Boycott Israel

Someone say Israel boycott?

Isn't it great how the Arabs and their fellow travelers drag up Rachel Corrie time and time again? However, have any of the readers seen them posting about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the radical group to which Rachel Corrie belonged? The Muslim terrorist from England consequently went to Mike's Place and blew himself up, killing several people and wounded many others. As sad as the Rachel Corrie incident is, a mentally ill girl should have been dissuaded by her parents not to leave the country. Nobody in their right mind plays chickie with a bulldozer.
You know what they say; A PANCAKE has TWO SIDES. 😢🥱
Where was so called "international law" in 1967 when Egypt and Syria threatened Israel with destruction, and the Jews there with annihilation? The UN Peace Keeping force fled in terror.

The occupied territories are the legitimate spoil of a just war. They should have been formally annexed right after Israel's victory in the Six Day War, Few Americans would have protested. We were too busy celebrating Israel's glorious victory against the odds. :)
The Israel Boycott, Anti-Judaism, and the Giant Shrug

January 7, 2014 by Jackson Doughart



Ive long tried to understand the contemporary Lefts obsession with the Israeli-Palestinian dispute and its tunnel-visioned view of the matter, which categorizes all Israeli actions as evil and all Arab ones as an admirable fight against oppression.
The left hates Israel because the left hates Western civilization. The left is purblind because Western civilization nurtured the left. The terms left and right were first used politically during the French Revolution. When the French National Assembly was viewed from the rear delegates representing the monarchy, the aristocracy, and the established Roman Catholic Church sat on the right. Delegates representing the Commons sat on the left.

When Karl Marx lived in London he was never harassed by the police. He was able to do most of his research free of charge at the Reading Room of the British Museum.
I am confident that the vast majority of leftists in the West who side with the Palestinians against Israel would rather live in Israel than in any Arab country.

A gay rights demonstration in an Arab country would never happen. By the time the police arrived to arrest the demonstrators, they would have been murdered by a mob of Arabs.
Where was so called "international law" in 1967 when Egypt and Syria threatened Israel with destruction, and the Jews there with annihilation? The UN Peace Keeping force fled in terror.

The occupied territories are the legitimate spoil of a just war. They should have been formally annexed right after Israel's victory in the Six Day War, Few Americans would have protested. We were too busy celebrating Israel's glorious victory against the odds. :)
You KNOW you’re not going to get a response especially when it comes to the UN “ peacekeepers “ leaving. Either “ INTERNATIONAL LAW “ applies to EVERYONE or it doesn’t . Different topic, but since we’re talking about “ INTERNATIONAL LAW “ where is the outrage with Russia destroying and trying to take over the Ukraine?
You KNOW you’re not going to get a response especially when it comes to the UN “ peacekeepers “ leaving. Either “ INTERNATIONAL LAW “ applies to EVERYONE or it doesn’t . Different topic, but since we’re talking about “ INTERNATIONAL LAW “ where is the outrage with Russia destroying and trying to take over the Ukraine?
There is a lot of outrage. NATO is arming Ukraine.
There is a lot of outrage. NATO is arming Ukraine.
Don’t hear the outrage Worldwide or UN condemnation, or INTERNATIONAL LAW What do you think the response would be if Israel decided to annex Egypt; kill Millions and Virtually destroy the Country??
I am confident that the vast majority of leftists in the West would rather live in Israel than in any Arab country.
RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ ILOVEISRAEL, Hector12, et al,

The Office of the Secretary-General can (and often does) operate or conduct diplomacy independently of the UN Security Council and/or the General Assembly. The UN Charter grants no explicit legal basis or authority for peacekeeping activities. The
United Nations Charter (Chapter VII: Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace, and Acts of Aggression) does NOT impose a requirement. It allows for the various nation member to make a contribution.

You KNOW you’re not going to get a response especially when it comes to the UN “ peacekeepers “ leaving. Either “ INTERNATIONAL LAW “ applies to EVERYONE or it doesn’t . Different topic, but since we’re talking about “ INTERNATIONAL LAW “ where is the outrage with Russia destroying and trying to take over the Ukraine?
There is a lot of outrage. NATO is arming Ukraine.
Don’t hear the outrage Worldwide or UN condemnation, or INTERNATIONAL LAW What do you think the response would be if Israel decided to annex Egypt; kill Millions and Virtually destroy the Country??

With rare exceptions, UN intervention does NOT Prevent conflict. There are a multitude of reasons for the ineffectiveness of Peacekeeping forces. Most of the time the Peacekeepers either withdraw and allow the parties to engage in a conflict, or establish a barrier (with no teeth) after hostilities cease.


Most Respectfully,

RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ ILOVEISRAEL, Hector12, et al,

The Office of the Secretary-General can (and often does) operate or conduct diplomacy independently of the UN Security Council and/or the General Assembly. The UN Charter grants no explicit legal basis or authority for peacekeeping activities. The
United Nations Charter (Chapter VII: Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace, and Acts of Aggression) does NOT impose a requirement. It allows for the various nation member to make a contribution.


With rare exceptions, UN intervention does NOT Prevent conflict. There are a multitude of reasons for the ineffectiveness of Peacekeeping forces. Most of the time the Peacekeepers either withdraw and allow the parties to engage in a conflict, or establish a barrier (with no teeth) after hostilities cease.


Most Respectfully,

Except that prior to 67 Hostilities and Threats increased. The UN “ peacekeepers “ left knowing exactly what Egypt was going to do. “ International Law” is a myth

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