Boycott Israel

Someone say boycott?


BDS is antisemitic. You’re an old Nazi lowlife.

German government calls boycott of Israel antisemitic, reminiscent of Nazi Germany:

“The argumentation patterns and methods of the BDS movement are anti-Semitic. The campaign's calls for a boycott of Israeli artists and stickers on Israeli merchandise intended to discourage purchases are also reminiscent of the most terrible phase in German history. "Don't Buy" stickers from the BDS movement on Israeli products inevitably evoke associations with the Nazi slogan "Don't buy from Jews!" and corresponding graffiti on facades and shops windows”

I. The German Bundestag states:

The German Bundestag is unalterably committed to its promise to condemn and combat anti-Semitism in all its forms and expressly reaffirms the motion passed by the CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP and BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary groups to “resolutely combat anti-Semitism”. of January 17, 2018.

According to the working definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews that can be expressed as hatred towards Jews. Antisemitism is directed in word or deed against Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property as well as against Jewish community institutions or religious organizations. In addition, the State of Israel, which is understood as a Jewish collective, can also be the target of such attacks.

There is no legitimate justification for anti-Semitic attitudes. The resolute, unconditional no to hatred of Jews, regardless of nationality, is part of Germany's reason of state. In its murderous consequences, anti-Semitism has proven to be the most devastating form of group-focused enmity in the history of our country and throughout Europe, and today it is still a threat both to people of the Jewish faith and to our free, democratic basic order. It is unacceptable that anti-Semitism has increased in recent years and that the Jewish community is becoming increasingly insecure.

Anyone who defames people because of their Jewish identity, who wants to restrict their freedom of movement, who questions the right to exist of the Jewish and democratic state of Israel or Israel's right to defend itself, will encounter our resolute resistance. Germany has a special historical responsibility for Israel's security. Israel's security is part of our country's reason of state. We stand by the two-state solution as endorsed by the United Nations Security Council in numerous resolutions: a Jewish democratic state of Israel and an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian state.

For years, the “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” movement (BDS for short) has been calling for a boycott against Israel, against Israeli goods and services, Israeli artists, scientists and athletes in Germany too. The all-encompassing call for a boycott leads

in its radicalism to brand Israeli citizens of the Jewish faith as a whole. This is unacceptable and must be strongly condemned.

The German Bundestag condemns all anti-Semitic statements and attacks that are formulated as alleged criticism of the policies of the State of Israel but are in fact an expression of hatred of Jewish people and their religion, and will resolutely oppose them.

II. The German Bundestag welcomes

that numerous communities have already decided to refuse financial support and the allocation of community spaces to the BDS movement or groups that pursue the goals of the campaign.

III. The German Bundestag decides

1. To resolutely and consistently oppose any form of anti-Semitism in its infancy and to condemn the BDS campaign and the call for a boycott of Israeli goods or companies and of Israeli scientists, artists or athletes;

2. Not to make premises and facilities under the administration of the Bundestag available to organizations that make anti-Semitic statements or question Israel's right to exist. The German Bundestag calls on the federal government not to support any events of the BDS movement or groups that actively pursue its goals;

3. To continue unabated his support for the Federal Government and the Commissioner for Jewish Life in Germany and the fight against anti-Semitism, both in the prevention and in the resolute fight against anti-Semitism and any extremism;

4. Not to fund organizations that question Israel's right to exist;

5. Not to fund projects that call for a boycott of Israel or that actively support the BDS movement;

6. Calling on states, cities and municipalities and all public actors to join this attitude.
BDS is antisemitic. You’re an old Nazi lowlife.

German government calls boycott of Israel antisemitic, reminiscent of Nazi Germany:

“The argumentation patterns and methods of the BDS movement are anti-Semitic. The campaign's calls for a boycott of Israeli artists and stickers on Israeli merchandise intended to discourage purchases are also reminiscent of the most terrible phase in German history. "Don't Buy" stickers from the BDS movement on Israeli products inevitably evoke associations with the Nazi slogan "Don't buy from Jews!" and corresponding graffiti on facades and shops windows”

I. The German Bundestag states:

The German Bundestag is unalterably committed to its promise to condemn and combat anti-Semitism in all its forms and expressly reaffirms the motion passed by the CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP and BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary groups to “resolutely combat anti-Semitism”. of January 17, 2018.

