Boycott Israel

Seems to be a very small number in East Jerusalum only.

There are Christians living in Area B and C.

What Arab settlements? The settlement movement and settlements have a pretty specific meaning:

Israeli settlements are civilian communitiesinhabited by Israeli citizens, almost exclusively of Jewish ethnicity,[1][2] built predominantly on lands within the Palestinian territories, which Israel has militarily occupiedsince the 1967 Six-Day War,[3] and partly on lands considered Syrian territory also militarily occupied by Israel since the 1967 war. Such settlements within Palestinian territories currently exist in Area C of the West Bank and in East Jerusalem, and within Syrian territory in the Golan Heights.

So when you talk about Arab settlements it would seem that the equivalent would be Arab Israeli communitees built on Palestinian lands occupied by Israel.

What settlements are those?

A question based on a false premise and definition.
Arab settlements are the likes of the Bedouin communities that we have heard on the news recently, and other UN illegally established Arab communities on land that was vested with Jewish sovereignty under international law.

Going to deny they exist?

Did the Bedouin immigrate into that area to build communitees?

Which illegal UN communitees and where?

Why are there no legal new Arab commu itees there?


In Judea,

there are, You're spreading deception.

OMG that is it? :lmao:

One pathetic bunch of houses? :lmao:

I was expecting this...
View attachment 237655

I think it is you who are being deceptive. Not surprising.

How many Arab settlements have been alliwed to be built in Judea?

How many requests have been made by Israeli Arabs, they're busy illegally expanding their villages in every Arab community in Israel You'll find.

so you either can't or won't answer the question. Deflection noted.
A question based on a false premise and definition.
Arab settlements are the likes of the Bedouin communities that we have heard on the news recently, and other UN illegally established Arab communities on land that was vested with Jewish sovereignty under international law.

Going to deny they exist?

Did the Bedouin immigrate into that area to build communitees?

Which illegal UN communitees and where?

Why are there no legal new Arab commu itees there?


In Judea,

there are, You're spreading deception.

OMG that is it? :lmao:

One pathetic bunch of houses? :lmao:

I was expecting this...
View attachment 237655

I think it is you who are being deceptive. Not surprising.

How many Arab settlements have been alliwed to be built in Judea?

How many requests have been made by Israeli Arabs, they're busy illegally expanding their villages in every Arab community in Israel You'll find.

so you either can't or won't answer the question. Deflection noted.

How can someone allow something that was not requested?
You don't make any sense.
No. Settlements and settlers have a very specific meaning and is a very specific movement. Not just towns and villages that grow organically from human activity.

And what would the definition be then, as a global definition applicable everywhere?
A very small number of what?? in East Jerusalem.

Yes, there are Christians living in Bethlehem, etc, but they are moving out, slowing and surely. Why would that be, because it is not because of Israel or Jews forcing them out.

Settlements is just a word for cities, towns, villages.

Areas A and B are all Arab "settlements". Arabs who Settled in those areas between 1948 and 1967, or even before that, since it is the Jews who were expelled from Judea and Samaria and not the Arabs in 1948. Christians also live in those settlements, cities, town, call them what one will. But it is the Jews who were expelled from all of those areas, from their cities in those areas in 1948.
Just as only Jews were expelled from TranJordan in 1925.

What "Palestinian Lands" "Occupied" by Israel?

Why weren't those same lands "Occupied" by Jordan between 1948 and 1967, but only "Occupied" once Israel won those areas in a war Jordan decided to enter in 1967, and lost?

I do not see the "Palestinian" uproar over those lands before 1967.
Quite the opposite.
The PLO itself states that the only lands they were going after, in 1964, were the lands very much described as .......Israel. Nothing else.
No. Settlements and settlers have a very specific meaning and is a very specific movement. Not just towns and villages that grow organically from human activity.

What is more organic than Jews settling in Judea?
The most natural human behavior.

You're obsessed with singling out a single ethnic group, that's why they gather in separate groups.

So it is perfectly fine then fir Arabs to move in create new communitees and settle in Judea?

Israeli Arabs?
I'm not sure their families would approve, most likely it endangers their parents and family in their home villages.

