Boycott Israel

I invited you to come bash Israel on this thread because it is the thread for bashing Israel.

You see nothing, blind creature.
So you’re in this thread to bash Israel? If not, you’re a hypocrite for complaining that I was in your fetish thread bashing Israel. – Since 1996, Jewish Voice for Peace has been a prominent anti-Israel group nationwide, especially on college campuses, advocating for the BDS movement and collaborating with similar groups such as IfNotNow, according to a new report from the watchlist Canary Mission.

It receives grants worth hundreds of thousands of dollars annually from numerous funds and foundations, such as Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Schwab Charitable, for its supposed mission of “peace and justice for all peoples of the Middle East.” However, JVP’s financial sources exposes them to be part of the anti-Israel narrative.

“Although Students for Justice in Palestine has increasingly been revealed as antisemitic, JVP has increasingly come to their aid,” according to Canary Mission. “In fact, JVP and SJP have proven to be two sides of the campus anti-Israel coin.”

(full article online)

Jewish Voice for Peace’s Anti-Israel Narrative Exposed in Canary Mission Report
A British activist promoting boycotts against Israel was filmed threatening similar action against Air India unless flight attendants serve her wine on a flight that ended with her arrest.

Simone O’Broin, 50, went on a tirade aboard an Air India flight from Mumbai to London Heathrow on Saturday, the Mail Online reported Wednesday.

O’Broin, who appeared inebriated and who used to work as a head researcher for the anti-Israel Badil organization as late as 2011, was filmed by fellow passengers telling flight attendants that she is a “leader of the f***ing boycott movement,” clapping in the air in front of a crew member. She added: “If I say boycott f***ing Air India, done. Do you understand me? You can’t give me a wee bottle of wine?”

Earlier in her rant, O’Broin, who once co-authored a research paper with former UN Special Rapporteur Richard Falk on the situation in the Palestinian Authority, said: “Do you treat business class passengers like that? Who are international criminal lawyers for the Palestinian people?”

(full article online)

BDS activist goes on racist rant on Air India flight
First Muslim women in US Congress misled voters about their views on Israel
by Soeren Kern
November 16, 2018 at 5:00 am

  • "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel." — Ilhan Omar, in a tweet, November 2012.

  • "When a politician singles out Jewish allies as 'evil,' but ignores every brutal theocratic regime in the area, it's certainly noteworthy...." — David Harsanyi, New York Post.

  • "With many Jews expressing distaste for an 'illiberal' Israel, it's little surprise that the bulk of American Jewry isn't overly bothered about the election of Socialists who are unsympathetic to the Jewish state or consider Zionism to be racist." — Commentator Jonathan Tobin.

Ilhan Abdullahi Omar (pictured) and Rashida Harbi Tlaib will be the first two Muslim women ever to serve in the US Congress. During her campaign, Omar criticized anti-Israel boycotts. Less than a week after being elected, however, Omar admitted that she supports the boycotts. (Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images)

Ilhan Abdullahi Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Harbi Tlaib of Michigan will be the first two Muslim women ever to serve in the US Congress. Most of the media coverage since their election on November 6 has been effusive in praise of their Muslim identity and personal history.

Less known is that both women deceived voters about their positions on Israel. Both women, at some point during their rise in electoral politics, led voters — especially Jewish voters — to believe that they held moderate views on Israel. After being elected, both women reversed their positions and now say they are committed to sanctioning the Jewish state.

First Muslim Women in US Congress Misled Voters About Views on Israel

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