Boycott Israel

They responded that they are looking into this and will provide a further update "in due course."

It should be emphasized that as far as I can tell, every time an international body threatened to drop support for an event in a Muslim majority country that disallowed Israeli athletes, the Muslim country caved in.

Let's hope that Para Swimmng will uphold their own ethical standards and not enable discrimination against Israeli athletes, a practice that is long overdue for extinction.

(full article online)

Malaysia denies Israeli swimmers in Paralympics, will @Para_Swimming org step in? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Israeli exports hit a record high of $110 billion in ‎‎2018, up 8% from 2017, buffered by a 56% increase in exports to China, and a 50% increase to Japan. Exports to India and Lation America have grown by 27%.

Over 4 million tourists visited Israel in 2018, a 14% increase from the previous year. This is the second year of record-breaking tourism to Israel. That number is certain to increase next year, as Israel hosts the 2019 Eurovision Music Contest.

Performers visiting Israel this year included Ozzy Osbourne, Alanis Morrisette, Ringo Star, Julio Iglesias, Carlos Vives, Enrique Iglesias, The Chainsmokers , CleanBandit and FloRida.

(full article online)

Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers: And in other BDS Fail News
As I have pointed out again and again on this site and elsewhere, the BDS goal/strategy/tactic is built around getting their accusations to come out of the mouth of a third party, be it a university, church, municipality, academic organization, food coop or other civic institution. And in order to do this, they must first claim that this university/church/municipality, etc. is already “taking sides” in the Arab-Israeli conflict by investing in companies or selling products somehow tied to the Jewish state (or, as they prefer to put it, “The Occupation”™).

Why kick off a divestment campaign at a college or university? Because the school’s investment portfolio includes stocks on the BDS blacklist (maybe). Why target this or that food coop? Because they sell Sabra Hummus or Israeli ice cream cones. Why protest in front of some hardware store in San Francisco or Cambridge? Because they sell SodaStream drink dispensers.
Now in each and every case, the BDSers have detailed explanations as to why these particular stocks or those particular products are the target of their ire. And, even when they don’t, they are ready to make up new excuses when the situation requires it.

(full article online)

WIXing BDS (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The PLO, while not recognized as a country by the US, is certainly a quasi-government. For the purposes of this law it may very possibly be considered a country. Moreover, it called on other countries to essentially re-impose the Arab boycott.

Also, BDS proponents claim (falsely, but still) that the movement is a reflection of the desires of "Palestinian civil society." If the business is boycotting Israel based on the stated tenets of BDS, it sounds like it is complying with a "foreign boycott."

I am not a lawyer, but this law might already have some teeth to fight BDS on the federal level without having to create additional laws. Or, more likely, it could be slightly modified to cover the PLO and Hamas and other de facto governments.

(full article online)

Is BDS already illegal under US law? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Batya sees through all of this and knows that the real reason Jews don't support honoring someone who consistently slanders the Jewish state with provable lies and supports convicted terrorists like Odeh and Marwan Barghouti is because we are a bunch of racists.

There is nothing consistent between supporting human rights and being against human rights of the Jewish people to live peacefully in a Jewish state.

And by the way, AJ Heschel was a supporter of Israel defending itself, saying "We have a right to demand, ‘Love they neighbor as thyself.’ We have no right to demand, ‘Love they neighbor and kill thyself.’ No moral teacher has ever asserted, ‘If one stands with a knife threatening to kill you, bare your heart for him to murder you.’ There is no moral justification for self-destruction.”

He also said this: “The land was taken from the Jewish people by violence, and we have never abandoned hope of regaining it. Throughout the ages we said No to all the conquerors of Palestine. We said No before God and man emphatically, daily. We objected to their occupations, we rejected their claims, we deepened our attachment, knowing that the occupation by the conquerors was a passing adventure, while our attachment to the land was an eternal link. The Jewish people has never ceased to assert its right, its title, to the land of Israel. This continuous, uninterrupted insistence, an intimate ingredient of Jewish consciousness, is at the core of Jewish history, a vital element of Jewish faith.”

Yes, Heschel knew that the Arabs are the occupiers and the Jews are the indigenous people of the Land. He opposed everything Angela Davis believes about Israel.

I guess if he would have said those words today to Angela Davis he would be considered a racist by Batya Ungar-Sargon as well.

(full article online)

Forward editor says opposing Angela Davis' slanders against Israel is "tearing down black people" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In a signed letter, the students stated that IfNotNow has “staged a series of public media stunts to demonize Israel but is conspicuously silent about the country’s right to exist” and that the organization has helped to organize a walk-off from a Birthright trip.

The students say “those of us who had the privilege of traveling to Israel with Birthright saw the Jewish state up close – in all of its beauty, complexities, and challenges.”

In their letter, Club Z writes: "You describe yourselves as 'pro-Israel'. We have a different view about what that means."

"Your organization staged a series of public media stunts to demonize Israel but is conspicuously silent about the country’s right to exist.

"IfNotNow helped to organize a walk-off from a Birthright trip because, in the words of Simone Zimmerman, Birthright is 'an intentional part of the infrastructure meant to whitewash the occupation and to keep our community indifferent to human rights violations.' We are puzzled by these words because we know Birthright to be an entirely different experience. Those of us who have had the privilege of traveling to Israel with Birthright saw the Jewish state up close – in all of its beauty, complexities, and challenges."

(full article online)

Students from Zionist group challenge 'IfNotNow' to debate

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