But Arabs living in Jewish settlements in the next decades is inevitable, they already go there to study, it will be like Tel-Aviv only more traditional.

It's the Arab settlements that stay exclusive.

Some Jewish settlements associated with urban centers and universities are not so exclusive. Many others are however. As are the Arab villages.
Not some, Arabs live and own business in many cities built by Jews, not vice versa.

In fact only Jewish settlements are inclusive and proven as hubs of daily coexistence.
Arabs settlements never turn that way, in fact they're full of internal conflicts,
besides the fact that not a single Jew is allowed there.

Therefore the natural preference.
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RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

At some point in time (future events) Israel will find that Area "C" is no longer as valuable in holding as it is to return.


Area "C" is only of value to Israel as long as the cost of maintaining it (pressure on the GNP) is less than the liability cost should the return of Area "C" be a principal factor in the creation of a future conflict (post-war costs to return to pre-war conditions).

When does the Jewish withdrawal end, and the Arabs/Muslims need for real peace begin, instead of their endless Islamic game or.....we will take our time, until the enemy gives up, as in the time of Mohammad?

This is the case when outside developments, technological advancements, and economic-political awareness come together that make it time to revisit the retention decision.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ Coyote, et al,

The withdraw of the Israeli Settlers is a must (absolutely a political essential) if and when the decision is made to handover Area "C" to the Palestinian Authority.

The thing is, Israel cant withdraw from all it's settlements (if by that you mean expelling all those thousands of people). It would be a humanitarian nightmare for those settlements that are large urban long established areas. But it CAN stop retroactively legalizing illegal ones, it CAN stop expanding them, it CAN stop supporting illegal ones.

◈ But this cannot be a spur of the moment decision. It has to have serious thought and planning behind it.

◈ It must be coordinated.

◈ And it must leave a legacy behind that will benefit the local economy and the West Bank as a whole. But it has to be something that the Arab Palestinians want and need.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ rylah, et al,

When looking forward to possible solutions and alternative, we must completely ignore the impossible ("no Jewish state anywhere"). That is simply not on the table. History has shown us that without a Jewish National Home, the sovereign will abuse the Jewish community under the color of law.

It's not about Area C, it's about "no Jewish state anywhere".
You know this, don't pretend.

This is like the square root of a negative number. We can say it ("no Jewish state anywhere") but it is jibberish.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ rylah, et al,

When looking forward to possible solutions and alternative, we must completely ignore the impossible ("no Jewish state anywhere"). That is simply not on the table. History has shown us that without a Jewish National Home, the sovereign will abuse the Jewish community under the color of law.

It's not about Area C, it's about "no Jewish state anywhere".
You know this, don't pretend.

This is like the square root of a negative number. We can say it ("no Jewish state anywhere") but it is jibberish.

Most Respectfully,
Exactly...thank you. Israel is here to stay. It is an established state for Jewish people. It is not going anywhere. Neither are are the Palestinians. Whatever solution occurs must accept those realities.

I dont see Area ever handed over especially at this point. I do not think that was ever the intention. It will be annexed.
No. Settlements and settlers have a very specific meaning and is a very specific movement. Not just towns and villages that grow organically from human activity.

What is more organic than Jews settling in Judea?
The most natural human behavior.

You're obsessed with singling out a single ethnic group, that's why they gather in separate groups.

So it is perfectly fine then fir Arabs to move in create new communitees and settle in Judea?

Israeli Arabs?
I'm not sure their families would approve, most likely it endangers their parents and family in their home villages.

But Arabs living in Jewish settlements in the next decades is inevitable, they already go there to study, it will be like Tel-Aviv only more traditional.

It's the Arab settlements that stay exclusive.

Some Jewish settlements associated with urban centers and universities are not so exclusive. Many others are however. As are the Arab villages.
Not some, Arabs live and own business in many cities built by Jews, not vice versa.

In fact only Jewish settlements are inclusive and proven as hubs of daily coexistence.
Arabs settlements never turn that way, in fact they're full of internal conflicts,
besides the fact that not a single Jew is allowed there.

Therefore the natural preference.
How many Arabs live in Area C Jewish Settlements? How many Arab Israeli settlements have been built in Area C?
No. Settlements and settlers have a very specific meaning and is a very specific movement. Not just towns and villages that grow organically from human activity.

