Boycott Macdonalds

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
Boycott Macdonalds

They appear to be the inventors of the "scroll over the banner to bring up their video" add.

I am so sick of these low life spammers coming up with new ways to make your internet experience disgusting and for Macdonalds pushing their garbage on people in such a way, I refuse to eat their kife any longer.

Honestly, I'd rather eat out of a dumpster than eat at Macdonalds just because of this more than good enough reason alone. It's time to fight back and start banning all of these greedy scum bags for deteriorating the internet to such pathetic filth by pushing their pathetic spam on the public.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
I agree that its infuriating how ads will trick you into viewing them.

One local news site has an invisible scroll bar that you must move around on before you find the spot..and they surround it by rollover ads. Almost impossible not to activate a few. Of course..I no longer view their site.
I agree that its infuriating how ads will trick you into viewing them.

One local news site has an invisible scroll bar that you must move around on before you find the spot..and they surround it by rollover ads. Almost impossible not to activate a few. Of course..I no longer view their site.

Bravo, a round of applause, hang on ... ok I literally took pause and clapped my hands. (they are too blinded by their own greed to see the obvious that people eventually leave and do not come back to suffer their punishment)

And this Macdonals Black 365 campaign is discrimination against everyone who doesn't have black skin. They also imply that everyone that doesn't have black skin is too well off to be funded but blacks need the extra exclusive help for school funding because unlike everyone else who doesn't have black skin, they don't stand a chance in society without the discriminatory hand up.

I am tempted to just say fund everyone else except those with black skin and watch the black racists start blubbering and whining and when they do, just remind them that this very campaign inspired it! Only then I would be stooping as low as all of these racists who inspired Macdonalds to do such!

I have recently just heard of this black 365 thing and if it only funding black students with scholarships then let black people eat the greasy slop at Macdonalds to pay for it while everyone else who doesn't have black skin can eat decent food elsewhere.

I am so sick of adds slowing my computer and for this reason I am boycotting every product I see advertised in my e mails because every day I waste two hours of my time sitting there waiting for their garbage to lead before I can even send an e mail! All scroll over the banner adds products will be boycotted anywhere I see them. Again, if I wanted to watch their filthy garbage I would click on it!!!

They just don't get it because they are too greedy.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Clowns have feelings to. Why do you hate clowns?

I boycott mcDs because their food sucks and I feel like shit after eating it. Sounds like you need an ad blocker plugin on your browser though. A script blocker helps too.
I agree that its infuriating how ads will trick you into viewing them.

One local news site has an invisible scroll bar that you must move around on before you find the spot..and they surround it by rollover ads. Almost impossible not to activate a few. Of course..I no longer view their site.

Bravo, a round of applause, hang on ... ok I literally took pause and clapped my hands. (they are too blinded by their own greed to see the obvious that people eventually leave and do not come back to suffer their punishment)

And this Macdonals Black 365 campaign is discrimination against everyone who doesn't have black skin. They also imply that everyone that doesn't have black skin is too well off to be funded but blacks need the extra exclusive help for school funding because unlike everyone else who doesn't have black skin, they don't stand a chance in society without the discriminatory hand up.

I am tempted to just say fund everyone else except those with black skin and watch the black racists start blubbering and whining and when they do, just remind them that this very campaign inspired it! Only then I would be stooping as low as all of these racists who inspired Macdonalds to do such!

I have recently just heard of this black 365 thing and if it only funding black students with scholarships then let black people eat the greasy slop at Macdonalds to pay for it while everyone else who doesn't have black skin can eat decent food elsewhere.

I am so sick of adds slowing my computer and for this reason I am boycotting every product I see advertised in my e mails because every day I waste two hours of my time sitting there waiting for their garbage to lead before I can even send an e mail! All scroll over the banner adds products will be boycotted anywhere I see them. Again, if I wanted to watch their filthy garbage I would click on it!!!

They just don't get it because they are too greedy.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
I quit eating at McDonald's back in the 80's, over their obnoxious commercials.

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