Boycott Israel

The battle against anti-BDS state laws | EI Podcast​

You‘re an old broken down Nazi who gives a “thumbs up” to the destruction of Israel and genocide of Jews...


Jewish American Explains Why She Supports Palestine and BDS​

I find it amusing that she went to the Western Wall; the place that was OFFICIALLY declared by the PLO to be VERBOTEN to Jews . Is this what a Democratic “ Palestinian State” supposed to be according to “ International Law?”
You‘re an old broken down Nazi who gives a “thumbs up” to the destruction of Israel and genocide of Jews...

View attachment 778257
Look 👀 at it another way; He’s extremely frustrated that the Jewish State exists; if possible he’s even more frustrated that they have rights to their religious sites especially the Western Wall. 👍🇮🇱🥱

LA teachers union to vote on endorsing anti-Israel BDS movement​

50 US governors: 50 rejections of BDS

“We, the undersigned Governors, reject efforts to demonize and delegitimize Israel—America’s democratic ally in the Middle East— through the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.

The goals of the BDS movement are antithetical to our values and the values of our respective states. They seek to isolate Israel—a pluralistic nation with deep cultural, familial, security, educational, scientific and commercial bonds with our state and with the United States as a whole—rather than recognize the profound mutual benefits of our engagement with it. They malign a trusted ally that, while forced to defend itself against repeated and ongoing attempts to annihilate it, has consistently extended its hand in peace to its Palestinian neighbors and to states across the Middle East and around the world.

Israel is a robust democracy with many rights and freedoms that do not exist in neighboring countries—or in much of the world. Yet, while fundamental rights are trampled and atrocities are committed routinely not far beyond its borders, BDS supporters focus only on Israel. Israel’s policies, like the policies of any nation, may be subject to criticism and debate, but the BDS movement’s single-minded focus on the Jewish State raises serious questions about its motivations and intentions.

At this critical time, in the face of the virulent movement to promote anti-Israel boycotts both in this country and around the globe, we strongly condemn the BDS movement as incompatible with the values of our states and our country. Likewise, we reaffirm our support for Israel as a vital U.S. ally, important economic partner and champion of freedom.”

LA teachers union to vote on endorsing anti-Israel BDS movement​

“Israeli technology helps quench California’s thirst for water”​

“California, the most populous state in the U.S., has pulled out from a relentless, multiyear drought — with a little help from Israel’s water-technology experts.

California was facing its second severe drought in a decade when the governor, Jerry Brown, turned to Israel. “There’s a lot we can learn, a lot we can share,” Brown said in announcing a 2014 deal with the Israeli prime minister to cooperate on water conservation.”

50 US governors: 50 rejections of BDS

“We, the undersigned Governors, reject efforts to demonize and delegitimize Israel—America’s democratic ally in the Middle East— through the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.

The goals of the BDS movement are antithetical to our values and the values of our respective states. They seek to isolate Israel—a pluralistic nation with deep cultural, familial, security, educational, scientific and commercial bonds with our state and with the United States as a whole—rather than recognize the profound mutual benefits of our engagement with it. They malign a trusted ally that, while forced to defend itself against repeated and ongoing attempts to annihilate it, has consistently extended its hand in peace to its Palestinian neighbors and to states across the Middle East and around the world.

Israel is a robust democracy with many rights and freedoms that do not exist in neighboring countries—or in much of the world. Yet, while fundamental rights are trampled and atrocities are committed routinely not far beyond its borders, BDS supporters focus only on Israel. Israel’s policies, like the policies of any nation, may be subject to criticism and debate, but the BDS movement’s single-minded focus on the Jewish State raises serious questions about its motivations and intentions.

At this critical time, in the face of the virulent movement to promote anti-Israel boycotts both in this country and around the globe, we strongly condemn the BDS movement as incompatible with the values of our states and our country. Likewise, we reaffirm our support for Israel as a vital U.S. ally, important economic partner and champion of freedom.”
but the BDS movement’s single-minded focus on the Jewish State raises serious questions about its motivations and intentions.

UpFront - Debating the Israel boycott (web extra)​

Israel is the only state occupying Palestine.

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