Boycott Israel

All this pseudo intellectual debate is to deflect from the fact that,
the Boycott is lead by people who openly deny the existence of a Jewish state in any part of middle east.

Nothing less than destruction of the Jewish nation is taken as an option. For them Petah Tikva and Rishon LeZion are "illegal Jewish settlements". You might deny it all You want but Jews learned to believe what their enemies say.and write...especially when it's so evident and shouted in the open.

From the river to the sea!...Haybar Haybar ya'Jews!...slit the throats of Zionists!...No Jewish state!

It's war on Jews.
Default argument, it is all a war on Jews.
And still correct - the boycott is a blatant war on Jews around the world, not just in Israel.
Starts with denial of a Jewish state and ends with the obsession of teaching Jews what is and what is not Jew-hatred on al-Jazeerah and BBC.

Call me when facts change to Your liking.
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Except it is not. You are trying to create a very restricted argument that is essentially dishonest and applies only to Jews.

Apartheid was a program specific to South Africa. Yes or no? Other nations in Africa had similar cultures but only South Africa had it rigidly set in a legal framework. Using your argument, in order to oppose it we must find a definition that applies globally otherwise opposition is racism towards South African Whites.

You are wanting to argue international law but this is not about international law or at any rate that is not the argument I am making.

You can not simultaneously make the argument that opposing Israel's settlement program is unique to the Jewish people AND support a program that is in itself unique to the Jewish people. Settlements are by far uniquelly Jewish with a sprinkling of others moving in. No one has been able provide any examples of legal Arab Israeli settlements in Area C.

The definition of settler and settlements is what the people involved in the movement defined, not some newly revised definition to try and pretend it is common around the world. It is a religious movement unique to the Jewish people.

So is it about the Jews or is it not about the Jews? You say on the one hand that "it is not" and then on the other that it is a "movement unique to the Jews". Which is it?

You gave the example of SA apartheid (and while I am loathe to compare Israel to apartheid because it is a demonization, I'll bite). You immediately gave the REASON why SA apartheid could be differentiated from social segregation in other parts of the world. You were able to articulate the objective facts. You conveyed an objective standard which could be applied universally -- the standard of rigidly set legal framework. I'm asking you to apply that same standard in this case; to do the same for the disputed territories in Area C. What is the REASON why the Jewish people's "settlements" are differentiated from all other settlements in the world? What are the objective facts? What is the standard which can be applied universally?
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Originally posted by Coyote
Israel is here to stay. It is an established state for Jewish people. It is not going anywhere.

You sound like someone who's desperately trying to convince herself more than anybody else.
Except it is not. You are trying to create a very restricted argument that is essentially dishonest and applies only to Jews.

Apartheid was a program specific to South Africa. Yes or no? Other nations in Africa had similar cultures but only South Africa had it rigidly set in a legal framework. Using your argument, in order to oppose it we must find a definition that applies globally otherwise opposition is racism towards South African Whites.

You are wanting to argue international law but this is not about international law or at any rate that is not the argument I am making.

You can not simultaneously make the argument that opposing Israel's settlement program is unique to the Jewish people AND support a program that is in itself unique to the Jewish people. Settlements are by far uniquelly Jewish with a sprinkling of others moving in. No one has been able provide any examples of legal Arab Israeli settlements in Area C.

The definition of settler and settlements is what the people involved in the movement defined, not some newly revised definition to try and pretend it is common around the world. It is a religious movement unique to the Jewish people.

So is it about the Jews or is it not about the Jews? You say on the one hand that "it is not" and then on the other that it is a "movement unique to the Jews". Which is it?

You gave the example of SA apartheid (and while I am loathe to compare Israel to apartheid because it is a demonization, I'll bite). You immediately gave the REASON why SA apartheid could be differentiated from social segregation in other parts of the world. You were able to articulate the objective facts. You conveyed an objective standard which could be applied universally -- the standard of rigedly set legal framework. I'm asking you to apply that same standard in this case; to do the same for the disputed territories in Area C. What is the REASON why the Jewish people's "settlements" are differentiated from all other settlements in the world? What are the objective facts? What is the standard which can be applied universally?

I messed up on replying and accidently edited your your post with my reply instead of hitting reply. It is back to it's original form but I lost my reply in the process:eusa_doh:
RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

We (as in a recommendation) should not be too astonished about this. Every significant population has members that exhibit mental health conditions → observable disorders in mood, as well as, a loss in cognitive abilities and disturbing (if not criminal) social behavior. The population of nationals that are immediately adjacent to Israel seems to have more than their share.

[ And....for the newest fantasy about Jews......]

A BDS supporter, Kollab has also defended the Hamas terror group and said that “jewish settlers in palestine are the descendants of the nazis.”
(full article online)
Ohio hospital condemns ex-resident who said she would give Jews ‘the wrong meds’
[ The human imagination against Jews is clearly boundless ]

It is politically interesting that the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza Strip have an unusually disproportionate number of those that are showing signs they are delusional, holding sadness, disappointment and excessive anxieties that when combined with the realities of the situation respond in violent and behavior involving physical force intended to injure or kill Jews.

The question might be, is there some form of environmental contamination that or other substance exposure that induces this symptomatic result of sociopathic activity.

Most Respectfully
RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

We (as in a recommendation) should not be too astonished about this. Every significant population has members that exhibit mental health conditions → observable disorders in mood, as well as, a loss in cognitive abilities and disturbing (if not criminal) social behavior. The population of nationals that are immediately adjacent to Israel seems to have more than their share.