And what would the definition be then, as a global definition applicable everywhere?

You can not redefine a regional movement as something global. It is specific to the movement of a sub group of Jewish people. The definitions are ones they themselves created.
Did the Bedouin immigrate into that area to build communitees?

Which illegal UN communitees and where?

Why are there no legal new Arab commu itees there?


In Judea,

there are, You're spreading deception.

OMG that is it? :lmao:

One pathetic bunch of houses? :lmao:

I was expecting this...
View attachment 237655

I think it is you who are being deceptive. Not surprising.

How many Arab settlements have been alliwed to be built in Judea?

How many requests have been made by Israeli Arabs, they're busy illegally expanding their villages in every Arab community in Israel You'll find.

so you either can't or won't answer the question. Deflection noted.

How can someone allow something that was not requested?
You don't make any sense.

How do you know it was not requested? Very few permits for construction or expansion are approved for Arabs compared to Jews. Many illegal Jewish settlements get infrastructure support even while they are illegal in the eyes of the law. Not so illegal Arab communitees.

So how many new Arab settlements have been built in Area C? How many legalized?

No one is willing to give a straight answer.
What is more organic than Jews settling in Judea?
The most natural human behavior.

You're obsessed with singling out a single ethnic group, that's why they gather in separate groups.

So it is perfectly fine then fir Arabs to move in create new communitees and settle in Judea?

Israeli Arabs?
I'm not sure their families would approve, most likely it endangers their parents and family in their home villages.

But Arabs living in Jewish settlements in the next decades is inevitable, they already go there to study, it will be like Tel-Aviv only more traditional.

It's the Arab settlements that stay exclusive.

Some Jewish settlements associated with urban centers and universities are not so exclusive. Many others are however. As are the Arab villages.
Not some, Arabs live and own business in many cities built by Jews, not vice versa.

In fact only Jewish settlements are inclusive and proven as hubs of daily coexistence.
Arabs settlements never turn that way, in fact they're full of internal conflicts,
besides the fact that not a single Jew is allowed there.

Therefore the natural preference.
How many Arabs live in Area C Jewish Settlements? How many Arab Israeli settlements have been built in Area C?

The correct question would be how many Israeli Arabs ever presented a plan for a settlement in Area C, or even the willingness to participate in building that area under Israeli authority.

You're asking a group of people 2nd most hated by Palestinian governments after Jews, to build settlements for the Jewish state, which would mean raising a new Israeli flag, and result in a stamp on the family and honor killing by the tribe they belong to.

The last thing they need is to leave their 3 level villas to draw attention of Hamas and PLO Jihadis.

This is ridiculous we even discuss it when the other side openly demands no Jews at all as a condition for their future state.
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Though 164 nations refer to the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as "Occupied Palestinian Territory", the state of Israel is of the view that only territories captured in war from "an established and recognized sovereign" are considered occupied territories.


In Judea,

there are, You're spreading deception.

OMG that is it? :lmao:

One pathetic bunch of houses? :lmao:

I was expecting this...
View attachment 237655

I think it is you who are being deceptive. Not surprising.

How many Arab settlements have been alliwed to be built in Judea?

How many requests have been made by Israeli Arabs, they're busy illegally expanding their villages in every Arab community in Israel You'll find.

so you either can't or won't answer the question. Deflection noted.

How can someone allow something that was not requested?
You don't make any sense.

How do you know it was not requested? Very few permits for construction or expansion are approved for Arabs compared to Jews. Many illegal Jewish settlements get infrastructure support even while they are illegal in the eyes of the law. Not so illegal Arab communitees.

So how many new Arab settlements have been built in Area C? How many legalized?

No one is willing to give a straight answer.

Banging the head on the same question, when a straight answer was already given from a variety of angles.
It seems You just don't know how to deal with this issue but through insisting Israel is in the wrong, while excusing one of the most extreme Islamist regimes in the middle east.

The state admits: We have approved illegal Arab construction
During a hearing on the Regavim petition against the illegal Arab city of the Judean Desert, the state admitted that it had previously approved illegal Arab construction.

