Boycott Israel

Notwithstanding the BBC’s statement on the issue, the following day – January 31st – BBC Northern Ireland’s BBC Radio Ulster decided to air a long phone-in item on its ‘Talkback’ programme hosted by William Crawley. Titled “Is the BBC right to take part in Eurovison being held in Tel Aviv, or should the corporation stay away?”, the item included contributions from journalist/activist Eamonn McCann and historian Ruth Dudley Edwards as well as seven callers.

On the hook of the Eurovision Song Contest, listeners heard thirty-eight minutes of mostly unchallenged falsehoods and delegitimisation – often outstanding for their ignorance even by the ‘standards’ of BBC Radio Ulster. [emphasis in italics in the original, emphasis in bold added]

Having informed listeners in his introduction that “Jerusalem is a disputed capital” and after noting the BBC’s statement on the call to boycott May’s event in Tel Aviv, Crawley invited listeners to phone in.

“What do you think? You’re a licence fee payer. Do you think the BBC is right to continue with its role in the Eurovision contest this year or should it boycott the Tel Aviv Eurovision?”

(full article online)

BBC Radio Ulster audiences hear that ‘Israel should be wiped off the map’
RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is a very good (think) piece.

Often, revisionist history (web site link) is from one of three major perspectives:
  • Social or theoretical perspective to re-examine the past through different lenses
  • Fact-checking perspective to correct the record of past events
  • Negative perspective that views revisionism as an intentional effort to falsify or skew past events for specific motives
Since the days of ancient Greek and Roman scholars, such as Plutarch and Tacitus, people have been editing recorded history. But modern historical revisionism originated in the 20th century, after the first global military conflict that shocked the world: World War I. The aftermath of the war would alter the way scholars and laymen alike viewed historical preservation.
Source: How Things Work by Cristen Conger

Notwithstanding the BBC’s statement on the issue, the following day – January 31st – BBC Northern Ireland’s BBC Radio Ulster decided to air a long phone-in item on its ‘Talkback’ programme hosted by William Crawley.

Anything can be revised; even historical events and facts. But revision may be for the better or for the worse. So is an obvious falsehood, but put together for a positive learning experience. The greatest of these are the timeless "Aesop's Fables."

Anything, like Revisionist History, can be used for good or evil. Too much of anything can harm you → even kill you. "Who knew that salt could even impact your brain function?" (RHETORICAL) Heart disease and stroke or also possible outcomes of excessive salt intake. Saltworks date back for more than a few thousand years BC. "In the Hebrew Bible, there are thirty-five verses which mention salt." Just as too much salt [Sodium Chloride (NaCl)] can kill you, YET → "salt is very necessary for life."

Too much Revisionist History can be degenerative and distort the truth to such a degree, it can destroy the integrity of the source that uses it. revisionist history produced by fantoms of pro-Arab Palestinians efforts is a case in point.

Most Respectfully,
The poll, published on Thursday, asked, “There are calls for Britain to boycott this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv, over Israel’s human rights record. Do you agree?”

Supporters of Israel and members of the UK Jewish community were outraged by what they saw as a legitimization of efforts to boycott the Jewish state.

Former IDF Spokesperson Peter Lerner called on “Good Morning Britain” to apologize and said that the results of the poll — 60 percent said they did not agree with efforts to boycott the Eurovision contest — indicated “the disgust people have with you asking.”

(full article online)

‘Good Morning Britain’ Deletes ‘Disgusting’ Survey on Boycotting Eurovision in Israel After Sparking Anger
[ Rants against Jews and Israel are getting louder and louder.
In other times, it lead to pogroms, the Inquisition and the Holocaust. American Universities and all other countries must show ZERO tolerance for this kind of incitement.
This is NOT Free speech, this is incitement and hate speech ]

Posters show militarized pigs holding guns, calling for the destruction of the “Israeli Apartheid Forces and Amerikkan Pigs Which Fund it.”

(full article online)

Posters at Tufts U call to destroy ‘Israeli Apartheid Forces’
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday morning, at the Warsaw conference on peace and security in the Middle East, told US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo what a historic moment had taken place the day before, when, in a room of some sixty foreign ministers and representatives of dozens of governments, an Israeli prime minister and the foreign ministers of leading Arab countries were standing together and speaking with uncommon force, clarity and unity, against the common threat of the Iranian regime.”

(full article online)

Netanyahu Shares with Pompeo Miracle of Sharing Same Room with the Arabs
There is a good read here: How much does BDS threaten Israel’s economy? that provides a broad overview of the Arab boycott of Israel.

The article makes a valid point in that ultimately, BDS is an Arab invention. The roots of BDS are inextricably tied to Arab-Islamist ideology which is why BDS groups so often have connections to Islamic terrorist franchises.

What the article does demonstrate is that the Israeli economy (using various methods of analysis), is clearly thriving and growing in spite of the overall, really ineffective tactics of the BDS groupies who resemble rather frantic hate groups.
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From the earlier link:

Lastly, beyond exports, Israel (together with South Korea) leads the world in research and development (R&D) investment as a share of GDP (standing at about 4.5 percent). Israel is now home to major R&D centers—and in many cases even for production facilities—of some of the largest and most successful multinational corporations. This in turn contributes to the quality and differentiation of Israeli products and makes it even more difficult for firms to bypass Israeli industry and technology.

The above must be a part of what causes such rage on the part of retrograde Arabs-Moslems. Their 7th century warlord-god promised them mastery over the kuffar and yet it is the kuffar who dictates terms to them.

Heh. Life’s good.

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