesses. BDS attempts to break and reverse this cycle.
Economic data reveals BDS harms Palestinian Arabs, detrimental to PA economy.

(full article online)

Jordan Valley takes BDS battle to Frankfurt
Totally misses the point of BDS.

The point of BDS is to erase Jewish independence, plain and simple.
Don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.

You justify all means for that goal, which results in forcing thousands of Palestinians to lose their jobs.
It is the difference between dependent and independent.
BDS idiots force thousands of Palestinians into unemployment,
because this is "independence"??

Employment is one of Israel's system of controls. Israel will prevent or destroy the Palestinian's means of production. Then allow them to work for Israeli enterprises. Protest or throw a rock and lose your job. This cycle is perpetuated by the profits of these Israeli companies. This encourages more land theft and more Israeli businesses. BDS attempts to break and reverse this cycle.
This is exactly how BDS hurts thousands of Palestinians -

because Your sole goal and focus is to erase Jewish independence,
for that goal You don't differentiate the means.- BDS doesn't hesitate to hurt Palestinians themselves.

In reality, results show that BDS promotes the growth of Israeli economy, while forcing thousands of Palestinians to lose their jobs...just to create an impression that it spites Israel in some way.

This not different from Hamas, or PA who have been keeping their own people in camps, for decades just to be used against Israel.

This is immoral.
Professor Kontorovich presented the paper in depth, highlighting how the UNHRC blacklist and Airbnb policy have no legal basis, adding that despite Israel being their target, they will ultimately harm businesses around the world.

“If the UNHRC really believes doing business in what it considers occupied territory as a human rights violation, I challenge them to adopt our report of other companies doing such business in territories around the world, to supplement their blacklist of businesses operating in Jewish communities in the West Bank” said Professor Eugene Kontorovich, Director of International Law at the Kohelet Policy Forum.

(full article online)

2nd ‘Who Else Profits’ Report Challenges UNHRC Uneven Treatment of Israel
In a beat up old sedan, four Middle Eastern millennials sat in silence as Arabic music blasted from the radio. As the car hurtled down the highway, the driver leaned forward and cranked up the volume to the max. Pretty soon, they were all singing together at the top of their lungs as they lowered the windows and let the fresh Texan wind sweep through their hair.

Where were they headed?

To a university campus for the anti-Israel “Apartheid Week.”

Who were they?

An Arab, a Druze and two Christians.

What was their target?

To defend the Jewish state from the bigotry of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement.

* * * * *

What led these non-Jewish volunteers to embark on this journey was the unfortunate reality that, although we live in an era of “micro-aggressions” and “safe spaces,” the anti-Israel sentiment at universities in the US has become so hostile that many have decided that the best course of action is to take no action at all. As a college student at UC Berkeley told Haaretz media in an interview back in 2016, “You could risk losing friends from the other side… so when I’m asked, I just say that I love all people.”

(full article online)

Minorities who fight for Israel
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Employment is one of Israel's system of controls. Israel will prevent or destroy the Palestinian's means of production. Then allow them to work for Israeli enterprises. Protest or throw a rock and lose your job. This cycle is perpetuated by the profits of these Israeli companies. This encourages more land theft and more Israeli businesses. BDS attempts to break and reverse this cycle.

Of the ≈ 1.25M people in the West Bank Labor Force, ≈ 18% are below the poverty line, and the unemployment rate is running at ≈ 19%. (There might be a relationship between West Bank poverty and unemployment.)

The key to building the nation is to stop the bleeding of revenue in the nation to the corrupt politicians and the organizations that stipend the criminal aspects of the population.

The Arab Palestinians need to stop blaming everyone else for their problems and get on with reconstruction. The Palestinians have nearly a fifth of the work force ready to go.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Employment is one of Israel's system of controls. Israel will prevent or destroy the Palestinian's means of production. Then allow them to work for Israeli enterprises. Protest or throw a rock and lose your job. This cycle is perpetuated by the profits of these Israeli companies. This encourages more land theft and more Israeli businesses. BDS attempts to break and reverse this cycle.

Of the ≈ 1.25M people in the West Bank Labor Force, ≈ 18% are below the poverty line, and the unemployment rate is running at ≈ 19%. (There might be a relationship between West Bank poverty and unemployment.)

The key to building the nation is to stop the bleeding of revenue in the nation to the corrupt politicians and the organizations that stipend the criminal aspects of the population.

The Arab Palestinians need to stop blaming everyone else for their problems and get on with reconstruction. The Palestinians have nearly a fifth of the work force ready to go.

Most Respectfully,
Now all the Palestinian need is for Israel to stop bombing and bulldozing their stuff.
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Employment is one of Israel's system of controls. Israel will prevent or destroy the Palestinian's means of production. Then allow them to work for Israeli enterprises. Protest or throw a rock and lose your job. This cycle is perpetuated by the profits of these Israeli companies. This encourages more land theft and more Israeli businesses. BDS attempts to break and reverse this cycle.

Of the ≈ 1.25M people in the West Bank Labor Force, ≈ 18% are below the poverty line, and the unemployment rate is running at ≈ 19%. (There might be a relationship between West Bank poverty and unemployment.)

The key to building the nation is to stop the bleeding of revenue in the nation to the corrupt politicians and the organizations that stipend the criminal aspects of the population.

The Arab Palestinians need to stop blaming everyone else for their problems and get on with reconstruction. The Palestinians have nearly a fifth of the work force ready to go.

Most Respectfully,
Now all the Palestinian need is for Israel to stop bombing and bulldozing their stuff.

If the Arabs-Moslems spent their welfare dollars on reconstruction vs. weapons, tunnel building, etc., to finance the gee-had, israel would not need to respond to acts of war.

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