The High Court of Justice discussed a petition filed by Regavim regarding an Arab city set up within Areas 917 which connects the Arad Valley to the southern Hebron Hills, with the assistance and funding of the European Union and the Gulf states.

Illegal construction covers an area of 10,000 dunams and includes the construction of hundreds of homes, schools, clinics and mosques.

The illegal development of roads and electricity infrastructure spread over dozens of kilometers is funded by foreign elements, including the European Union, the United Arab Emirates and Abu Dhabi. In practice, this is a new Arab city in the strategic area that enables the creation of an Arab contiguity between the Arad Valley, Mount Hebron, and East Gush Etzion.

In the 1980s, a small number of Bedouin families lived in the area of fire in tents and temporary structures. Since the source of the authority is allegedly illegal, the Civil Administration has indicated a number of areas in which it declared that despite the lack of outline plans and construction permits, as required by law, the building laws will not be enforced. A survey conducted by the Regavim movement for the High Court of Justice proved that over the past years, more than 500 illegal structures have been built in the rest of the area - in the sections connecting the clusters.

Q. Now Your turn for Arabs allowing Jews in?
All this pseudo intellectual debate is to deflect from the fact that,
the Boycott is lead by people who openly deny the existence of a Jewish state in any part of middle east.

Nothing less than destruction of the Jewish nation is taken as an option. For them Petah Tikva and Rishon LeZion are "illegal Jewish settlements". You might deny it all You want but Jews learned to believe what their enemies say.and write...especially when it's so evident and shouted in the open.

From the river to the sea!...Haybar Haybar ya'Jews!...slit the throats of Zionists!...No Jewish state!

It's war on Jews.
No. Settlements and settlers have a very specific meaning and is a very specific movement. Not just towns and villages that grow organically from human activity.

And what would the definition be then, as a global definition applicable everywhere?

You can not redefine a regional movement as something global. It is specific to the movement of a sub group of Jewish people. The definitions are ones they themselves created.

In other words, it IS about the Jews. In other words, there is no way to apply normative, international law to the Jewish people, because there is no international law concerning "settlements". Its a specific, unique, special treatment reserved only for the Jewish people. Yep. Exactly my point.
No. Settlements and settlers have a very specific meaning and is a very specific movement. Not just towns and villages that grow organically from human activity.

And what would the definition be then, as a global definition applicable everywhere?

You can not redefine a regional movement as something global. It is specific to the movement of a sub group of Jewish people. The definitions are ones they themselves created.

In other words, it IS about the Jews. In other words, there is no way to apply normative, international law to the Jewish people, because there is no international law concerning "settlements". Its a specific, unique, special treatment reserved only for the Jewish people. Yep. Exactly my point.
Except it is not. You are trying to create a very restricted argument that is essentially dishonest and applies only to Jews.

Apartheid was a program specific to South Africa. Yes or no? Other nations in Africa had similar cultures but only South Africa had it rigidly set in a legal framework. Using your argument, in order to oppose it we must find a definition that applies globally otherwise opposition is racism towards South African Whites.

You are wanting to argue international law but this is not about international law or at any rate that is not the argument I am making.

You can not simultaneously make the argument that opposing Israel's settlement program is unique to the Jewish people AND support a program that is in itself unique to the Jewish people. Settlements are by far uniquelly Jewish with a sprinkling of others moving in. No one has been able provide any examples of legal Arab Israeli settlements in Area C.

The definition of settler and settlements is what the people involved in the movement defined, not some newly revised definition to try and pretend it is common around the world. It is a religious movement unique to the Jewish people.
All this pseudo intellectual debate is to deflect from the fact that,
the Boycott is lead by people who openly deny the existence of a Jewish state in any part of middle east.

Nothing less than destruction of the Jewish nation is taken as an option. For them Petah Tikva and Rishon LeZion are "illegal Jewish settlements". You might deny it all You want but Jews learned to believe what their enemies say.and write...especially when it's so evident and shouted in the open.

From the river to the sea!...Haybar Haybar ya'Jews!...slit the throats of Zionists!...No Jewish state!

It's war on Jews.
Default argument, it is all a war on Jews.

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