According to the working definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews that can be expressed as hatred towards Jews. Antisemitism is directed in word or deed against Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property as well as against Jewish community institutions or religious organizations. In addition, the State of Israel, which is understood as a Jewish collective, can also be the target of such attacks.

There is no legitimate justification for anti-Semitic attitudes. The resolute, unconditional no to hatred of Jews, regardless of nationality, is part of Germany's reason of state. In its murderous consequences, anti-Semitism has proven to be the most devastating form of group-focused enmity in the history of our country and throughout Europe, and today it is still a threat both to people of the Jewish faith and to our free, democratic basic order. It is unacceptable that anti-Semitism has increased in recent years and that the Jewish community is becoming increasingly insecure.

Anyone who defames people because of their Jewish identity, who wants to restrict their freedom of movement, who questions the right to exist of the Jewish and democratic state of Israel or Israel's right to defend itself, will encounter our resolute resistance. Germany has a special historical responsibility for Israel's security. Israel's security is part of our country's reason of state. We stand by the two-state solution as endorsed by the United Nations Security Council in numerous resolutions: a Jewish democratic state of Israel and an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian state.

For years, the “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” movement (BDS for short) has been calling for a boycott against Israel, against Israeli goods and services, Israeli artists, scientists and athletes in Germany too. The all-encompassing call for a boycott leads

in its radicalism to brand Israeli citizens of the Jewish faith as a whole. This is unacceptable and must be strongly condemned.

The German Bundestag condemns all anti-Semitic statements and attacks that are formulated as alleged criticism of the policies of the State of Israel but are in fact an expression of hatred of Jewish people and their religion, and will resolutely oppose them.

II. The German Bundestag welcomes

that numerous communities have already decided to refuse financial support and the allocation of community spaces to the BDS movement or groups that pursue the goals of the campaign.

III. The German Bundestag decides

1. To resolutely and consistently oppose any form of anti-Semitism in its infancy and to condemn the BDS campaign and the call for a boycott of Israeli goods or companies and of Israeli scientists, artists or athletes;

2. Not to make premises and facilities under the administration of the Bundestag available to organizations that make anti-Semitic statements or question Israel's right to exist. The German Bundestag calls on the federal government not to support any events of the BDS movement or groups that actively pursue its goals;

3. To continue unabated his support for the Federal Government and the Commissioner for Jewish Life in Germany and the fight against anti-Semitism, both in the prevention and in the resolute fight against anti-Semitism and any extremism;

4. Not to fund organizations that question Israel's right to exist;

5. Not to fund projects that call for a boycott of Israel or that actively support the BDS movement;

6. Calling on states, cities and municipalities and all public actors to join this attitude.
The antisemite card is no longer the ace of trump.
BDS is antisemitic. You’re an old Nazi lowlife.

German government calls boycott of Israel antisemitic, reminiscent of Nazi Germany:

“The argumentation patterns and methods of the BDS movement are anti-Semitic. The campaign's calls for a boycott of Israeli artists and stickers on Israeli merchandise intended to discourage purchases are also reminiscent of the most terrible phase in German history. "Don't Buy" stickers from the BDS movement on Israeli products inevitably evoke associations with the Nazi slogan "Don't buy from Jews!" and corresponding graffiti on facades and shops windows”

I. The German Bundestag states:

The German Bundestag is unalterably committed to its promise to condemn and combat anti-Semitism in all its forms and expressly reaffirms the motion passed by the CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP and BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary groups to “resolutely combat anti-Semitism”. of January 17, 2018.

According to the working definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews that can be expressed as hatred towards Jews. Antisemitism is directed in word or deed against Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property as well as against Jewish community institutions or religious organizations. In addition, the State of Israel, which is understood as a Jewish collective, can also be the target of such attacks.

There is no legitimate justification for anti-Semitic attitudes. The resolute, unconditional no to hatred of Jews, regardless of nationality, is part of Germany's reason of state. In its murderous consequences, anti-Semitism has proven to be the most devastating form of group-focused enmity in the history of our country and throughout Europe, and today it is still a threat both to people of the Jewish faith and to our free, democratic basic order. It is unacceptable that anti-Semitism has increased in recent years and that the Jewish community is becoming increasingly insecure.