[ And....for the newest fantasy about Jews......]

A BDS supporter, Kollab has also defended the Hamas terror group and said that “jewish settlers in palestine are the descendants of the nazis.”
(full article online)
Ohio hospital condemns ex-resident who said she would give Jews ‘the wrong meds’
[ The human imagination against Jews is clearly boundless ]

It is politically interesting that the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza Strip have an unusually disproportionate number of those that are showing signs they are delusional, holding sadness, disappointment and excessive anxieties that when combined with the realities of the situation respond in violent and behavior involving physical force intended to injure or kill Jews.

The question might be, is there some form of environmental contamination that or other substance exposure that induces this symptomatic result of sociopathic activity.

Most Respectfully
It is the Palestinian Education System [ Stupid :)]

How can those who were raised with an education contrary to the the facts of history not believe in what is in front of them?
Needless to say, not all of those Arabs in Gaza or Areas A, B, C or even Israel believe that education. But unfortunately most do.
Nearly 100 years of being told that the land is theirs, the land was stolen,
and making the Jews the foreigners, and the Nazis (when we know that their leader Husseini and others were Nazi collaborators and sympathizers.
Iraq 1941 is an example.

These people are being driven into such a behavior out of their 24/7 "education" about Zionists and how the land is theirs.
And they actually mean Muslim, Arab. Not Palestinian.
One of the worst features of the contemporary New York Times is that it has gone beyond merely reporting the news and ventured, instead, into the more treacherous territory of instructing readers which emotions they should have about the news.

One danger of that is that not all Times readers may share the emotions the Times newsroom judges appropriate. And another danger, or perhaps an advantage, is that in ordering up the emotions, the Times exposes biases that it would prefer to have kept hidden.

So it is with the election to Congress of a Democrat from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, who has emerged after the election as an open supporter of the movement to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel.

A Times article published in print on January 1 titled “Joyful Headlines About Race and Equality … A few stories about race, from the many we published, that are worth celebrating,” by Adeel Hassan, reported, “2018 also held glimmers of hope — if you search hard enough — with stories about racial equality and justice. Here are a few of that we published and that are worth celebrating.” Among these stories that the Times insists are “joyful” and “worth celebrating” was, the paper says, that “Ilhan Omar in Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib in Michigan became the first Muslim women elected to Congress.”

Islam is a religion, not a “race,” so it’s difficult to see why this development fits into the Times-constructed category of “stories about race.” Maybe it’s just something the Times feels like celebrating. The paper, at least in this article, doesn’t even consider the possibility that choosing to boycott the Jewish state might not be an example of “justice” or “hope,” but rather a grave injustice.

(full article online)

New York Times Orders Readers to ‘Celebrate’ Election of BDS Supporter
Jewish students returned to their campuses this autumn to an intellectual battlefield far more divisive than we’ve seen for some time. Just as Jewish and Zionist student leaders attended conferences and training across the world to train and prepare for the year ahead, so too had their counterparts.

This semester saw some push-back against pressure on the University of Leeds to divest from Israeli firms, although the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement claimed a small victory when the University decided to divest from Airbus, United Technologies and Keyence Corporation. In Birmingham, at an event regarding antisemitism in the Labour Party, the Guild of Students excused antisemitic remarks made by Palestinian activists. This talk culminated in the singling out of the Jewish Society’s president in the audience. He was subjugated to a stream of prearranged smears, in an attempt by the organizers to dodge his pertinent question on the scourge of Labour antisemitism.

(full article online)

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign’s new offensive on Jewish studets
Two professional associations of police leaders and chief law enforcement officers in Georgia have condemned the virulently anti-Israel and undeniably antisemiticDeadly Exchange” campaign.

That campaign, led by ‘Jewish Voice for Peace’, falsely blames Israel and American Jewish organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), for U.S. domestic police practices and problems in minority communities.

(full article online)

Georgia police groups slam Jewish Voice for Peace's antisemitic “Deadly Exchange” campaign
The Canary Mission organization has several locations from which it conducts endless social media searches, refreshes, clicks, video reviews, forwards, and saves in an effort to capture the worst of the openly anti-Semitic and anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) agitation and hate speech erupting across America’s campuses. Its work also encompasses white nationalism.

BDS advocates often spew some of the most venomous hate speech visible on the Internet, hate speech that Canary Mission captures and re-publishes in personal profiles. For example, it exposed a Chicago activist with Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) who tweeted this joke: “Why did Hitler commit suicide?…….. He saw the gas bill. Pahhahaha.” It also captured this tweet by a UCLA student protestor: “Mmmaaaannnnnnnnnnn what’s with all this peaceful approaches!?? F**k that. I want terrorism and another intifada.” The same UCLA student reportedly added a photo close-up of a gun and bullets.

(full article online)

Canary Mission Is Effective Against BDS
It was a charade — nearly every last word of it.

A few years ago, the United Church of Christ (UCC), a mainline Protestant denomination in the US that regularly condemns Israel while remaining virtually silent about jihadist violence against Christians in places like Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Nigeria, said it was going to put its money where its mouth was by divesting from Israel. But it hasn’t happened.

Four calendar years after enacting a divestment resolution that called on church entities to refrain from owning stock in companies that do business with Israel’s defense establishment, the denomination’s pension fund is still invested in blacklisted stocks.

(full article online)

BDS Charade: United Church of Christ’s ‘Divestment’ From Israel
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