Boycott Israel

Like Amnesty, B'Tselem has had years after the evidence came in to adjust its databases to reflect the hundreds of "civilians" who were proudly claimed by terror groups as one of their own.

B'Tselem is more honest than HRW and Amnesty in how they report casualties, but a lie is a lie. And there is no excuse for them to continue to publish databases with false information that they know very well is false.

(full article online)

B'Tselem still counts Hamas terrorists as child victims of Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Amid a Nov. 11 onslaught similar to the 2014 Gaza war, I read with horror a letter to the editor in my campus newspaper by Max Greenberg, a member of Cornell Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). Among other egregious statements, Greenberg writes that “Cornell SJP effectively endorses the destruction of Israel as a Jewish state.” I cannot remain silent when a fellow Cornell student and group call for the obliteration of my homeland.


Rather than take a page out of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion playbook — causing Zionist students to feel unsafe — well-meaning critics of Israel should engage in civil and substantive dialogue. I urge all Cornellians to stay true to our university’s motto of accepting “any person,” and rejecting hate-filled, insensitive attacks in favor of constructive discourse.

(full article online)

Vilification of Israel on Campus Persists Amid Gaza Rocket Attacks
Airbnb Singles Out Jews In Racially Targeted Ban On West Bank Rentals
Nonetheless, Americans should not tolerate double standards, discrimination or blatant racism against any group of people.

America has so many anti-boycott laws that there is an entire federal department dedicated to enforcing them — the United States Office of Antiboycott Compliance (OAC). As Executive Director of HonestReporting, a media watchdog NGO, I filed a complaint on the following grounds: The acts enforced by the OAC prohibit agreements to refuse or actual refusal to do business with or in Israel or with blacklisted companies, and agreements to discriminate or actual discrimination against other persons based on race, religion, sex, national origin, or nationality.

As the Airbnb boycott applies only to Israel, and specifically to properties owned by Jews or Israeli citizens, but exempts Christians, Muslims, and citizens of the Palestinian Authority who live in the same area, it fits squarely within the prohibitions covered by the OAC.

If found to be in violation of the relevant laws, Airbnb could be subject to significant fines, tax consequences or even criminal action. Through its potentially illegal acts, the online platform is even risking its ability to continue doing business in the United States. A number of other Israeli and American organizations are taking actions under other state and federal laws, including local laws in 26 of America’s 50 states.

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At a "Workshop for Palestine" held by American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) at the Islamic Center of Union County, NJ (ICUCNJ) on November 17, 2018, New Jersey-based AMP activist Muhammad Habba said that he believes Israel will cease to exist in the next 50 years, and went on to praise members of the Democratic Party for supporting boycotts and sanctions against Israel (for more on Habba, see MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 7396, Muslim Center Of Middlesex County, NJ Hosts Pro-BDS Event, Speakers Encourage Boycotting J Street, American Companies: 'If You Look At The Whole History, They Did Not Spend More Than... 200 Years [In Palestine],' 'Most Of The Jews Today Are Not The Children Of Israel... They Are Not Even Jews'). Waseem Qana'a, another AMP activist, said that AMP's focus is cutting U.S. funding for Israeli state-sponsored terrorism. One of the audience members said that peaceful measures are not enough and that the" military option"should not be taken off the table. Qana'a answered that BDS is "the biggest threat to Zionist supremacy." Another audience member said that the Palestinian issue should be fought for by all possible means, and that the Palestinian cause is "100% Islamic and 0% humanitarian." ICUCNJ imam Sa'id Elkasaby responded that even though he agreed that the Palestinian cause is an Islamic cause, it must be marketed as humanitarian so that Jews, Christians,and other non-Muslims will support it as well.

(Full article online)

Imam At NJ Islamic Center Workshop: Palestinian Cause Is 'Islamic' But Must Be Marketed As 'Humanitarian' To Garner Everybody's Support; Speakers Praise BDS, Say Israel Likely To Cease Existing Within 50 Years

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