Anyone who defames people because of their Jewish identity, who wants to restrict their freedom of movement, who questions the right to exist of the Jewish and democratic state of Israel or Israel's right to defend itself, will encounter our resolute resistance. Germany has a special historical responsibility for Israel's security. Israel's security is part of our country's reason of state. We stand by the two-state solution as endorsed by the United Nations Security Council in numerous resolutions: a Jewish democratic state of Israel and an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian state.

For years, the “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” movement (BDS for short) has been calling for a boycott against Israel, against Israeli goods and services, Israeli artists, scientists and athletes in Germany too. The all-encompassing call for a boycott leads

in its radicalism to brand Israeli citizens of the Jewish faith as a whole. This is unacceptable and must be strongly condemned.

The German Bundestag condemns all anti-Semitic statements and attacks that are formulated as alleged criticism of the policies of the State of Israel but are in fact an expression of hatred of Jewish people and their religion, and will resolutely oppose them.

II. The German Bundestag welcomes

that numerous communities have already decided to refuse financial support and the allocation of community spaces to the BDS movement or groups that pursue the goals of the campaign.

III. The German Bundestag decides

1. To resolutely and consistently oppose any form of anti-Semitism in its infancy and to condemn the BDS campaign and the call for a boycott of Israeli goods or companies and of Israeli scientists, artists or athletes;

2. Not to make premises and facilities under the administration of the Bundestag available to organizations that make anti-Semitic statements or question Israel's right to exist. The German Bundestag calls on the federal government not to support any events of the BDS movement or groups that actively pursue its goals;

3. To continue unabated his support for the Federal Government and the Commissioner for Jewish Life in Germany and the fight against anti-Semitism, both in the prevention and in the resolute fight against anti-Semitism and any extremism;

4. Not to fund organizations that question Israel's right to exist;

5. Not to fund projects that call for a boycott of Israel or that actively support the BDS movement;

6. Calling on states, cities and municipalities and all public actors to join this attitude.
Real anti-Semitism, or that fake IHRA crap?

The Palestinians are the only people I know of who demand unconditional surrender and extinction of a country that has defeated them again and again and again.

The Palestinians are a vanquished people. It is in their interest to settle elsewhere in the Arab world, or to become a docile source of cheap labor for the Israelis. Palestinians could provide unskilled labor on the construction of Jewish settlements in the Conquered Territories.
The Palestinians are the only people I know of who demand unconditional surrender and extinction of a country that has defeated them again and again and again.

The Palestinians are a vanquished people. It is in their interest to settle elsewhere in the Arab world, or to become a docile source of cheap labor for the Israelis. Palestinians could provide unskilled labor on the construction of Jewish settlements in the Conquered Territories.
"or to become a docile source of cheap labor for the Israelis. Palestinians could provide unskilled labor on the construction of Jewish settlements in the Conquered Territories."

1) No Arab Christian or Muslim Israeli is a docile source of cheap labor. Many have become doctors, etc and contribute greatly to make Israel the success it is. They are Israelis by choice.

2) Israel does not have conquered territories.
Judea and Samaria belong to Israel. There is a dispute about that. There are thousands of Arabs who live in Areas A and B, per the Oslo Accords, who study and work in Israel on a daily basis in many areas.

Jews Crush Muslims in Nobel Tally​

‘Jerusalem Post’ op-ed theorizes on why​

NOVEMBER 03, 2009

In an op-ed in the Jerusalem Post today, Uriya Shavit tackles a touchy subject:
While Jews, who are only around 0.2 percent of the world population, have won a quarter of all Nobel Prizes awarded in the sciences, Muslims, who are one quarter of the world population, have won only a handful, even by the most generous accounts. And while relative to its size, Israel’s tiny academia has been the world’s leading Nobel power over the past decade, Arab universities have yet to produce their first Nobel laureate.
Shavit challenges what he calls a “conventional explanation” for the imbalance—“Jewish genius,”


I believe in Jewish genius. :D

By the way, I am not Jewish. :cool:
The antisemite card is no longer the ace of trump.
You’re an old broken down Nazi. Everyone knows it.

German government calls boycott of Israel antisemitic, reminiscent of Nazi Germany

“The argumentation patterns and methods of the BDS movement are anti-Semitic. The campaign's calls for a boycott of Israeli artists and stickers on Israeli merchandise intended to discourage purchases are also reminiscent of the most terrible phase in German history. "Don't Buy" stickers from the BDS movement on Israeli products inevitably evoke associations with the Nazi slogan "Don't buy from Jews!" and corresponding graffiti on facades and shops windows”

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